- A working
Python 3.8
installation (the app might be forwards compatible, but not tested) - The Docker daemon running
Users should create a .env
file with the following parameters filled accordingly. Defaults are shown where applicable. ABSOLUTE_PATH_HEBREW_NER
is the absolute path to the current directory.
To create the virtual environment
python3.8 -m venv venv
To activate it in the terminal
source venv/bin/activate
To install the library requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
All further instructions assume that the virtual environment is active.
Simply execute the following
It is now necessary to install the fastText binary.
We will place it in a folder called fastText.
mkdir fasttext && cd fasttext
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fasttext/vectors-wiki/wiki.he.zip
unzip wiki.he.zip
To test that the installation worked, start a Python interpreter
Now run the following
import fasttext
ft = fasttext.load_model('fasttext/wiki.he.bin')
Note: the following warning may appear.
Warning : `load_model` does not return WordVectorModel or SupervisedModel any more, but a `FastText` object which is very similar.
This can be safely ignored.
Now my extension models must be downloaded.
Run the following to download them (from Figshare)
wget -O trained_models.zip https://figshare.com/ndownloader/articles/25773039?private_link=ab195c4231927a669e0e
Once this has downloaded run
mkdir -p ncrf_hpc_configs/transformer &&
unzip trained_models.zip -d ncrf_hpc_configs/transformer
Use the following to run the app alongside YAP using Docker compose
docker compose up
The app can be shut down using a keyboard interrupt in the same terminal in which the app was run, or alternatively using
docker compose down
Use the following to force-rebuild
docker compose build --no-cache
then run
docker compose up
Use the command
python ner_app.py
If making changes to the app, can enable hot reload by running
python ner_app.py --reload
Can customise the port and host by running
python ner_app.py --host HOST --port PORT
Alternatively, can change the values in the Dockerfile, in the ENTRYPOINT
The app should be exited with ctrl+c
Run the following command
docker compose up yap
To monitor the process of it loading can run the following
docker ps
And find the container whose image is called 'hebrew-ner_yap', and copy the container ID. Now run
docker logs *CONTAINER_ID*
If it says `All models loaded!' then Yap is up and running (if not just wait a little longer, it shouldn't take more than a minute).
Once the app is running a request can be made.
Here is an example one that can be run from the command line using curl
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"text": "גנן גידל דגן בגן.",
"model": "token_single"
The app has two available endpoints /tokenize
and /predict
, both of which expect POST
Used to tokenize a string input into sentences. Requires a JSON in the form:
"text": "string"
Used to perform NER prediction. Can specify which model to run (token_single
, token_multi
, morph
or hybrid
). Requires a JSON in the form:
"text": "text",
"model": "token_single"
Further documentation (auto generated by FastAPI) is available (when the app is running) at, or the new host/port if they are modified.