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STM32F303: First HAL fragments
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Based on some initial HAL code that was inspired by the current STM32F103 code,
but with some variations that seemed to give a slightly simpler result.

(Also made the old unused HAL code in STM32F303.zig compile,
and marked it as 'to be moved to separate files'.)
  • Loading branch information
marnix committed Feb 1, 2025
1 parent 68b5ad1 commit 2c6bb5c
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Showing 4 changed files with 270 additions and 48 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions port/stmicro/stm32/build.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ pub fn init(dep: *std.Build.Dependency) Self {
.name = "STM32F3DISCOVERY",
.root_source_file = b.path("src/boards/STM32F3DISCOVERY.zig"),
.hal = microzig.HardwareAbstractionLayer{
.root_source_file = b.path("src/hals/STM32F303.zig"),
.stm32f4discovery = chips.STM32F407VG.derive(.{
.board = .{
Expand Down
105 changes: 57 additions & 48 deletions port/stmicro/stm32/src/hals/STM32F303.zig
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@@ -1,38 +1,47 @@
//! For now we keep all clock settings on the chip defaults.
//! This code currently assumes the STM32F303xB / STM32F303xC clock configuration.
//! TODO: Do something useful for other STM32f30x chips.
//! Specifically, TIM6 is running on an 8 MHz clock,
//! HSI = 8 MHz is the SYSCLK after reset
//! default AHB prescaler = /1 (= values 0..7):
//! ```
//! RCC.CFGR.modify(.{ .HPRE = 0 });
//! ```
//! so also HCLK = 8 MHz.
//! And with the default APB1 prescaler = /2:
//! ```
//! RCC.CFGR.modify(.{ .PPRE1 = 4 });
//! ```
//! results in PCLK1,
//! and the resulting implicit factor *2 for TIM2/3/4/6/7
//! makes TIM6 run at 8MHz/2*2 = 8 MHz.
//! The above default configuration makes U(S)ART2..5
//! (which use PCLK1 without that implicit *2 factor)
//! run at 4 MHz by default.
//! USART1 uses PCLK2, which uses the APB2 prescaler on HCLK,
//! default APB2 prescaler = /1:
//! ```
//! RCC.CFGR.modify(.{ .PPRE2 = 0 });
//! ```
//! and therefore USART1 runs on 8 MHz.
pub const pins = @import("STM32F303/pins.zig");

// /--------
// |
// \--------
// For now we keep all clock settings on the chip defaults.
// This code currently assumes the STM32F303xB / STM32F303xC clock configuration.
// TODO: Do something useful for other STM32f30x chips.
// Specifically, TIM6 is running on an 8 MHz clock,
// HSI = 8 MHz is the SYSCLK after reset
// default AHB prescaler = /1 (= values 0..7):
// ```
// RCC.CFGR.modify(.{ .HPRE = 0 });
// ```
// so also HCLK = 8 MHz.
// And with the default APB1 prescaler = /2:
// ```
// RCC.CFGR.modify(.{ .PPRE1 = 4 });
// ```
// results in PCLK1,
// and the resulting implicit factor *2 for TIM2/3/4/6/7
// makes TIM6 run at 8MHz/2*2 = 8 MHz.
// The above default configuration makes U(S)ART2..5
// (which use PCLK1 without that implicit *2 factor)
// run at 4 MHz by default.
// USART1 uses PCLK2, which uses the APB2 prescaler on HCLK,
// default APB2 prescaler = /1:
// ```
// RCC.CFGR.modify(.{ .PPRE2 = 0 });
// ```
// and therefore USART1 runs on 8 MHz.

const std = @import("std");
const runtime_safety = std.debug.runtime_safety;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,9 +144,9 @@ pub const uart = struct {

pub fn Uart(comptime index: usize, comptime pins: micro.uart.Pins) type {
pub fn Uart(comptime index: usize, comptime source_pins: micro.uart.Pins) type {
if (!(index == 1)) @compileError("TODO: only USART1 is currently supported");
if (pins.tx != null or pins.rx != null)
if (source_pins.tx != null or source_pins.rx != null)
@compileError("TODO: custom pins are not currently supported");

return struct {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,9 +277,9 @@ fn debug_print(comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {

/// This implementation does not use AUTOEND=1
pub fn I2CController(comptime index: usize, comptime pins: micro.i2c.Pins) type {
pub fn I2CController(comptime index: usize, comptime source_pins: micro.i2c.Pins) type {
if (!(index == 1)) @compileError("TODO: only I2C1 is currently supported");
if (pins.scl != null or pins.sda != null)
if (source_pins.scl != null or source_pins.sda != null)
@compileError("TODO: custom pins are not currently supported");

return struct {
Expand All @@ -286,15 +295,15 @@ pub fn I2CController(comptime index: usize, comptime pins: micro.i2c.Pins) type
RCC.AHBENR.modify(.{ .IOPBEN = 1 });
debug_print("I2C1 configuration step 1 complete\r\n", .{});
// 2. Configure the I2C PINs for ALternate Functions
// a) Select Alternate Function in MODER Register
// a) Select Alternate Function in MODER Register
GPIOB.MODER.modify(.{ .MODER6 = 0b10, .MODER7 = 0b10 });
// b) Select Open Drain Output
// b) Select Open Drain Output
GPIOB.OTYPER.modify(.{ .OT6 = 1, .OT7 = 1 });
// c) Select High SPEED for the PINs
// c) Select High SPEED for the PINs
GPIOB.OSPEEDR.modify(.{ .OSPEEDR6 = 0b11, .OSPEEDR7 = 0b11 });
// d) Select Pull-up for both the Pins
// d) Select Pull-up for both the Pins
GPIOB.PUPDR.modify(.{ .PUPDR6 = 0b01, .PUPDR7 = 0b01 });
// e) Configure the Alternate Function in AFR Register
// e) Configure the Alternate Function in AFR Register
GPIOB.AFRL.modify(.{ .AFRL6 = 4, .AFRL7 = 4 });
debug_print("I2C1 configuration step 2 complete\r\n", .{});

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,11 +501,11 @@ pub fn SpiBus(comptime index: usize) type {
RCC.AHBENR.modify(.{ .IOPAEN = 1 });

// Configure the I2C PINs for ALternate Functions
// - Select Alternate Function in MODER Register
// - Select Alternate Function in MODER Register
GPIOA.MODER.modify(.{ .MODER5 = 0b10, .MODER6 = 0b10, .MODER7 = 0b10 });
// - Select High SPEED for the PINs
// - Select High SPEED for the PINs
GPIOA.OSPEEDR.modify(.{ .OSPEEDR5 = 0b11, .OSPEEDR6 = 0b11, .OSPEEDR7 = 0b11 });
// - Configure the Alternate Function in AFR Register
// - Configure the Alternate Function in AFR Register
GPIOA.AFRL.modify(.{ .AFRL5 = 5, .AFRL6 = 5, .AFRL7 = 5 });

// Enable the SPI1 CLOCK
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -566,7 +575,7 @@ pub fn SpiBus(comptime index: usize) type {
debug_print("SPI1 RXNE == 1\r\n", .{});

// read
var data_read = SPI1.DR.raw;
const data_read = SPI1.DR.raw;
_ =; // clear overrun flag
const dr_lsb = @as([dr_byte_size]u8, @bitCast(data_read))[0];
debug_print("Received: {X:2} (DR = {X:8}).\r\n", .{ dr_lsb, data_read });
Expand Down
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions port/stmicro/stm32/src/hals/STM32F303/gpio.zig
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
const std = @import("std");

const microzig = @import("microzig");
const peripherals = microzig.chip.peripherals;

pub const Mode = union(enum) {
input: InputMode,
output: OutputMode,

pub const InputMode = enum(u2) {

pub const OutputMode = enum(u2) {

// TODO: Add the following
// pub const Speed = enum(u2) {
// low,
// medium,
// high,
// };

pub const Pin = struct {
port_id: []const u8,
number_str: []const u8,

pub fn init(port_id: []const u8, number_str: []const u8) Pin {
return Pin{
.port_id = port_id,
.number_str = number_str,

pub fn configure(comptime self: @This()) void {
const port_peripheral = @field(peripherals, "GPIO" ++ self.port_id);
// TODO: Support input
port_peripheral.MODER.modify_one("MODER[" ++ self.number_str ++ "]", .Output);
// TODO: Support different modes, for input and for output
port_peripheral.OTYPER.modify_one("OT[" ++ self.number_str ++ "]", .PushPull);
// TODO: Support different speeds
port_peripheral.OSPEEDR.modify_one("OSPEEDR[" ++ self.number_str ++ "]", .LowSpeed);
// TODO: Support pull-up / pull-down
port_peripheral.PUPDR.modify_one("PUPDR[" ++ self.number_str ++ "]", .Floating);

pub fn toggle(comptime self: @This()) void {
@field(peripherals, "GPIO" ++ self.port_id).ODR.toggle_one("ODR[" ++ self.number_str ++ "]", .High);
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions port/stmicro/stm32/src/hals/STM32F303/pins.zig
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@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
const std = @import("std");
const comptimePrint = std.fmt.comptimePrint;
const StructField = std.builtin.Type.StructField;

const microzig = @import("microzig");
const peripherals = microzig.chip.peripherals;

const gpio = @import("gpio.zig");

/// For now this is always a GPIO pin configuration
const PinConfiguration = struct {
name: ?[:0]const u8 = null,
mode: ?gpio.Mode = null,

fn GPIO(comptime port: []const u8, comptime num: []const u8, comptime mode: gpio.Mode) type {
if (mode == .input) @compileError("TODO: implement GPIO input mode");
return switch (mode) {
.input => struct {
const pin = gpio.Pin.init(port, num);

pub inline fn read(_: @This()) u1 {
.output => packed struct {
const pin = gpio.Pin.init(port, num);

pub inline fn put(_: @This(), value: u1) void {

pub inline fn toggle(_: @This()) void {

fn configure(_: @This(), pin_config: PinConfiguration) void {
_ = pin_config; // Later: use for GPIO pin speed etc.

/// This is a helper empty struct with comptime constants for parsing an STM32 pin name.
/// Example: PinDescription("PE9").gpio_port_id = "E"
/// Example: PinDescription("PA12").gpio_port_number_str = "12"
fn PinDescription(comptime spec: []const u8) type {
const invalid_format_msg = "The given pin '" ++ spec ++ "' has an invalid format. Pins must follow the format \"P{Port}{Pin}\" scheme.";

if (spec[0] != 'P')
if (spec[1] < 'A' or spec[1] > 'F')

const gpio_pin_number_int: comptime_int = std.fmt.parseInt(u4, spec[2..], 10) catch @compileError(invalid_format_msg);
return struct {
/// 'A'...'F'
const gpio_port_id = spec[1..2];
const gpio_pin_number_str = std.fmt.comptimePrint("{d}", .{gpio_pin_number_int});

/// Based on the fields in `config`, returns a struct {
/// PE11: GPIO(...),
/// PF7: GPIO(...),
/// }
/// Later: Also support non-GPIO pins?
pub fn Pins(comptime config: GlobalConfiguration) type {
comptime {
var fields: []const StructField = &.{};
for (@typeInfo(GlobalConfiguration).Struct.fields) |port_field| {
if (@field(config, |port_config| {
for (@typeInfo(PortConfiguration()).Struct.fields) |field| {
if (@field(port_config, |pin_config| {
const D = PinDescription(;
fields = fields ++ &[_]StructField{.{
.is_comptime = false,
.name = orelse,
.type = GPIO(D.gpio_port_id, D.gpio_pin_number_str, pin_config.mode orelse .{ .input = .floating }),
.default_value = null,
.alignment = @alignOf(field.type),

return @Type(.{
.Struct = .{
.layout = .auto,
.is_tuple = false,
.fields = fields,
.decls = &.{},

/// Returns the struct {
/// PA0: ?PinConfiguration = null,
/// ...
/// PF15: ?PinConfiguration = null,
/// }
fn PortConfiguration() type {
var fields: []const StructField = &.{};
for ("ABCDEF") |gpio_port_id| {
for (0..16) |gpio_pin_number_int| {
fields = fields ++ &[_]StructField{.{
.is_comptime = false,
.name = std.fmt.comptimePrint("P{c}{d}", .{ gpio_port_id, gpio_pin_number_int }),
.type = ?PinConfiguration,
.default_value = &@as(?PinConfiguration, null),
.alignment = @alignOf(?PinConfiguration),

return @Type(.{
.Struct = .{
.layout = .auto,
.is_tuple = false,
.fields = fields,
.decls = &.{},
pub const GlobalConfiguration = struct {
GPIOA: ?PortConfiguration() = null,
GPIOB: ?PortConfiguration() = null,
GPIOC: ?PortConfiguration() = null,
GPIOD: ?PortConfiguration() = null,
GPIOE: ?PortConfiguration() = null,
GPIOF: ?PortConfiguration() = null,

pub fn apply(comptime config: @This()) Pins(config) {
const pins: Pins(config) = undefined; // Later: something seems incomplete here...

inline for (@typeInfo(@This()).Struct.fields) |port_field| {
const gpio_port_name =;
if (@field(config, gpio_port_name)) |port_config| {
peripherals.RCC.AHBENR.modify_one(gpio_port_name ++ "EN", 1);

inline for (@typeInfo(PortConfiguration()).Struct.fields) |pin_field| {
if (@field(port_config, |pin_config| {

return pins;

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