MicroZig 0.12.0
172 commits
to main
since this release
We are now going to be making tarball releases of MicroZig! This one can be found at https://downloads.microzig.tech/microzig-0.12.0/
For versioning numbers, there's the version of MicroZig, and then each module gets its own version. MicroZig's version will consist of 0.<zig minor version>.<patch>
and we'll follow general semantic versioning practices for the modules. Hence why our first release is 0.12.0
and all the modules are versioned at 0.0.0
. We'll try to release on every PR, bumping the patch number.
What's Changed
- Freshen things up by @mattnite in #6
- Create LinkerscriptStep by @mattnite in #7
- add stm32f103 registers and reorganize by @mattnite in #9
- Microzig as pkg by @mattnite in #10
- Support STM32F3DISCOVERY board by @marnix in #11
- calculate end-of-stack value from chip configs by @mattnite in #12
- add packages to your embedded app by @mattnite in #13
- Add interrupt declaration to cortex-m microcontrollers by @mattnite in #14
- no need to make the interrupt the .Naked calling convention by @mattnite in #15
- interrupt generation for chips by @mattnite in #16
- cortex-m3 set to thumb isa by @mattnite in #17
- register arrays and clusters, nrf52 as well by @mattnite in #19
- instantiate vector table in start.zig by @mattnite in #22
- use register code generated by regz by @mattnite in #23
- After #23 repair Reset on stm32, lpc1768 by @marnix in #24
- stm32f3discovery/stm32f303 Initial UART1 support, including @Panic() by @marnix in #20
- Diverse fixes by @MasterQ32 in #25
- Brings AVR up to date (blink builds and blinks again! by @MasterQ32 in #27
- Greatly simplifies the package logic by using a proxy-to-root package. by @MasterQ32 in #28
- Avr interrupt overloading by @mattnite in #29
- panic exporting is no longer needed. by @MasterQ32 in #30
- use interrupt calling convention for avr by @mattnite in #31
- use the 'Signal' calling convention by default on AVR for ISRs by @mattnite in #32
- fix missing vector table on ARM by @mattnite in #34
- Initial I2C support by @marnix in #26
- Add initial support for the stm32f4discovery eval board by @rbino in #35
- Avr fixes by @MasterQ32 in #36
- More improvements by @MasterQ32 in #37
- Add initial support for the stm32f429idiscovery eval board by @rbino in #38
- Implements a generic gpio button driver with basic debouncing. by @MasterQ32 in #41
- Readme by @mattnite in #40
- Add Uart to STM32F4Discovery and rework uart-sync example by @rbino in #43
- Improve STM32F407 Uart and introduce GPIO Alternate Function by @rbino in #44
- Create LICENSE by @mattnite in #46
- Add vesim to LICENSE file by @vesim987 in #47
- add hal package option by @mattnite in #48
- cortex-m0plus cpu and fix for missing hal by @mattnite in #49
- Master update by @MasterQ32 in #51
- Adds logo by @MasterQ32 in #50
- update to master by @mattnite in #52
- Add support for multiple clock domains by @rbino in #53
- pin: omit board/chip namespace when parsing and saving the pin name by @rbino in #55
- uart: allow selecting the tx/rx pins by @rbino in #54
- pin: remove erroneous access to slice length by @rbino in #56
- stm32f407: use the correct bus frequency to calculate usartdiv by @rbino in #57
- I2C improvements by @rbino in #58
- fix colliding ISRs by making sure they each get memoized by @mattnite in #60
- generate registers with known cpu by @mattnite in #63
- add hal or app level clock configuration by @mattnite in #62
- changing linker memory locations for stm32f103c8 by @freiguy1 in #65
- Stm32f303 target speed trivial check by @marnix in #66
- move linux builds to buildkite by @mattnite in #67
- only manage in-repo once it gets complicated by @mattnite in #68
- update github actions to reflect default branch name fix by @mattnite in #69
- Gd32v Support by @kassane in #21
- improve build api by @mattnite in #70
- Asciidoc by @mattnite in #71
- Make the microzig package public to allow it to be passed as dependency. by @kuon in #73
- Add comment about microzig.config by @kuon in #74
- use stage1 until stage3 is ready by @mattnite in #75
- Allow to specify VectorTable in app and hal. by @vesim987 in #76
- Fixes #72 by @r4gus in #77
- remove pointless discard by @mattnite in #80
- Add executable methods and fix recursive call by @kuon in #79
- Revert "Add executable methods and fix recursive call" by @mattnite in #81
- ATSAME51J20A chip by @r4gus in #78
- Revert "Revert "Add executable methods and fix recursive call"" by @mattnite in #82
- added param to panic function by @mattnite in #83
- Much improves the panic function, now prints a stack trace more often. by @MasterQ32 in #86
- Adds microzig.initializeSystemMemories by @MasterQ32 in #87
- STM3240G-eval board by @hollmmax in #84
- add arduino uno board by @PhilippWendel in #89
- Update README.adoc by @MasterQ32 in #90
- Makes executable files never stripped, we want that sweet debug info.… by @MasterQ32 in #91
- stdlib: allow app to override the zig os layer by @ConnorRigby in #93
- catchup to self hosted by @mattnite in #96
- Adds social media preview. by @MasterQ32 in #98
- Use
to override log behaviour by @aoldershaw in #99 - Initial partial SPI support by @marnix in #97
- Catchup to changes introduced by ziglang/zig#14498 by @PhilippWendel in #101
- Update to latest zig with modules by @vesim987 in #102
- Regz rewrite by @mattnite in #103
- fix typo for interrupt creation function by @mattnite in #104
- Auto pr by @mattnite in #106
- fix yaml by @mattnite in #107
- automerge and PR description by @mattnite in #108
- Add rest of hardware support libraries by @mattnite in #109
- new for loop syntax and remove import-module.zig by @mattnite in #110
- Mimic new stdlib build API by @mattnite in #111
- add check for void for microzig.hal by @mattnite in #112
- Fix typos by @jimt in #113
- Update to latest zig master by @vesim987 in #114
- improvements from working on RP2040 by @mattnite in #115
- specify which version of zig to use by @mattnite in #116
- fix link by @mattnite in #117
- Updated parts of gpio and pin to reflect code changes from regz rewrite by @PhilippWendel in #120
- update to new usage of build api by @mattnite in #122
- function to check if the thread of execution is in an ISR on Cortex M by @mattnite in #123
- Abstract USB device implementation by @r4gus in #124
- Updated code to regz rewrite and added fix for i2c on ATmega328P by @PhilippWendel in #125
- rename disable/enable interrupt functions by @mattnite in #126
- interrupt enable/disable for riscv and air by @mattnite in #127
- update to zig master: use @Memset, @memcpy builtin by @binarycraft007 in #128
- When adding an option, set it as app module dependency by @kuon in #129
- Fix @call parameter for zig 0.11 by @burgrp in #130
- update pr creation step by @mattnite in #131
- Runs zig fmt by @MasterQ32 in #133
- Update to master and add system registers for cortex-m by @vesim987 in #134
- FileSource -> LazyPath by @mattnite in #136
- anyopaque to u8 by @mattnite in #137
- build against 0.11.0 by @mattnite in #138
- Update README.adoc by @mattnite in #139
- Fixing issues in Build to achieve v0.11.0 compatibility by @FranciscoLlobet in #140
- Fix minor typo in README by @L1ucas in #141
- Microzig Generation 2 Build Interface by @MasterQ32 in #144
- add umm allocator by @vesim987 in #148
- Corrected Cortex-M ABI by @Ardelean-Calin in #149
- Change the HAL API to snake_case() from camelCase() by @marnix in #151
- doc: add getting started tip by @kodesoul in #156
- Update dependencies and add paths by @jacobly0 in #158
- packed struct => extern struct for USB by @sreehax in #159
- Update uf2 dependency by @jacobly0 in #160
- support bundling only specific boards by @tobiaskohlbau in #166
- fix documentation for patch tool by @tobiaskohlbau in #165
- Fixes CI Badge in README.md by @MasterQ32 in #164
- hal: dma: Cast channel index in claim_unused_channel by @Grazfather in #170
- Fix requirements.txt and update README by @Grazfather in #172
- Better readme by @MasterQ32 in #173
- rp2040: Fix DMA not respecting transfer_size_bytes by @Grazfather in #176
- rp2040: Add support for PIO's jmp_pin by @Grazfather in #174
- usb: unify handling of length parameters by @tobiaskohlbau in #177
- Update to zig master, move uf2 and regz to monorepo by @mattnite in #178
New Contributors
- @marnix made their first contribution in #11
- @MasterQ32 made their first contribution in #25
- @rbino made their first contribution in #35
- @vesim987 made their first contribution in #47
- @freiguy1 made their first contribution in #65
- @kassane made their first contribution in #21
- @kuon made their first contribution in #73
- @r4gus made their first contribution in #77
- @hollmmax made their first contribution in #84
- @PhilippWendel made their first contribution in #89
- @ConnorRigby made their first contribution in #93
- @aoldershaw made their first contribution in #99
- @jimt made their first contribution in #113
- @binarycraft007 made their first contribution in #128
- @burgrp made their first contribution in #130
- @FranciscoLlobet made their first contribution in #140
- @L1ucas made their first contribution in #141
- @Ardelean-Calin made their first contribution in #149
- @kodesoul made their first contribution in #156
- @jacobly0 made their first contribution in #158
- @sreehax made their first contribution in #159
- @tobiaskohlbau made their first contribution in #166
- @Grazfather made their first contribution in #170
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ZigEmbeddedGroup/microzig/commits/microzig-0.12.0