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Grazfather committed Jan 24, 2025
1 parent 6bedea5 commit e4f073f
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 39 deletions.
91 changes: 52 additions & 39 deletions drivers/stepper/A4988.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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const std = @import("std");
const mdf = @import("../framework.zig");

/// A4988 driver
// pub const A4988;

pub const A4988_Options = struct {
ms1_pin: ?mdf.base.Digital_IO = undefined,
ms2_pin: ?mdf.base.Digital_IO = undefined,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,16 +58,17 @@ pub const A4988 = struct {
steps_remaining: u32 = 0,
// Steps remaining in decel
steps_to_brake: u32 = 0,
step_pulse: mdf.time.Duration = @enumFromInt(0),
cruise_step_pulse: mdf.time.Duration = @enumFromInt(0),
rest: u32 = 0,
last_action_end: mdf.time.Absolute = @enumFromInt(0),
next_action_interval: mdf.time.Duration = @enumFromInt(0),
// TODO: Just `.from_us(0)` with zig 0.14!
step_pulse: mdf.time.Duration = mdf.time.Duration.from_us(0),
cruise_step_pulse: mdf.time.Duration = mdf.time.Duration.from_us(0),
remainder: mdf.time.Duration = mdf.time.Duration.from_us(0),
last_action_end: mdf.time.Absolute = mdf.time.Absolute.from_us(0),
next_action_interval: mdf.time.Duration = mdf.time.Duration.from_us(0),
step_count: u32 = 0,
dir_state: mdf.base.Digital_IO.State = .low,
motor_steps: u16 = 200,

const MAX_MICROSTEP = 16;
const MOTOR_STEPS = 200;
// tA STEP minimium, HIGH pulse width (1us)
const STEP_HIGH_MIN = 1;
// tB STEP minimium, LOW pulse width (1us)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,60 +182,63 @@ pub const A4988 = struct {

pub fn start_move(self: *Self, steps: i32) void {
self.start_move_time(steps, 0);
self.start_move_time(steps, mdf.time.Duration.from_us(0));

pub fn start_move_time(self: *Self, steps: i32, time: u32) void {
pub fn start_move_time(self: *Self, steps: i32, time: mdf.time.Duration) void {
// set up new move
self.dir_state = if (steps >= 0) .high else .low;
self.last_action_end = 0;
self.last_action_end = mdf.time.Absolute.from_us(0);
self.steps_remaining = @abs(steps);
self.step_count = 0; = 0;
self.remainder = mdf.time.Duration.from_us(0);
switch (self.profile) {
.linear_speed => |p| {
const microstep_f: f64 = @floatFromInt(self.microsteps);
const accel_f: f64 = @floatFromInt(p.accel);
const decel_f: f64 = @floatFromInt(p.decel);
// speed is in [steps/s]
var speed: f64 = self.rpm * Self.MOTOR_STEPS / 60;
if (time > 0) {
var speed: f64 = (self.rpm * @as(f64, @floatFromInt(self.motor_steps))) / 60;
if (@intFromEnum(time) > 0) {
// Calculate a new speed to finish in the time requested
const t: f64 = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(time)) / 1e+6; // convert to seconds
const t: f64 = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(time.to_us())) / 1e+6; // convert to seconds
const d: f64 = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(self.steps_remaining)) / microstep_f; // convert to full steps
const a2: f64 = 1.0 / accel_f + 1.0 / decel_f;
const sqrt_candidate = t * t - 2 * a2 * d; // in √b^2-4ac
if (sqrt_candidate >= 0)
speed = @min(speed, (t - std.math.sqrt(sqrt_candidate)) / a2);
// how many microsteps from 0 to target speed
// How many microsteps from 0 to target speed
self.steps_to_cruise = @intFromFloat(@as(f64, microstep_f * (speed * speed)) / (2 * accel_f));
// how many microsteps are needed from cruise speed to a full stop
// How many microsteps are needed from cruise speed to a full stop
self.steps_to_brake = @intFromFloat(@as(f64, @floatFromInt(self.steps_to_cruise)) * accel_f / decel_f);
if (self.steps_remaining < self.steps_to_cruise + self.steps_to_brake) {
// cannot reach max speed, will need to brake early
// Hannot reach max speed, will need to brake early
self.steps_to_cruise = @intFromFloat(@as(f64, @floatFromInt(self.steps_remaining)) * decel_f / (accel_f + decel_f));
self.steps_to_brake = self.steps_remaining - self.steps_to_cruise;
// Initial pulse (c0) including error correction factor 0.676 [us]
self.step_pulse = @intFromFloat((1e+6) * 0.676 * std.math.sqrt(2.0 / accel_f / microstep_f));
self.step_pulse = @enumFromInt(@as(u64, @intFromFloat((1e+6) * 0.676 * std.math.sqrt(2.0 / accel_f / microstep_f))));
// Save cruise timing since we will no longer have the calculated target speed later
self.cruise_step_pulse = @intFromFloat(1e+6 / speed / microstep_f);
self.cruise_step_pulse = @enumFromInt(@as(u64, @intFromFloat(1e+6 / speed / microstep_f)));
.constant_speed => {
self.steps_to_cruise = 0;
self.steps_to_brake = 0;
self.cruise_step_pulse = step_pulse(Self.MOTOR_STEPS, self.microsteps, self.rpm);
self.cruise_step_pulse = step_pulse(self.motor_steps, self.microsteps, self.rpm);
self.step_pulse = self.cruise_step_pulse;
if (time > self.steps_remaining * self.step_pulse) {
self.step_pulse = @intFromFloat(@as(f64, @floatFromInt(time)) / @as(f64, @floatFromInt(self.steps_remaining)));
if (@intFromEnum(time) > self.steps_remaining * @intFromEnum(self.step_pulse)) {
self.step_pulse = mdf.time.Duration.from_us(@intFromFloat(@as(f64, @floatFromInt(time.to_us())) /
@as(f64, @floatFromInt(self.steps_remaining))));

inline fn step_pulse(steps: i32, microsteps: u8, rpm: f64) u32 {
return @intFromFloat(60.0 * 1000000 / @as(f64, @floatFromInt(steps)) / @as(f64, @floatFromInt(microsteps)) / rpm);
inline fn step_pulse(steps: i32, microsteps: u8, rpm: f64) mdf.time.Duration {
return @enumFromInt(@as(u64, @intFromFloat(60.0 * 1000000 /
@as(f64, @floatFromInt(steps)) /
@as(f64, @floatFromInt(microsteps)) / rpm)));

fn calc_step_pulse(self: *Self) void {
Expand All @@ -252,31 +253,43 @@ pub const A4988 = struct {
switch (self.get_current_state()) {
.accelerating => {
if (self.step_count < self.steps_to_cruise) {
self.step_pulse = self.step_pulse.minus((2 * self.step_pulse + / (4 * self.step_count + 1)); = (2 * self.step_pulse + % (4 * self.step_count + 1);
var numerator = 2 * @intFromEnum(self.step_pulse) + @intFromEnum(self.remainder);
const denominator = 4 * self.step_count + 1;
// Pulse shrinks as we are nearer to cruising speed, based on step_count
self.step_pulse = self.step_pulse.minus(@enumFromInt(numerator / denominator));
// Update based on new step_pulse
numerator = 2 * @intFromEnum(self.step_pulse) + @intFromEnum(self.remainder);
self.remainder = @enumFromInt(numerator % denominator);
} else {
// The series approximates target, set the final value to what it should be instead
self.step_pulse = self.cruise_step_pulse; = 0;
self.remainder = mdf.time.Duration.from_us(0);
.decelerating => {
// NOTE: I changed the signs here to avoid using signed variables
self.step_pulse = self.step_pulse + (2 * self.step_pulse + / (4 * self.steps_remaining + 1); = (2 * self.step_pulse + % (4 * self.steps_remaining + 1);
var numerator = 2 * @intFromEnum(self.step_pulse) + @intFromEnum(self.remainder);
const denominator = 4 * self.steps_remaining + 1;
// Pulse grows as we are near stopped, based on steps_remaining
self.step_pulse = / denominator));
// Update based on new step_pulse
numerator = 2 * @intFromEnum(self.step_pulse) + @intFromEnum(self.remainder);
self.remainder = @enumFromInt(numerator % denominator);
// If not accelerating or decelerating, we are either stopped
// or cruising, in which case, the step_pulse is already
// correct.
else => {},

// TODO: u32 is probably a bad idea (overflows in 4000 seconds?), but it's from the arduino library
fn delay_micros(self: Self, delay_us: mdf.time.Duration, start_us: mdf.time.Absolute) void {
if (start_us == 0) {
if (@intFromEnum(start_us) == 0) {
while (self.clock.get_time_since_boot().to_us() - start_us < delay_us) {}
const deadline = mdf.time.Deadline.init_relative(start_us, delay_us);
while (!deadline.is_reached_by(self.clock.get_time_since_boot())) {}
pub fn next_action(self: *Self) !mdf.time.Duration {
if (self.steps_remaining > 0) {
Expand All @@ -298,8 +311,8 @@ pub const A4988 = struct {
self.next_action_interval = if (elapsed.less_than(pulse)) pulse.minus(elapsed) else @enumFromInt(1);
} else {
// end of move
self.last_action_end = @enumFromInt(0);
self.next_action_interval = @enumFromInt(0);
self.last_action_end = mdf.time.Absolute.from_us(0);
self.next_action_interval = mdf.time.Duration.from_us(0);
return self.next_action_interval;
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fn calc_steps_for_rotation(self: Self, deg: i32) i32 {
return @divTrunc(deg * Self.MOTOR_STEPS * self.microsteps, 360);
return @divTrunc(deg * self.motor_steps * self.microsteps, 360);

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