Let's start by setting up a basic AI agent using SendAI's Solana Agent Kit that can perform actions on the Solana blockchain and that we can chat with:
You will need to have node with version
installed. Open an empty folder using vscode or cursor and run the
following command in the terminal:
pnpm install solana-agent-kit
Create a .env
file in the root of the project and add the following:
Note that we encode the private key to base58 before we parse it into the solana agent constructor in the script so you can just put the byte array [34,2,34...] here in the env file.
You can create a key using the following command:
solana-keygen grind --starts-with ai:1
And copy the contents into your .env
The OPENAI_API_KEY is the key for the OpenAI API and you can find it in the OpenAI platform
The RPC url we just leave at devnet for now.
Create a new file called agent.ts
with the following content:
import { SolanaAgentKit, createSolanaTools } from "solana-agent-kit";
import { HumanMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";
import { ChatOpenAI } from "@langchain/openai";
import { createReactAgent } from "@langchain/langgraph/prebuilt";
import { MemorySaver } from "@langchain/langgraph";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import bs58 from "bs58";
import * as readline from "readline";
async function initializeAgent() {
const llm = new ChatOpenAI({
modelName: "gpt-4-turbo-preview",
temperature: 0.7,
// Convert array string to actual array, then to Uint8Array, then to base58
const privateKeyArray = JSON.parse(process.env.SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY!);
const privateKeyUint8 = new Uint8Array(privateKeyArray);
const privateKeyBase58 = bs58.encode(privateKeyUint8);
const solanaKit = new SolanaAgentKit(privateKeyBase58, process.env.RPC_URL!, {
const tools = createSolanaTools(solanaKit);
const memory = new MemorySaver();
return createReactAgent({
checkpointSaver: memory,
async function runInteractiveChat() {
const agent = await initializeAgent();
const config = { configurable: { thread_id: "Solana Agent Kit!" } };
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
// Clear console and start chat with a small delay
setTimeout(() => {
console.clear(); // Clear any initialization messages
console.log("Chat with Solana Agent (type 'exit' to quit)");
}, 100);
const askQuestion = () => {
rl.question("You: ", async input => {
if (input.toLowerCase() === "exit") {
const stream = await agent.stream(
messages: [new HumanMessage(input)],
process.stdout.write("Agent: ");
for await (const chunk of stream) {
if ("agent" in chunk) {
} else if ("tools" in chunk) {
askQuestion(); // Continue the conversation
You can run this script using the following command:
npx tsx agent.ts
This will start a simple chat with the agent.
You can now ask it to show you your solana balance and ask it to request some devnet sol:
Please show me my wallet address and request some devnet sol
If the devnet faucet is empty you can use the web faucet instead and paste in your solana address.
Next ask the agent:
Please create me a NFT collection called trains with symbol TRN using this uri: https://scarlet-fancy-minnow-617.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreif43sp62yuy3sznrvqesk23tfnhpdck4npqowdwrhrzhsrgf5ao2e
After the collection is created, mint an NFT:
Please mint me an NFT into that collection using the name: Train1 and using this URI: https://scarlet-fancy-minnow-617.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreif43sp62yuy3sznrvqesk23tfnhpdck4npqowdwrhrzhsrgf5ao2e
This will mint you an NFT with the name Train1 and an image of a train.
You can also use any different metadata for your NFT which you can upload using pinata or any other storage provider. You should end up with something like this devnet train nft
You can now for example import the private key into your browser extension
wallet to see the NFT. Or you can ask the agent to show you all your NFTs. The
default action uses the Helius Asset api to request assets so for that you would
need to add a Helius API key to your .env
file and
pass it into the agent or you can now start writing your own actions following
Contribution guide
Not all actions are working 100% yet but you can see the progress in the Solana agent kit repo and also contribute your own actions to be used by everyone.
The ElizaOS (formerly known as Ai16z) is an AI framework. That means it combines multiple applications into one and organizes their interactions. It combines:
- Different LLMs to understand the user
- Blockchain agents with different actions (like minting an NFT for example)
- Datalayers to store the characters state between actions using for example Redis, PostgreSQL DB or local storage
- Different clients like X, telegram, discord. etc.
Its takes all these things and puts them together in a way that you can create a "Character" that can interact with users or autonomously. These Characters are defined in a JSON file, which defines which actions it can perform, which LLM it should use and different prompts that define the behaviour of the character.
What we will build now is a helpful solana developer assistant that can help developers on the platform X to get started with solana and it will also be able to mint NFTs to the users on demand.
First clone the Eliza repository:
git clone https://github.com/elizaOS/eliza.git
Make sure you have node
version 23.x.x
installed using
node --version
nvm use 23
Then install the dependencies:
pnpm install --no-frozen-lockfile
pnpm build
Create your environment file:
cp .env.example .env
What we are interested in for this guide is:
TWITTER_USERNAME= # Account username
TWITTER_PASSWORD= # Account password
OPENAI_API_KEY= # Get this from: https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
SOLANA_RPC_URL=https://api.devnet.solana.com # Lets work on devnet for now
SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY= # Get this from: https://solana.com/wallet
SOLANA_CLUSTER=devnet # Default: devnet. Solana Cluster: 'devnet' | 'testnet' | 'mainnet-beta'
SOLANA_ADMIN_PRIVATE_KEY= # This wallet is used to verify NFTs (you can use the same as the SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY for now)
SOLANA_ADMIN_PUBLIC_KEY= # This wallet is used to verify NFTs (you can use the same as the SOLANA_PUBLIC_KEY for now)
Make sure you have some devnet sol in your wallet before you start the agent.
If you have your private key in hex format you can base58 encode your private key using the following js snippet:
const bs58 = require('bs58');
console.log(bs58.encode(new Uint8Array([213,29,143,...])));
And run it using
npx tsx encode58.ts
To create a new character I would recommend using the composer feature in Cursor and tell it what kind of character you want to create. Give it one of the other characters as input and describe what king of character you want to create.
"name": "Sol",
"clients": ["twitter"],
"modelProvider": "openai",
"settings": {
"voice": {
"model": "en_US-neural"
The important part here are the clients and the modelProvider. In our case we
want to use twitter as a client and openai as the model provider because this is
what we also set our secrets for in the .env
Now that the configuration is done we can run our character:
pnpm start --character="characters/sol.character.json"
This will start the agent and you can now interact with it on twitter. The character will automatically start posting tweets every few hours and when we interact with him it will be able to perform solana actions like minting NFTs for example.
Here you can see the character in action.
You can also interact with the character locally using the following command:
pnpm start:client
For more information follow the official eliza documentation
Disclaimer: The Solana integration and actions are not perfect yet but they are in constant development and are moving fast. There will be a direct integration of the SendAI agent kit into Eliza soon.