A Python API wrapper for removing backgrounds from picture using remove.bg's API
This code is licensed under the MIT License. See here for more details.
pip install removebg
Parameter | Required | Description |
img_file_path | Y | the path to the image file |
size | N | the size of the output image (regular = 0.25 MP, hd = 4 MP, 4k = up to 10 MP). Default value is "regular" |
from removebg import RemoveBg
rmbg = RemoveBg("YOUR-API-KEY", "error.log")
Parameter | Required | Description |
img_url | Y | the URL to the image |
size | N | the size of the output image (regular = 0.25 MP, hd = 4 MP, 4k = up to 10 MP). Default value is "regular" |
new_file_name | N | the new file name of the image with the background removed |
from removebg import RemoveBg
rmbg = RemoveBg("YOUR-API-KEY", "error.log")
Parameter | Required | Description |
base64_img | Y | the base64 image string |
size | N | the size of the output image (regular = 0.25 MP, hd = 4 MP, 4k = up to 10 MP). Default value is "regular" |
new_file_name | N | the new file name of the image with the background removed |
from removebg import RemoveBg
import base64
rmbg = RemoveBg("YOUR-API-KEY", "error.log")
with open("joker.jpg", "rb") as image_file:
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
Contributions and feature requests are always welcome.