Official Code Release for the ACCV'22 paper "Neural Puppeteer: Keypoint-Based Neural Rendering of Dynamic Shapes"
Project Page | Paper | Supplementary | Data
TODO teaser GIF
All experiments with NePu were run using CUDA version 11.6 and the official pytorch docker image
, as published by nvidia here. Additionally, you will need to install the imageio
Alternatively, we provide the nepu_env.yaml
file that holds all python requirements for this project. To conveniently install them automatically with anaconda you can use:
conda env create -f nepu_env.yml
conda activate nepu
To train NePu please run
python -exp_name EXP_NAME -cfg_file CFG_FILE -data DATA_TYPE
where the CFG_FILE
is the path to a .yaml
-file specifiying the configurations, describes in more detail here. DATA_TYPE
can be one of the categories of our synthetic dataset, namely giraffe, pigeon, cow, human
To render multiple views of the test set run
python -exp_name EXP_NAME -checkpoint CKPT -data DATA_TYPE
where CKPT
specifies the epoch of the trained weights.
TODO: custom and novel views
For our inverse-rendering-based 3D keypoint detection run
python -exp_name EXP_NAME -checkpoint CKPT -cams CAM_IDS -data DATA_TYPE
where CAM_IDS
spcifies the views used for 3D keypoint detection and the other command line arguments are the same as above.
For questions, comments and to discuss ideas please contact {Urs Waldmann, Simon Giebenhain, Ole Johannsen}
via firstname.lastname (at] uni-konstanz {dot| de
title={Neural Puppeteer: Keypoint-Based Neural Rendering of Dynamic Shapes},
author={Giebenhain, Simon and Waldmann, Urs and Johannsen, Ole and Goldluecke, Bastian},
booktitle={Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)},