A Kotlin-based telegram bot that implements some features that are commonly not available in regular moderator bots.
"-" is the default prefix. You can change it in the Config.kt
-banstickerpack do=(<s>mute/<s>kick/<s>ban/delete) <time> <reason>
-- restricts the use of a particular stickerpack in group chat. Mutes, bans, kicks a user who used a sticker from that pack, or deletes their message-unbanstickerpack
-- removes the restriction on sending stickers from a specific pack.-blockcards do=(<s>mute/<s>kick/<s>ban/delete) <time> <reason>
-- restricts to send card numbers (like4242 4242 4242 4242
-- removes the restriction on sending card numbers-addnote (note_name_without_#) <note text or reply to a media message to save it>
-- adds a #note. If you reply #notename to any message, the bot will delete yours and send the text/media in a reply message-removenote #(note_name_without_#)
-- deletes #note-subscribe
-- buy pro subscription
gradlew run --args="(BOT_TOKEN) (PAYMENT_TOKEN)"
gradlew clean build
Then copy your freshly made jar file from build/libs/
(by default build/libs/VioletProject-[version].jar
). Afterward, run it like this:
java -jar VioletProject-[version].jar (BOT_TOKEN) (PAYMENT_TOKEN)