This package gives utility functions related to "Bernstein Polynomial". The package is implemented in C++ and can be used as a library.
Class "BernsteinPoly " is defined with following core functions.
: Get degree of the polynomialGetTimeInterval()
: Get time interval of the polynomial (return 2-element-array)GetBernsteinCoefficient()
: Get coefficients (return (degree+1)-element-array)
: Addition between two polynomials-
: Subtract between two polynomials*
: Multiplication between 1) two polynomials and 2) polynomial with scalar
: Change the degree to 'm' ('m' should be equal or greater than the degree of base polynomial).
git clone
cd BernsteinPolynomialUtil
mkdir build && cd build
sudo make install
##Example Code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
float time_interval[2] = {0.0,1.0};
float coefficient_a[4] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
float coefficient_b[4] = {0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0};
int degree = 3; // equals to size of an array of coefficients -1
BernsteinPoly a(time_interval,coefficient_a,degree);
BernsteinPoly b(time_interval,coefficient_b,degree);
// Fundamental Functions
cout<<"Degree of a: "<<a.GetDegree()<<endl; // get degree of polynomial "a"
cout<<"Time interval of a: ["<<a.GetTimeInterval()[0]<<", "<<a.GetTimeInterval()[1]<<"]"<<endl;
cout<<"Coefficients of a"<<endl; // get coefficients
for(int i = 0;i<=degree;i++)
cout<<i<<"-th coefficient: "a.GetCoefficient()<<endl;
// Operator Functions
BernsteinPoly result_addition = a+b; // a plus b
BernsteinPoly result_subtraction = a-b; // a minus b
BernsteinPoly result_multiplication = a*b // a multiply b
BernsteinPoly result_const = a*2.0f // a multiply scalar 2.0f
// Degree Elevation
BernsteinPoly result_degree_elevation = a.ElevateDegree(5); // Change representation of "a" into 5-th order polynomial
return 0;