DisplayShopsAPI 1.0.9
This API version is made for 1.5.2 (Build 5) and above.
This version skipped to 1.0.9 due to 1.0.8 being an early release on the discord and unstable.
- Added the "getMaxStock" method to the Manager interface. This new method takes a shop object and uses admin bypasses alongside owner permissions to determine the shop's maximum stock.
- Added the "isPrismaInstalled" method to the DisplayShopsAPI interface to allow a simple way for developers to check if needed.
- Added some new clean-up task id methods to the DisplayShopsAPI interface.
- The DataPack interface has had its ChatInteractionId methods swapped to ChatInteractionType and returns an enumeration value instead of a String. In addition to this, all references to these methods were changed as well. Based on timings and micro-optimization, this increases performance by 7% in terms of chat interaction due to loops that were used to evaluate each string.