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marler8997 committed May 18, 2024
1 parent 5340483 commit 14ba603
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Showing 6 changed files with 237 additions and 2 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions showcase/build.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const carts = .{
.{ "blobs", @import("blobs") },
.{ "plasma", @import("plasma") },
.{ "metalgear_timer", @import("metalgear_timer") },
.{ "neopixelpuzzle", @import("neopixelpuzzle") },

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions showcase/build.zig.zon
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
.blobs = .{ .path = "carts/blobs" },
.plasma = .{ .path = "carts/plasma" },
.metalgear_timer = .{ .path = "carts/metalgear-timer" },
.neopixelpuzzle = .{ .path = "carts/neopixelpuzzle" },
.paths = .{
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions showcase/carts/blobs/build.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ const std = @import("std");
const sycl_badge = @import("sycl_badge");

pub const author_name = "Jonathan Marler";
pub const author_handle = "marler";
pub const author_handle = "marler8997";
pub const cart_title = "blobs";
pub const description = "<TODO>: get Marler to give a description";
pub const description = "Little Blob, Eat Blob, Big Blob";

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions showcase/carts/neopixelpuzzle/build.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
const std = @import("std");
const sycl_badge = @import("sycl_badge");

pub const author_name = "Jonathan Marler";
pub const author_handle = "marler8997";
pub const cart_title = "neopixelpuzzle";
pub const description = "Light up all the neo pixels in this simple puzzle game!";

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const sycl_badge_dep = b.dependency("sycl_badge", .{});

const cart = sycl_badge.add_cart(sycl_badge_dep, b, .{
.name = "neopixelpuzzle",
.optimize = optimize,
.root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions showcase/carts/neopixelpuzzle/build.zig.zon
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
.name = "neopixelpuzzle",
.version = "0.0.0",
.dependencies = .{
.sycl_badge = .{ .path = "../../.." },
.paths = .{
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions showcase/carts/neopixelpuzzle/src/main.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
const std = @import("std");
const cart = @import("cart-api");

const StartMenu = struct {
seed: u32,
start_pressed: bool = false,
const Play = struct {
pos: u3,
grid: [5][2]bool,
left_pressed: bool = false,
right_pressed: bool = false,
a_pressed: bool = false,
b_pressed: bool = false,
start_pressed: bool = false,
const Win = struct {
frame: u32 = 0,
start_pressed: bool = false,
const Mode = union(enum) {
start_menu: StartMenu,
play: Play,
win: Win,
const global = struct {
pub var mode = Mode{
.start_menu = .{ .seed = 0 },
pub var bright: u8 = 32;
pub var up_pressed = false;
pub var down_pressed = false;

const Button = enum {
a, b,
up, down, left, right,
pub fn isDown(self: Button) bool {
switch (self) {
.start => return cart.controls.start,
.a => return cart.controls.a,
.b => return cart.controls.b,
.up => return cart.controls.up,
.down => return cart.controls.down,
.left => return cart.controls.left,
.right => return cart.controls.right,

// Used to tell if a button is "triggered".
// Prevents the "down" state from triggering multiple events.
fn isButtonTriggered(
button: Button,
released_state_ref: *bool,
) bool {
const pressed = button.isDown();
if (released_state_ref.*) {
if (pressed) released_state_ref.* = false;
return pressed;
} else {
if (!pressed) {
released_state_ref.* = true;
return false;

fn clear() void {
cart.neopixels.* = .{
.{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0 },
.{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0 },
.{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0 },
.{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0 },
.{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0 },

export fn start() void {

export fn update() void {

if (isButtonTriggered(.up, &global.up_pressed)) {
if (global.bright == 0) {
global.bright += 1;
} else if (global.bright < 128) {
global.bright *= 2;
} else if (isButtonTriggered(.down, &global.down_pressed)) {
global.bright = global.bright / 2;

switch (global.mode) {
.start_menu => updateStartMenu(&global.mode.start_menu),
.play => updatePlayMode(&,
.win => updateWinMode(&,

pub fn on() cart.NeopixelColor { return .{ .r = 0, .g = global.bright, .b = 0 }; }
pub fn off() cart.NeopixelColor { return .{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0 }; }
pub fn on_select() cart.NeopixelColor { return .{ .r = 0, .g = global.bright, .b = global.bright/2 }; }
pub fn off_select() cart.NeopixelColor { return .{ .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = global.bright/2 }; }

fn newGame(seed: u32) void {
global.mode = Mode{
.play = .{
.pos = 2,
.grid = [5][2]bool{
[2]bool{ false, true },
[2]bool{ false, true },
[2]bool{ false, true },
[2]bool{ false, true },
[2]bool{ false, true },

var rand = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed);
for (0 .. 100) |_| {
var buf: [1]u8 = undefined;
rotate(&, @intCast(buf[0] % 5));

fn updateStartMenu(start_menu: *StartMenu) void {
start_menu.seed +%= 1;
if (isButtonTriggered(.start, &start_menu.start_pressed)) {
const seed = start_menu.seed;
cart.neopixels[(start_menu.seed +% 4) % 5] = off();
cart.neopixels[start_menu.seed % 5] = on();

fn updatePlayMode(play: *Play) void {

if (isButtonTriggered(.a, &play.a_pressed)) {
rotate(&play.grid, play.pos);
} else if (isButtonTriggered(.b, &play.b_pressed)) {
for (0 .. 3) |_| {
rotate(&play.grid, play.pos);
} else if (isButtonTriggered(.right, &play.right_pressed)) {
play.pos = (play.pos + 1) % 5;
} else if (isButtonTriggered(.left, &play.left_pressed)) {
play.pos = @intCast((@as(usize, play.pos) + 4) % 5);
} else if (isButtonTriggered(.start, &play.start_pressed)) {
global.mode = Mode{ .start_menu = .{ .seed = 0 } };

var win = true;
for (0 .. 5) |i| {
if (!play.grid[i][1]) {
win = false;

if (win) {
global.mode = Mode{ .win = .{} };

for (0 .. 5) |i| {
if (play.pos == i or i == ((play.pos + 1) % 5)) {
cart.neopixels[i] = if (play.grid[i][1]) on_select() else off_select();
} else {
cart.neopixels[i] = if (play.grid[i][1]) on() else off();

fn updateWinMode(win: *Win) void {
if (isButtonTriggered(.start, &win.start_pressed)) {
const seed = win.frame;

win.frame +%= 1;
cart.neopixels[(win.frame +% 4) % 5] = off();
cart.neopixels[win.frame % 5] = on_select();

fn rotate(grid: *[5][2]bool, pos: u3) void {
const t = grid[pos][0];
const pos2 = (pos + 1) % 5;
grid[pos][0] = grid[pos][1];
grid[pos][1] = grid[pos2][1];
grid[pos2][1] = grid[pos2][0];
grid[pos2][0] = t;

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