Package of template files, examples, and illustrations for the Linode Authserve DCM Workshop Exercise. This workshop provides examples of how to configure:
- Linodes
- Private IPs
- Firewalls, Rules, Nodes
- Nodebalancers, configs, targets
- Domains and DNS Records
- StackScripts
- ObjectStorage access from Terraform
- Sample Terraform files for deploying an AuthServe Multimaster pair and a DCM instance on Linode.
- StackScripts
- Linode Account
- Object Storage Bucket
- Binaries for Authserve and DCM loaded into the Object Storage Bucket
- Licenses for Authserve and DCM loaded into the Object Storage Bucket
- Domain name (optional)
- Self signed certs (optional if you want a nodebalancer with SSL Termination)
- Stackscripts created with the files in this repo. Note the stackscript IDs and add them to your tf files where the stackscripts are referenced.
The scenario is written to approximate deployment of a resilient hidden multimaster Authoritative DNS service with secondary servers in Akamai's EdgeDNS and Linode Domains.
The workshop scenario builds the following components and steps-
A Secure Shell Linode (provisioned via the Linode Cloud Manager GUI) to serve as the command console for the environment setup.
Installing developer tools on the Secure Shell (git, terraform) for use in environment setup.
Three Linodes (ubuntu 20.04), provisioned via terraform. Two for AuthServe, one for DCM.
Supporting linode objects, provisioned via Terraform include:
- Nodebalancer for SSL Termination
- Firewall permitting only ports 22,443 inbound
- Object Storage Keys permitting access from the Linodes to the binaries on the Object Storage Bucket
- Domain and DNS Record
We first need to make sure that we have downloaded an approproriate authserve tarball, a licence plus the dcm tarballs and license. Next, we'll create an Object Storage Bucket and add the files to it.
We'll then create a Linode using the "Secure Your Server" Marketplace image. This will give us a hardened, consistent environment to run our subsequent commands from.
- Login to Linode Cloud Manager, Select "Create Linode," and choose the "Secure Your Server" Marketplace image.
- Within the setup template for "Secure Your Server," select the Debian 11 image type.
- Once your Linode is running, login to it's shell (either using the web-based LISH console from Linode Cloud Manager, or via your SSH client of choice).
Next step is to install git, and pull this repository to the Secure Shell Linode. The repository includes terraform and kubernetes configuration files that we'll need for subsequent steps.
sudo apt-get install git
Pull down this repository to the Linode machine-
git init && git pull
Install Terraform
Next step is to install Terraform. Run the below commands from the Linode shell-
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y gnupg software-properties-common
wget -O- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install terraform
Next, we build out the Linode infrastructure, with the terraform files that are included in this repository, and pulled into the Linode Shell from the prior git command.
From the Linode Cloud Manager, create an API token and copy it's value (NOTE- the Token should have full read-write access to all Linode components in order to work properly with terraform).
From the Linode shell, set the TF_VAR_token env variable to the API token value. This will allow terraform to use the Linode API for infrastructure provisioning.
export TF_VAR_token=[api token value]
- Initialize the Linode terraform provider-
terraform init
- Next, we'll use the supplied terraform files to provision the Linode infrastructure. First, run the "terraform plan" command to view the plan prior to deployment-
terraform plan \
- Run "terraform apply" to deploy the plan to Linode and build.
terraform apply \
The above will deploy and set up the hidden masters plus DCM. Configuring those to add a domain in the hidden masters and the secondary relationship in EdgeDNS/Linode Domains is still todo.