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Merge pull request #497 from WolframResearch/bugfix/model-menu-clipping
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Bugfix: Add scrollbars to submenus when large to avoid content clipping
  • Loading branch information
rhennigan authored Dec 15, 2023
2 parents e1a87d3 + 6979069 commit b4e3991
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Showing 2 changed files with 86 additions and 35 deletions.
103 changes: 77 additions & 26 deletions Source/Chatbook/Menus.wl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`Common`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`ErrorUtils`" ];
Needs[ "Wolfram`Chatbook`FrontEnd`" ];

(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
$submenuItems = False;

(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Section::Closed:: *)
Expand All @@ -53,20 +58,26 @@ MakeMenu[ items_List, Automatic, width_ ] :=
MakeMenu[ items_List, frameColor_, Automatic ] :=
MakeMenu[ items, frameColor, 200 ];

MakeMenu[ items_List, frameColor_, width_ ] /;
! $submenuItems && MemberQ[ items, KeyValuePattern[ "Type" -> "Submenu" ] ] :=
Block[ { $submenuItems = True }, MakeMenu[ items, frameColor, width ] ];

MakeMenu[ items_List, frameColor_, width_ ] :=
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[
ToBoxes @ Column[ menuItem /@ items, ItemSize -> Automatic, Spacings -> 0, Alignment -> Left ],
Background -> GrayLevel[ 0.98 ],
FrameMargins -> 3,
FrameStyle -> Directive[ AbsoluteThickness[ 1 ], frameColor ],
ImageMargins -> 0,
RoundingRadius -> 3
ImageSize -> { width, Automatic }
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[
ToBoxes @ Pane[
Column[ menuItem /@ items, ItemSize -> Automatic, Spacings -> 0, Alignment -> Left ],
AppearanceElements -> None,
ImageSize -> { width, UpTo[ 450 ] },
Scrollbars -> { False, Automatic }
Background -> GrayLevel[ 0.98 ],
FrameMargins -> 3,
FrameStyle -> Directive[ AbsoluteThickness[ 1 ], frameColor ],
ImageMargins -> 0,
RoundingRadius -> 3

MakeMenu // endDefinition;
Expand All @@ -81,27 +92,30 @@ menuItem[ spec: KeyValuePattern[ "Data" -> content_ ] ] :=

menuItem[ spec: KeyValuePattern @ { "Type" -> "Submenu", "Data" :> content_ } ] :=
Lookup[ spec, "Icon", Spacer[ 0 ] ],
submenuLabel @ Lookup[ spec, "Label", "" ],
Block[ { $submenuItems = False },
Lookup[ spec, "Icon", Spacer[ 0 ] ],
submenuLabel @ Lookup[ spec, "Label", "" ],
"MouseEntered" :> With[ { root = EvaluationBox[ ] }, AttachSubmenu[ root, content ] ]
"MouseEntered" :> With[ { root = EvaluationBox[ ] }, AttachSubmenu[ root, content ] ],
"MouseDown" :> With[ { root = EvaluationBox[ ] }, AttachSubmenu[ root, content ] ]

menuItem[ { args__ } ] :=
menuItem @ args;

menuItem[ Delimiter ] :=
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ChatMenuItemDelimiter" ];
addSubmenuHandler @ RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { }, "ChatMenuItemDelimiter" ];

menuItem[ label_ :> action_ ] :=
menuItem[ Graphics[ { }, ImageSize -> 0 ], label, Hold @ action ];

menuItem[ section_ ] :=
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { ToBoxes @ section }, "ChatMenuSection" ];
addSubmenuHandler @ RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { ToBoxes @ section }, "ChatMenuSection" ];

menuItem[ name_String, label_, code_ ] :=
With[ { icon = chatbookIcon @ name },
Expand All @@ -125,16 +139,36 @@ menuItem[ icon_, label_, action_String ] :=

menuItem[ None, content_, None ] :=
addSubmenuHandler @ content;

menuItem[ icon_, label_, None ] :=
menuItem[ icon, label, Hold @ Null ];

menuItem[ icon_, label_, code_ ] :=
RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { ToBoxes @ icon, ToBoxes @ label, code }, "ChatMenuItem" ];
addSubmenuHandler @ RawBoxes @ TemplateBox[ { ToBoxes @ icon, ToBoxes @ label, code }, "ChatMenuItem" ];

menuItem // endDefinition;

(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
addSubmenuHandler // beginDefinition;

addSubmenuHandler[ expr_ ] /; $submenuItems := EventHandler[
"MouseEntered" :> NotebookDelete @ Cells[
EvaluationCell[ ],
AttachedCell -> True,
CellStyle -> "AttachedChatMenu"

addSubmenuHandler[ expr_ ] := expr;

addSubmenuHandler // endDefinition;

(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsection::Closed:: *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,17 +250,34 @@ menuMagnification // endDefinition;
determineAttachmentPosition // beginDefinition;

determineAttachmentPosition[ info_Association ] :=
Lookup[ info, "Position", determineAttachmentPosition @ MousePosition[ "WindowScaled" ] ];
determineAttachmentPosition[ KeyValuePattern[ "Position" -> { { pH_, pV_ }, { oH_, oV_ } } ] ] :=
{ { pH, pV }, { oH, chooseVerticalOffset @ MousePosition[ "WindowScaled" ] } };

determineAttachmentPosition[ _Association ] :=
determineAttachmentPosition @ MousePosition[ "WindowScaled" ];

determineAttachmentPosition[ pos_List ] :=
determineAttachmentPosition[ pos, quadrant @ pos ];

determineAttachmentPosition[ _, { h_, v_ } ] :=
{ { Replace[ h, { Left -> Right, Right -> Left } ], v }, { h, Center } };
determineAttachmentPosition[ { x_, y_ }, { h_, v_ } ] := {
{ Replace[ h, { Left -> Right, Right -> Left } ], v },
{ h, chooseVerticalOffset @ { x, y } }

determineAttachmentPosition[ None ] :=
{ { Right, Top }, { Left, Top } };

determineAttachmentPosition // endDefinition;

(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
chooseVerticalOffset // beginDefinition;
chooseVerticalOffset[ { x_, y_ } ] /; y < 0.33 := Top;
chooseVerticalOffset[ { x_, y_ } ] /; y > 0.67 := Bottom;
chooseVerticalOffset[ { x_, y_ } ] := Center;
chooseVerticalOffset // endDefinition;

(* ::**************************************************************************************************************:: *)
(* ::Subsubsection::Closed:: *)
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions Source/Chatbook/UI.wl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -444,20 +444,20 @@ MakeChatInputActiveCellDingbat[cell_CellObject] := Module[{
ImageMargins -> 0,
ContentPadding -> False
With[ { pos = Replace[ MousePosition[ "WindowScaled" ], { { _, y_ } :> y, _ :> 0 } ] },
{Left, Bottom},
{Left, If[ pos < 0.5, Bottom, Top ]},
Offset[{0, 0}, {Left, Top}],
{Left, Top},
{Left, If[ pos < 0.5, Top, Bottom ]},
RemovalConditions -> {"EvaluatorQuit", "MouseClickOutside"}
Appearance -> $suppressButtonAppearance,
ImageMargins -> 0,
FrameMargins -> 0,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -536,20 +536,20 @@ MakeChatDelimiterCellDingbat[cell_CellObject] := Module[{
ImageMargins -> 0,
ContentPadding -> False
With[ { pos = Replace[ MousePosition[ "WindowScaled" ], { { _, y_ } :> y, _ :> 0 } ] },
{Left, Bottom},
{Left, If[ pos < 0.5, Bottom, Top ]},
Offset[{0, 0}, {Left, Top}],
{Left, Top},
{Left, If[ pos < 0.5, Top, Bottom ]},
RemovalConditions -> {"EvaluatorQuit", "MouseClickOutside"}
Appearance -> $suppressButtonAppearance,
ImageMargins -> 0,
FrameMargins -> 0,
Expand Down

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