This is a Backdrop CMS installation pre-configured for use with Docksal.
- Backdrop CMS
- Bee install
- Brush install
- Drush install
Custom fin
b (bee)
brush (brush)
drush (drush)
cert (installs a local SSL certificate for your project)
conf (copying config files between Active, Staging, Versioned folders)
df (displaying differences between config fimes in Active. Staging, Versioned folders)
dff (displaying detaiked diffs)
drushup Update all CLI helpers, Bee, Brush, Drush
sync Elaborate sync script to transfer LIVE site and content to local
uli Log into local site via drush
This is a one time setup - skip this if you already have a working Docksal environment.
Follow Docksal environment setup instructions
Pick the latest tag branch.
Extract the repo to a project folder with a name to represent the project
Make copies of the settings files, and update with the project name:
-> docroot/settings.php
-> docroot/settings.docksal.php
-> docroot/
- trusted_host_patterns
- $base_url
- change the name of this file, replacing bd with your project name
- within the file add the project name to $projectname
- change the name of this file, replacing bd with your project name
- within the file add the project name to $projectname
Optional Files Update the sync file to interact with your remote site install:
- many items
fin init