REDigest: a Python GUI for In-Silico Restriction Digestion Analysis for Gene or Complete Genome Sequences
REDigest is written in Python3, not adapted for python2 and its dependencies.
To use REDigest, following dependencies must be installed, (for python3, version ≥)
- tk==0.1.0
- biopython==1.78
- pandas==2.1.1
- matplotlib==3.3.4
- numpy==1.23.2
- Pyarrow
- The GUI interface app tkinter is available by default in Python3 and do not require to be installed separately.
- In case you get tkinter error, update or reinstall tkinter.
- Instructions regarding tkinter installation can be found at
In order to keep the REDigest requirements from clogging up the system dirs, it is recommended to install these in a virtual environment. This is also recommended in order to keep required packages at their proper versions.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U setuptools wheel
pip install -U pip
git clone
cd REDigest
pip install -r requirements.txt
After setting up the virtual environment, it simply needs to be activated before running the software. After activating, the software is executed by running
Add execution permission if necessary to script
In the order of priority
- Double click to open the REDigest GUI
- In command prompt type and execute
In terminal, add execution permission if necessary with
sudo chmod +x
In the order of priority
- In terminal type and execute
- In file explorer, right click on file and execute Run in terminal
- Double click to run REDigest GUI NOTE: this option might not work on some linux distro, depending on the system permissions
- Improved cluster plot
- New Histogram plot
- Ten cluster plots for 10 parts of input data
- Ten histogram plots for 10 parts of input data
REDigest: a Python GUI for In-Silico Restriction Digestion Analysis of Genes or Complete Genome Sequences. Abhijeet Singh bioRxiv 2021.11.09.467873; doi: