This repository contains all of the data and scripts necessary to reproduce the analysis included in the manuscript "Advances and Pitfalls in Measuring Transportation Equity" published in the Springer Journal Transportation. The work demonstrates shortcomings inherent in traditional methods of analyzing accessibility inequalities and accessibility poverty. It also operationalizes new methods for capturing the same concepts.
Script descriptions:
- 00-inequality-measures.R: Contains helper functions used to calculate the inequality measures (sourced by 01-inequality.R). Note that all of these helper functions have now been implemented in the R package accessibiity.
- 01-inequality.R: Calculate all inequality meausres and produce Figures 4-6.
- 02-sufficiency.R: Calculate all sufficiency/poverty meausres and produce Figures 7-9.
- 03-DCDemographics.R: Produce the demographic map in Figure 2.
- 04-access-change-map.R: Produce the access change map shown in Figure 3.
Please cite our manuscript if you build upon this work. The preferred citation is:
title={Advances and pitfalls in measuring transportation equity},
author={Karner, Alex and Pereira, Rafael HM and Farber, Steven},
publisher={Springer US}