- [Andrés A. Ramírez D.] <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, [Laboratório de Automação Inteligente] (http://laboratoriodeautomacaointeligente.ufes.br/), Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Open_PTrack porting to Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic, (Swiss Range package obsolete)
Original Package Open_PTrack, Open source people tracking library
- Install the ROS Kinetic. Instructions for Ubuntu 16.04
- Install libfreenect2:
- Install IAI Kinect2:
- Install Ceres Solver:
- Install Calibration Toolkit:
- Clone this repository into your catkin workspace:
- git clone https://github.com/aaramirezd/kinect2_network
- Build opt_msgs (twice): catkin_make --pkg opt_msgs
- Make cfg files executables: chmod a+x detection/cfg/xxxxxxx.cfg, chmod a+x tracking/cfg/xxxxxxx.cfg
- Build all: catkin_make