A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- Official Resources
- External Resources
- Community
- Podcasts
- Official Examples
- Tutorials
- Development Tools
- Testing
- Syntax Highlighting
- Snippets
- Autocomplete
- Component Collections
- Libraries & Plugins
- Projects Using Vue.js
- Vue.js資料まとめ(for japanese) by @hashrock
- Vue.js Newsletter - Weekly dose of handpicked Vue.js news
- Vue.js Jobs - VueJobs - A Vue.js job portal to hire or get hired for all your Vue.js jobs.
- Gitter Chat Room
- Official Forum
- vue-requests ★27 - Request a Vue.js module you wish existed or get ideas for modules
- Full Stack Radio #30 (11-23-2015)
- JavaScript Jabber #187 (11-25-2015)
- Changelog #184 (11-27-2015)
- Software Engineering Daily (12-29-2015)
- Javascript Air 016 (03-30-2016)
- Codecasts #2 - Falando Sobre Vuejs e Web Components (2016-08-19) [pt-BR]
- Full Stack Radio #50 (09-21-2016)
- 和 Vue.js 框架的作者聊聊前端框架开发背后的故事 [zh-CN]
- Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts
- What's New in Vue.js 1.0 on Sitepoint
- Build an App with Vue.js: From Authentication to Calling an API on Auth0 blog
- Create a GitHub File Explorer Using Vue.js on Scotch.io
- Vue.js Tutorial on Vegibit
- Vue.js build set-up from scratch with webpack, vue-loader and hot reload
- Vuex basics: Tutorial and explanation
- Vuex introduction video - James Browne from London Vue.js Meetup #1
- Vue.js 中文系列视频教程 on Laravist
- Vue.js: The Basics on Coligo.io
- VueJs: Components on Coligo.io
- Dynamic Components in Vue.js on Coligo.io
- Develop a Reactive Invoice App using Vue.js on craigmckenna.com
- Understanding Filters in Vue.js on Coligo.io
- Hybrid App Example with Laravel and Vue.js in portuguese by @vedovelli
- Creating a Markdown Editor with VueJs and GitHub's API on Coligo.io
- Building a Real-Time Web Analytics Dashboard with NodeJs, Socket.io, and VueJs on Coligo.io
- Vue.js Introduction Turkish Language on oguzhan.in
- Vue.js VideoTutoral Series in Spanish (3-8-2016) on YouTube by Juan Andrés Núñez
- Building a Bookmarking App with Electron, VueJs, and Firebase on Coligo.io
- Learn Vuex by Building a Notes App on Coligo.io
- Vue.js Screencast Series in Spanish on Styde.net
- 讲解Vue.js 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube ★672 on bhnddowinf
- Exploring Real Time Apps with VueJS, ES2015 and Webpack on Pusher
- [Vue.js in Bahasa Indonesia] (https://www.sekolahkoding.com/track/belajar-vue-js) on sekolahkoding.com
- Building a Mobile App with Cordova and Vue.js on Coligo.io
- Vue.js from Scratch Series in Russian on YouTube by .dev
- Створення сервісу для зберігання файлів з Flask, RethinkDB та Vue.js, ч. 1 Ukraine
- VueJS 2 French tutorial Français par Grafikart
- Jayway Vue.js 2 workshop. Build an e-commerce site with vue-router, vuex and vue-resource
- How to Create Great VueJS Applications Using Wijmo Controls
- **讲解Vue.js 2 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube ** on bhnddowinf
- Vue.js Cheatsheet: Server-side Applications, Router, Vuex Store, GraphQL and more by @xpepermint
- Medium like Image Loading with Vue.js
- How to Use Vuex in a Laravel Spark Project on Metric Loop
- How To Set Up Modules in Vuex on Metric Loop
- Learn Vue 2: Step By Step on Laracasts
- Vue.js 中文教程
- Up and Running with the Vue.js 2.0 Framework on SitePoint
- How to make API Calls with Vuex on Metric Loop
- How to Use Vuex to Build a Feature on Metric Loop
- Vue.js 2.0 Fundamentals on YouTube by DevMarketer
- Vuex For The Clueless — The Missing Primer On Vue’s Application Data Store
- Real-time Grid Component Laravel, Vue.js, Vuex & Socket.io
- VueJS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vuex) - Udemy Tutorial
- Develop Web Apps with Vue.js on egghead.io
- Vue.js 2 - Getting Started
- Vue.js 2 & Vuex (Basics)
- Türkçe VueJS Eğitim Videoları on YouTube by Fatih Acet
- Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts 0.12
- Build an App with Vue.js on Scotch.io 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js on Sitepoint 0.12
- Vue.js video series in portuguese 0.12
- Vue.js video series in russian on Ausite 0.12
- A Quick Introduction to Vue.js by Matt Sparks 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js + vue-router by Michael Calkins 0.12
- Many JS Frameworks but Vue.js Is Different by Taha Shashtari 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js - AngularJS perspective by Dan Mindru 0.11
vue-cli ★1,115: official CLI for scaffolding Vue.js projects.
vue-loader ★643 - Vue component loader for Webpack.
vueify ★494 - Vue component transform for Browserify.
vue-devtools ★934 - Chrome devtools extension for debugging Vue applications.
grunt-vueify ★2 - Translate
files to pure JavaScript, without using Browserify. (Useful for Electron apps) -
vue-compiler ★2 - A simple CLI wrapper around vueify
vue-autocompile - Atom.io package to compile
files on save. -
vue-dev-server ★5 - A small webpack-based development server for building standalone
components -
brunch-vue ★9 - Adds support to Brunch for pre-compiling single file Vue components.
vueify-extract-css ★23 - Browserify plugin to extract css from Vueify-compiled single file components to a separate css file.
eslint-plugin-vue ★21 - Eslint plugin for .vue files.
vbuild ★204 - Vue happiness build tool.
vue-markdown-loader ★2 Convert Markdown file to Vue Component using markdown-it.
vue-cluster Official Vue2 Socketcluster server-less framework with examples.
A webpack loader for loading TypeScript in
's single file component -
Vue rendering engine for Express.js load .vue files directly using app.render()
vue-play ★53 - UI Component Dev Environment for Vue inspired by react-storybook.
vue-webpack - Webpack configuration object generator for Vue.js.
vue-builder - Server-side and client-side rendering for Vue.js.
express-vue-dev - Vue.js development server middleware for Express.js.
express-vue-builder - Vue.js server-side rendering middleware for Express.js.
sprockets-vue ★8 - Translate
files to pure JavaScript for Rails Assets Pipeline, without webpack. -
nuxt.js ★1,012 - A minimalistic framework for server-rendered Vue.js applications.
vue-component-generator - A generator for Vue Component.
vue-eslint-parser - The ESLint custom parser for
files. -
vue-styleguide-generator ★19 - Style guide generator for Vue. Generate preview html page with components details out of your source folder
vuegister - A require hook for loading of the Vue.js single-file components (or .vue files).
- Chrome devtools extension for visualizing and debugging Vue applications.
vue-build ★9 - Simple templateless customizable cli for building any size vue application.
Does all the tricky stuff for you to develop, test, build and deploy iOS and Android like web applications.
vue-easy-renderer - Vue.js server-side renderer for *.vue file based on vue-server-renderer
- vue-node - Allows you to
components in node for testing without browsers. - avoriaz - A utility library to make testing your components easy.
- http-vue-loader - Load
files directly from your html/js. No node.js environment, no build step.
- Sublime Text ★244
- Atom by @hedefalk
- Atom (2) by @CYBAI
- Vim ★48 by @darthmall and @posva
- Visual Studio Code by Jim Liu
- Brackets ★11 by @pandao
- IntelliJ IDEA / WebStorm ★66 by @postalservice14
- Emacs ★10 by @CodeFalling
- Visual Studio 2015 ★7 by @madskristensen
- KDE/Katepart (Kate, KWrite, KDevelop) by @mtorromeo
- vue-snippets for Atom.io by @ealves-pt
- Vue.js Brazil Code Snippets
- Use multiple files in vue-router
- Vue Permission Directive
- Bootstrap status label (v-label)
- VueHelper
Vue,Vue-router and Vuex snippets for Vscode by @OYsun
- vue-autocomplete for Atom.io by @ealves-pt
- google-autocomplete ★9 An easy approach to achieve address autocomplete from google map. by @gocanto
- vue-gmaps Vue.js plugin to allow search places using Google Maps API by @ridermansb
- VueStrap, Bootstrap components built with pure Vue.js by @yuche 1.0
- VueBoot, Bootstrap v4 components by @Morgul 1.0
- vue-mdl ★436: Reusable Vue.js components using Material Design Lite. By @posva
- Extra Vuestrap components, more components built with just B4 and Vue.js, by @kzima 1.0
- VueStrap Base Components, A complete set of Bootstrap 4 web components built with pure Vue.js, by @kzima 1.0
- VUX ★6316: Mobile web UI Components based on Vue and WeUI. By @airyland 2.x compatible
- Vue Material Components: Vue.js UI components using materializecss.com by mjanys
- Vue Upload Component: Vue.js Multiple file upload component support ie9 lianyue.org by LianYue
- vue-comps: A collection of unstyled and unanimated plain vue components
- vue-materialize ★66: materializeCss styles and animations for
- vue-clusterize ★28: implementation of clusterize.js in vue, invisible pagination
- vue-data-table ★7: A high-customizable data-table based on vue-clusterize
- vue-side-nav ★9: responsive, touch enabled side nav
- vue-parallax ★3: Scrolls a image slower than the window to create a neat optical effect
- vue-zoombox ★0: implementation of zoomerang, Zooms into everything (images, text) - without animations
- vue-icons ★10: webpack based - load only what you need - svg inline icons - font compatible mode - fa, material, mdi and octicons
- vue-materialize ★66: materializeCss styles and animations for
- Keen-UI ★1516: A collection of essential UI components inspired by Material Design 1.0, 2.0
- material-ui-vue: materializecss UI components with Vue, by @jack
- vue-spectre: github,spectre components built with Vue.js by @vace 1.0
- vue-desktop ★219: A UI library for building admin panel website, by @ElemeFE
- smart ★25: Reusable mobile components based on Vue, by @shenlq
- vue-admin ★397: Vue Admin Panel Framework, by @fundon
- vue-kit ★3: Vue Website Framework, by @gismall,demo:http://vue-kit.gismall.com
- vue-material-design ★11: A set of material components by @loujiayu
- mint-ui ★1,533: Mobile UI elements for Vue.js, by @ElemeFE
- searchable-select-dropdown ★3: A Vue Component to convert the native html select-dropdown to searchable dropdown by @rahulgaba16
- Vuikit ★400: A collection of Vue native components outputting UIkit layout 2.0
- vue-bulma: Vue Bulma UI Components, by @fundon
- vue-bulma-breadcrumb: Breadcrumb component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-collapse: Collapse component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-chartjs: Chartjs component is based on chart.js for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-chartist: Chartist component is based on Chartist for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-datepicker: Datepicker component is based on flatpickr for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-message: Message component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-modal: Modal component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-notification: Notification component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-progress-bar: ProgressBar component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-progress-tracker: ProgressTracker component is based on progress-tracker for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-rating: Rating component is based on starability.css for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-slider: Slider component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-switch: Switch component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-tabs: Tabs component for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-tooltip: Tooltip component is based on hint.css for Vue Bulma
- vue-bulma-expanding: The Expanding Transition Component for Vue 2.0
- vue-disqus: Vue component to integrate Disqus comments in your application, with support for SPA
- BootInput, Bootstrap input components for vuejs with validation, and form-group cascade. By @neposoft
- vue-easy-slider: Slider component for Vue.js with control button. By @Suhaha
- vue-carbon Material Design Mobile UI Components
- quasar-framework ⭐1005 SPA front-end framework on steroids. Endless list of components with Material and iOS themes. Build responsive websites and hybrid mobile Apps (that look native!) using same code, with Vue 2. Electron App included. With Webpack 2. By @rstoenescu 2.x compatible
- N3-components - A UI library, by @zhangking Websites & native mobile Apps. Full Stack Toolkit.
- vue-core-image-upload: A vue plugin for image to crop and upload @Vanthink-UED
- ElementUI ★7,500: Desktop UI elements for Vue.js 2.0 @ElemeFE
- vue-beauty: Beautiful UI components build with vue and ant design
- Radon UI: A elegant, simple, and efficient UI framework
- vue-antd: Vue UI Component & Ant.Design
- iView: A high quality UI Components Library with Vue.js
- wovue: A collection of Vue components, a11y friendly, by @wochap.
- vue-off-canvas - A off-canvas component for Vue.js. 1.x compatible
- vue-dialog - A dialog component for Vue.js. 1.x compatible
- vue-focus-trap - A Vue component that traps focus for Vue.js, it is a wrapper around focus-trap. 1.x compatible
- BootstrapVue Bootstrap 4 Components compatible with Vue.js 2.

- vue-codemirror ★ Codemirror component for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.0) @Surmon
- vue-video-player ★ Live / Video Player (based on video.js) for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.0) @Surmon
- vue-material ★1550 Lightweight components built from scratch exactly according to the specs. 2.0 by @marcosmoura
- vue-notifications ★0 Agnostic non-blocking notifications library. Allow you to manage notifications in declaration style. 1.x - 2.x compatible @se-panfilov
- vue-fa-calendar - Customize this printable Vue 2 Font-Awesome calendar component with your own classes.
- vue-highcharts
Highcharts component for Vue.
- muse-ui
Material Desgin UI library for Vuejs 2.0
- vonic ★275 - UI Framework for SPA, based on Vue.js and ionic css components. by @wangdahoo
- vue-scroller ★60 - Vue component for smooth scrolling, pull to refresh and infinite loading. by @wangdahoo
- vue-prosemirror-2 Plugin to integrate prosemirror with Vue 2 2.x compatible by @eljefedelrodeodeljefe
- Vue2Leaflet Vue2 component that helps with leaflet interaction (Leaflet = a JavaScript library for interactive maps)
- vue-impression A Vue.js 2.0 UI elements for mobile. by@NewDadaFE
- vue-github-corners VueJS Component for Tholman's Github-Corners
- vue-clip Hackable File Uploader For Vue.js 2.0.
- vue-numeric - Vue 2.0 Input field component to display currency value. By @kevinongko.
- vue-morris - Vue component wrapping morris.js charts lib. By @bbonnin.
- Framework7 Vue - Build hybrid mobile apps with iOS & Android native look and feel with power of Vue.js and Framework7.
- vue-easy-toast - Yet another "Toast" component. Supports both Vue 1.x and 2.x.
- vue-simple-upload - Simple File Upload component with upload progress, upload events for Vue.js. Supports Vue 2.x.
- vue-twentytwenty - Vue component for highlighting the differences between 2 images, based on ZURB's TwentyTwenty plugin. Supports Vue 2.x.
- Vue-Blu
- UI Component Library Base on Vue.js(2.x) and Bulma. by @chenz24
- ♨️ Onsen UI for Vue 2
- Complete set of Vue.js 2.x components to create hybrid & mobile web apps with iOS & Android native look and feel. Write code once and get it autostyled for each platform.
- vue-data-tables
- vue2.0 DataTables, based on element-ui, el-table + el-pagination + custom filter and sort. by @njleonzhang
- vue-impress - Inspired by impress.js. Supports Vue 2.x. demo
- VueStrap + Bootstrap 3 SASS integration guide, Sample app with sensible SASS architecture and Bootstrap overriding.
- vue-router ★3,171 - Official router for building SPAs. 1.0 compatible
- Vue page ★15, a routing system based on pagejs by @AlexToudic
- Vue Lanes ★21, an event-based routing system for Vue by @bpierre
- Vue route ★73, ng-view inspired routes for Vue by @ayamflow
- voie ★130 — simple router / layout manager inspired by FSMs and ui-router by Boris Okunskiy1.0
- vue-script2 ★6 - Load route-specific code or vendor scripts with a
-like tag, by @taoeffect - vue-update - provides extra hook for data-updating, by @ZeroDark1991
- vue-resource ★1,761 - AJAX/Resource plugin maintained by the PageKit team. 1.0 compatible
- vue-resource-case-converter - Interceptor for
that transforms request data to snake_case and response data to camelCase - vue-async-data ★240 - Async data loading plugin 1.0 compatible
- vue-async-computed ★23 - Plugin to support computed properties that are calculated asynchronously. By @foxbenjaminfox
- vue-model ★63 - Plugin to make rich models with built-in HTTP actions by @aaronfrancis
- vue-laravel-forms ★20 - Form helpers for your Laravel backed Vue.js projects.
- vue-axios - A small wrapper for integrating axios to Vuejs
- vue-jsonp ★10 - A tiny library for handling JSONP request. By @lancercomet
- @skyrpex/props-to-local - A mixin that allows syncing props to local attributes automatically, by [@skyrpex].
- v-model ★5 - V-Model is a model plugin for Vue.js, like ng-resource, by @laoshu133
- vue-reload-route-data - Give you a ability to reload route data by @imcvampire.
- vue-resource-mock - A helper to mock your http response, based on vue-resource's inteceptor.
- vue-remote - A websocket based remote event system for ease of building dynamic applications, based on Vue's event system.
- vue-instagram - Vue 2.0 Fetch Instagram's feeds component. By @kevinongko.
- vue-wamp - AutobahnJS wrapper served as a plugin. By @lajosbencz
- vuex ★2,062 - Flux/Redux inspired application architecture for Vue.js.
- revue ★230 - Redux binding for Vue by @egoist
- vue-redux ★82 - Redux binding for Vue by @yang-wei
- vue-freeze ★50 - Simple state management without bloating the API and Concept for Vue by @BosNaufal
- vue-simple-store ★39 - Store Organizer To Simplify Your Stores for Vue By @BosNaufal
- vue-stash ★115 - Easily share reactive data between components. @cklmercer
- vuex-actions ★2 - Action utilities for vuex, supports promise-based async actions.
- vuex-persistedstate ★2 - Persist and rehydrate Vuex state with localStorage support by @robinvdvleuten
- vue-sync - Sync state with other places such as the browser URL or a backend api. directly, without using stores.
- vuex-plugin-jsdata - Sync state with js-data store (for Vuex 2.x).
- vuex-action - Utilities for vuex to create actions.
- vuex-basement ★4 - Vuex state persistance and synchronization between tabs/windows.
- vuex-shared-mutations - Share subset of application mutations accross different tabs/windows. Simpler, yet usually sufficient alternative to vuex-basement
- vuex-redux-saga - Use all powers of redux-saga with vuex. Build asynchronyous data flows with generators and channels
- vuex-promise-middleware - Promise state dispatcher for Vuex
- vuemit - Vuemit is a tiny library to work with events on Vue.js. Its aim is to keeping simple the fact of sharing information between two or more components. By @gocanto
- vue-event-handler - Simple plugin to manage your custom events in the application. Compatible with Vue 1 and Vue 2 By Sandeep K
- vue-validator ★1137 - Form validation plugin maintained by @kazupon 2.0 compatible
- Vue validator ★41 by @xrado
- vue-form ★147 by @fergaldoyle 1.0 compatible
- Vuex Validator ★2 - Validator library for simple and complex state validation by @sebastiansoft 1.0 compatible
- JS Validator ★4 - The easiest way to validate your forms without 3rd party packages by @gocanto
- vue-verify - A simple verification plugin for VueJS
- vee-validate - Simple VueJS input validation plugin by @logaretm
- Vue-Laravel-Validator ★26 - Laravel validation response handle for vue forms. by @MetinSeylan
- vue-formly - Simple and extendable JS based forms. Heavily inspired by Angular Formly.
- vue-formly-bootstrap - A Bootstrap plugin for Vue Formly.
- vue-formular - A comperhensive solution for HTML form management, including presentation, validation and (optional) AJAX submission. Presentation is based on Bootstrap's form component.
- Vuerify - Validation plugin for Vue.js
- vue-data-validator - For Vue.js 2
- vue-form-2 Vue 2.0 version of vue-formular
- laravel-like-vue-validator - Declare reactive input error checking with the same syntax as with Laravel.
- Vue-Easy-Validator - Fast-Easy client side form validation for Vuejs 2 @MetinSeylan
- vue-contextable: Contextable.js plugin for Vue.js 2.0. Form validation has never been easier!
- vuelidate ★43 - Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js by @monterail 2.0 compatible
- simple-vue-validator ★17 - Simple, yet flexible solution aimed to support both basic and complex validation scenarios 2.0 compatible
- vue-vform - Vue.js 2 form component that integrate jQuery Validation and Axios.
vue-countup ★11: A Vue.js component for the very interesting CountUp.js plugin. 1.0 compatible
Typed select component ★4 by @dgerber
vue-select ★59: A Vue.js component implementing the select control with the jQuery select2 plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
vue-html-editor ★97: A Vue.js component implementing the HTML editor with the jQuery summernote plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
vue-datetime-picker ★92: A Vue.js component implementing the datetime picker control using the Eonasdan's bootstrap datetime picker plugin. By @Haixing-Hu
vue-country-select ★12: A Vue.js component implementing the select control used to select countries. It depends on vue-select and vue-i18n. By @Haixing-Hu
Form generation from JSON Schema ★22 by @dgerber
vue-panel ★40: A suite of Vue.js components for building Flexbox layouts by @ericmcdaniel
vue-google-maps: A suite of Vue.js components to build reactive Google Maps Applications by @GuillaumeLeclerc
vue-transition ★39: A component to trigger a CSS transition at any time by @Twiknight
SVG icons, SVG sprites in form of a simple
component, by @kzima 1.0 -
Vue YouTube Embed ★19: a component for Vue.js and YouTube by @kaorun343
Vue datepicker ★124: calendar and datepicker component with material design for Vue.js by @hilongjw
vue-date-picker ★31: A simple datepicker component for Vue.js by @Bubblings
vue-spinner ★240: A collection of loading spinners with Vue.js.
vue-image-loader ★23: Async image loader for Vue.js by @eduardostuart
Vue-progressbar ★73: A lightweight progress bar for Vue.js by @hilongjw
vue-resource-progressbar-interceptor: An interceptor for vue-resource that adds automated progressbar (that is up one line) to all http requests
Famous-Vue ★13: Declarative Famous using Vue
vue-waterfall ★296: A waterfall layout component for Vue.js by @MopTym
vue-charts ★35: A Google Charts plugin for Vue.js by @haydenbbickerton
vue-select ★305: Simple component that implements Select2/Chosen style dropdowns with no dependencies1.0
Vue-slide ★60: A lightweight slide component for Vue.js by @hilongjw
Vue-quill ★10: A Vue component implementing the Quill text editor by @brockreece
vue-pagenav ★12: A vue pagenav plugin by @zxdong262
Vue-calendar ★7: A vue calendar component with less code by @cucygh
vue-autocomplete ★35 Autocomplete Component for Vue by @BosNaufal
vue-loading-bar ★50 Youtube Like Loading Bar Component for Vue by @BosNaufal
vue-bootstrap-modal ★20 Bootstrap style modal component for Vue by @Coffcer
vue-waves ★6:Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design ,the vue version By @Teddy-Zhu
[vue-table] (https://github.com/ratiw/vue-table): component that will automatically request (JSON) data from the server and display them nicely in html table with swappable/extensible pagination component. By @ratiw
[vue-tables] (https://github.com/matfish2/vue-tables): This Vue package offers an easy and intuitive way of displaying Bootstrap-styled grids with data coming either from the client or from the server. By @matfish2
[vue-smart-table ★100] (https://github.com/gurghet/vue-smart-table): A simple grid component for building rich reactive tables
[fire-select] (https://github.com/firework/fire-select): Vue component that transforms overwhelming select boxes into something fancy, simple and user-friendly. It is similar to Selectize, Chosen, Select2, etc.
vue-color ★125, Color picker
vue-avatar ★27: display user avatar with fallback to user's initials.
vue-msui ★17 by @yjj5855 : A Vue modal
vue-file-base64 ★5 - Vue Component for Converting File to base64 by @BosNaufal
vue-ripple ★11 - Vue Component to Make Google Material Design Ripple Effect by @BosNaufal
vue-scrollbar ★19 - The Simplest Scroll Area Component with custom scrollbar for Vue by @BosNaufal
vue-tagsinput ★10: A tags input component based on Vue.js
vue-markdown ★57: A Powerful and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue1.x.x & Vue2.0.x. By @miaolz123
vue-awesome ★236: Font Awesome component for Vue.js, using inline SVG. By @Justineo
vue-smoothscroll ★1:scroll website smoothly , By @Teddy-Zhu
vue-breadcrumbs ★11: Implements simple breadcrumb functionality with vue-router. By @SamTurrell
vue-datepicker ★15: datepicker component for Vue.js. By @weifeiyue
vue-timeago ★59: A timeago component for Vue by @EGOIST
vue-calendar ★26: Vue Material date picker for Vue by @ihanyang
vue-multiselect ★371: Configurable dropdown/select component similar to Select2/Chosen, with NO dependecies by @shentao
vue-infinite-loading ★72: An infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js 1.0 & Vue.js 2.0. By @PeachScript
vue-swipe ★100: touch slider component for Vuejs @ElemeFE
vue-loadmore ★63: two-direction mobile pull-to-refresh component for Vuejs @ElemeFE
vue-tree-view ★7: Tree View component for Vuejs @10quality
vue-swiper ★23: Swiper component. Easy to use. @weilao
vue-peity ★12: A Vue version of an excellent peity library for beautiful mini graphs, by @fundon
vue-area ★5: Provincial level three linkage @serge
vue-stroll ★8: An awesome CSS3 list scroll effects component for Vue.js. @xiaoluoboding
Vue.Draggable ★201: Vue.js 2.0 component to drag-and-drop elements in synchronization with View-Model. Based on Sortable.js
vue-chart ★10: A Powerful and Highspeed Chart Parser for Vue. By @miaolz123
vue-m-carousel ★1: A carousel component for Vue. By @shiye515
vue-l-carousel: A responsive carousel(namely slider or swiper) component for Vue.js v2.x+. By [@lsycxyj]
Vue.Isotope ★7: Vue directive supporting isotope layout filtering and sorting.
vue-cleave Cleave component is based on cleave.js for Vue. By @fundon
vue-region-picker ★23 A Vue.js Component for picking provinces, cities and districts of China.
vue-form: Form handler component (async/ajax) for Vuejs. Facilitates requests, responses and results handling. @10quality
vue-social-shares: Social network sharing component for Vuejs. @10quality
: A Pure Vue Schedule Full Calendar, events, schedule. @Wanderxx
vue-grid-layout: A draggable and resizable grid layout, like Gridster, for Vue.js
vue-timepicker: A dropdown time picker (hour|minute|second) for VueJs, with flexible time format support
- vue-timepicker: The Vue 1.x version By @phoenixwong
- vue2-timepicker: The Vue 2.x version By @phoenixwong
vue-full-calendar A fullcalendar.js wrapper for Vue.js @brockreece
vuejs-datepicker: A simple Vue.js datepicker component. Supports disabling of dates, inline mode, translations. By @charliekassel
vue-bootstrap-table: A sortable and searchable table, as a Vue component, using bootstrap styling.
vue-image-clip: A component for cliping image. By @legeneek
vue-html5-editor - A html5 wysiwyg editor for vue
vue-chartjs ★7 - A simple wrapper for ChartJs in Vue @apertureless
vue-top-progress - Yet another top progress loading bar component for Vue.js. @dalphyx
vue-handsontable - Handsontable component is based on Handsontable for Vue, by @fundon
vue-nprogress - NProgress component is based on nprogress for Vue, by @fundon
vue-headroom - Headroom for Vue.js. @dalphyx
vue-resource-nprogress - A progressbar interceptors for vue-resource using
by @imcvampire -
vue-datatable - A Datatable component for Vuejs, has all feature of jQuery Datatables by @galenyuan
vue-tables-2 Vue 2.0 Version of the
plugin -
vue-radial-progress ★13 Radial progress bar component for Vue 1.x and 2.x 1.0 and 2.0 compatible
Vue slider component Can use the slider component in vue1.x and vue2.x by @NightCatSama
vue-awesome-swiper ★236 Swiper3(slide) component for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.0) @Surmon
vue-touch-ripple ★46 Touch ripple component for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.0) @Surmon
vue-tree ★1: Vue Tree View Component @weibangtuo
vue-img-loader - An image loader UI component for Vue.js 2.0, which supports preview, blur preview and other customize way while loading the image. @jackgit
vue-typewriter: Vue component that types by @eduardostuart
](https://github.com/hchstera/vue-charts): Chart.js plugin for Vue 2
vue-lory Touch enabled minimalistic slider for Vue, based on lory. By @fundon
vue-slick Vue 2.0 component for this Slick-carousel By @staskjs
vue-mugen-scroll ★90 Infinite scroll component for Vue.js 2.0
vue-touch-keyboard Virtual keyboard component for Vue.js. Designed to Raspberry Pi Touch Display
vue-social-sharing: A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, work with Vue 1.X or 2.X.
vue-shortkey Apply shortcuts to your elements in a simple way.
vue-pull-refresh-and-load-more a scroll component with function of pull up refresh and pull down load more for Vue. By uniquezhuo.
side-effect: Create Vue components with global side effects
vue-button: Button component for Vue.js v2.0.1+. by @steven5538
vue-viewports: define your custom viewports and use them in your components
vue-throttle-event: throttle events based on requestAnimationFrame
vue-input-tag 🔖: Vue.js 2.0 Input Tag Component
vue-cmap China map visualizing component for Vue.js 2.0
vue-keyboard A simple virtual keyboard component for Vue.js 2.0.
vue-flickity A Vue 2.0 component for Flickity By @metafizzy
](https://github.com/SevenOutman/vue-aplayer) Easy-to-config music player with controls.
vue-waypoint: component for Vue, this is the easiest way to trigger a function when you scroll Waypoints-like
vue-online: A reactive online/offline component for Vue.js 2.0 which shows a message when the user is offline and provides a convenient reactive online variable
vuetify ★951: A material design semantic component framework for Vue.js 2
v-tooltip: Easy tooltips with tether-tooltip 2.0+ by @Akryum
vue-at: At.js for Vue
vue-parallax: 60 FPS Parallax scroll effect for Vue.js 2 2.1+
vue-quill-editor ★ Quill editor component for Vue2 @Surmon
vue-drag-zone ★ Dom Drag Zone component for Vue.js(2.x) @Surmon
Vuep A component for rendering Vue components with live editor and preview.2.0
vue-mobiledoc-editor ★ a mobiledoc editor component toolkit for Vue2.
vue-typer: Vue 2.x+ component that simulates a user typing, selecting, and erasing text. By @cngu.
vue-instant: Vue 2.x+ Vue instant allows you to easily create autosuggest for your vue application. By @santiblanko.
pinch-slider: a vue based mobile slider(or swiper) for images which can be zoomed or pinched.
vue-event-calendar ★10: A simple events calendar for Vue2. By @GeoffZhu
: Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+)
: Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for countUp.js(v1.x+)
: Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for Odometer.js
: Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for DuoShuo.js
vue-places Vue 2.x component based on places.js.
vue-password-strength-meter Vue.js component to visualize password strength.
vue-echarts ★194: ECharts component for Vue.js. By @Justineo
vue-audio ★9 Vue.js sound audio player UI. Covers audio-tag API and adds more. By @shershen08
tinymce-vue-2 TinyMCE for Vue 2
: A QRCode Component for Vue 2
thumbnail-slider: thumbnail-slider is a simple slider for a list of images which can be used in photo albums likewise and has both row and column modes.
vue-photonkit Photonkit components for Vue 2
vuejs-paginate - Vue.js(v2.x+) component for creating pagination.
vue-switches - Simple on/off switches with theme support for bulma, bootstrap, and custom themes.
- Simple masked input component for Vue.js 2.X.
vue-droppler - Droppler is a Vue 2 component for creating fixed position "dropdown" content using drop.js.
vue-datasource - A Vue.js server side component to create dynamic tables. Compatible with Vue 2.x and Laravel.
vue-flatpickr - A datepicker based on flatpickr.
vue-popper-component ★6 - Simple Vue.js (v1) component for Popper.js plugin.
vue-simplemde ★17 - Markdown Editor component for Vue.js(v2) based on simplemde.
vue-masonry ★9 - Vue 2 directive for masonry blocks layouting
ag-grid-vue - Rich Grid with full Vue Component support
vue-add-to-calendar: A Vue.js component that provides "Add to Calendar" functionality, work with Vue 2.X.
vue-qriously - Generate QR codes on HTML canvas easily using qrious 2.x compatible
survey.js: JavaScript full featured JSON based Survey library with vue implementation
vue-progressive-image Progressive image loading plugin for Vue
vue-baidu-map: 基于Vue.js(v1)的百度地图组件
vue-carousel-3d: Beautiful, flexible and touch-friendly 3D Carousel for Vue.js
- vue-i18n ★605: Internationalization plugin by @kazupon 1.0 (by v4.10.0), 2.0-pre-alpha compatible
- vue-localize ★11: Internationalization plugin for vue.js based applications
- vue-i18n ★36: A plugin providing a global interface used to localize internationalized messages used in the application. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-i18n ★20: Internationalization plugin by @jinzhe1.x
- vue-locale ★21: Advanced localization support for VueJS by @sebastiansoft
- vue-jade-editor ★1: a online jade(pug) editor plugin by @zxdong262
- vue-video ★40: A HTML5 video player component for Vue.js by @hilongjw
- vue-i18n: A small but effective Internationalization plugin
- vue-translate ★11: A small and basic translation plugin for Vue.js 1.x, 2.x compatible by @javisperez
- vuex-i18n ★1: Internationalization made simple with vue and vuex Vue.js 2.0.x by @dkfbasel
- vue-gettext ★11: Translate your Vue.js applications with gettext Vue.js 2.0.x
- vuejs-carousel: Complete photo carousel build with VueJS and web standards in mindVueJs 2.1.6+
- vue-progressbar-xeonpowder ★1: A progressbar forked from @hilongjw, updated by @XeonPowder, with more bells and whistles for Vue.JS 2+
- vue-echarts ★194: ECharts component for Vue.js. By @Justineo
- VueLinkPopover: Flexible, customizable Twitter style popover component for Vue.js.
- [vue-ua
](https://github.com/ScreamZ/vue-analytics): Google Universal Analytics implementation for Vue.JS 2+
- vue-analytics Vue plugin for Google Analytics
- [vue-ua
- [vue-adsense
](https://github.com/darrynten/vue-adsense): Google Adsense implementation for Vue.JS 2+
- [vue-adsense
- Starter Application with JWT Auth + sample backend API in Laravel
- Node Webkit + Vue example ★37 by @brandonjpierce
- Vue Samples ★25 by @superlloyd
- HackerNews clone with vue.js + vue-router ★6 by @kazupon
- Electron + Vue example ★256 by @bradstewart
- Single page application example (Vue + Voie) by Boris Okunskiy
- Begin - Task Manager SPA written in Vue + Lumen ★24 by Raj Abishek
- Vue Mini Shop ★45 by BosNaufal
- Vue SoundCloud ★14 by mul14
- Feature Requests (Laravel + Vue Combo) by haydenbbickerton
- Vue Cookbook (Vue1.0 + express) ★65 by @yjj5855: A demo first screen rendering of a service
- Strong Together ★17 - A starter project to build single page Vue.js apps as stand-alone or for Laravel / Laravel Spark projects, based on Browserify and Semantic-ui) by WebSemantics
- vuetest: an ad admin web with user auth, bootstrap ui, uploader, WYSIWYG editor in iframe ★3
- vue-shopping ★142 by andylei18
- Vue-cnodejs ★1,060 by @shinygang
- vue-zhihu-daily ★407 by hilongjw
- jwt-example
by @petervmeijgaard
- VueChess ★12 -Multiplayer online chess game by gustaYo
- Ngexplorer-vuejs-client ★1 -Vue client for Ngexplorer by gustaYo
- Vue 2048 (Vue + Webpack) by @pengfu: Popular 2048-Game implemented using Vue,Webpack,Sass,ES6
- Vue Simple PWA by BosNaufal
- Tour of Heroes (Vue 2.0) ★1: A Vue 2.0 port of the Angular 2.0 Tour of Heroes demo app. Highlights: ES6/7, render functions, JSX, revue (redux bindings for Vue), vue-router, Airbnb eslint, webpack. by @aweber1
- vue-table-pagination A table with pagination by echovic
- Feathers and Vue 2.0 Blog Admin Demo Demo for using Feathers with Vue 2.0. It includes authentication, vue-router, vue-infinite-loading and roles by delay
- vue-zhihudaily-2.0 Zhihudaily demo built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering. by cs1707
- vue-demo-sale-platform a simply vue2.0 demo built with Vue 2.0, vue-router, vue-cli, include mockdata server, some common components. by fishenal
- vue-demo-todolist a simply vue2.0 demo built with Vue 2.0, vue-cli. by fishenal
- vue-AdminLte by liujians
- Vue(2.0) + Node.js: A blog content manage system (CMS) ★202 by @ycwalker
- ngexplorer-quasar ★1 -Implementation of Ngexplorer with quasar framework by gustaYo
- zhihu-daily-vue ★6 a zhihu daily base on vue2.0 by moonou
- loopback-vue ★32 loopback+vue+vue-resource,ionic-app,vue page分页功能,authenticate 权限控制,accesstoken机制,credentials,CI,docker qxl1231
- vue-s3-dropzone
A Vue.js drag-and-drop component uploads files to AWS S3 serverlessly
- easy-vue
a easy example using the vue to implement easy web with vue 2.0, vuex 2.0, vue-router 2.0, vue-infinite-scroll 2.0, vue-progressbar 2.0 by TIGERB
- Vuex Events Messaging Demo by Metric Loop
- vue-memo a simple demo build with Vue.js(>2.x.), vue-router(>2.x.), vuex(>2.x.), vuex-router-sync@next(>3.x.) and Firebase(>3.6.x) by akifo
- Resume Vue JSON based Resume based on Vue 2.0 by ChangJoo Park
- App example with JWT Authentication developed with Phoenix Framework, Vue and Vue Router (demo) by @Angarsk8
- Sample CRUD app with router in Vue 2.0 by @shershen08
- ASP.NET Core Vue.js server-side rendering sample by @mgyongyosi
- vuefire-quickstart -
- Documented Firebase integration w/ webpack and eslint, by @sejr.
- hello-vue-django Vue.js and Django integration starter project with hot code reload
- Real Time Social News App developed with Phoenix, Vue, Vue Router and Vuex (demo) by @Angarsk8
- vue-calculator ★5 a simply calculator built with Vue 2.0, vue-cli(webpack-simple). by CaiYiLiang
- Wikipedia-viewer A simple wikipedia-viewer page built with vue2.x ,vue-router,vue-cli(webpack-simple) and ajax(jsonp). by CaiYiLiang
- vue2.x-douban
A simple of douban movie build with vue2.x,vue-router and axios(豆瓣电影). by Superman
- vue-laravel-example
Vue - Laravel - Example is a simple example to set Vue with Laravel. by Jiajian Chan
- vue-foundation A demo app integrating VueJS with Zurb Foundation, built using the webpack vue-cli template
Boilerplate for Vue.js plugin ★26 by @kazupon vue-cli compatible
Boilerplate for single page applications ★16 by @sebastiansoft
PLATO ★137 by @crossjs - A Vue 2.0 project boilerplate for SPAs use official vuex, vue-router, and lightweight i18n, validator, normalizr, persist, and also has some well designed mobile UI components
electron-vue ★1000 by @SimulatedGREG - An Electron & Vue.js (
) quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack. gitbook docs -
browserify-complete ★5 by @danielschmitz - A Browserify + router + resource + vuex + bulma setup for quick prototyping vue-cli compatible
Modern Vue.js starter boilerplate ★101 - Vue 2, Vue Router 2, Axios, Single File Components, ES6, Babel, Webpack 2 (with BrowserSync), Webpack Dashboard, ESLint, SASS, Bootstrap 4, FontAwesome, Animate.css & many more by villeristi
vue-typescript-template by @danielschmitz - A Vue.js + Typescript project template setup for quick prototyping, inspired by vue-typescript-seed vue-cli compatible
Webpack template w/ Coffee Modified Vue-Cli webpack template for usage with coffee and python backends (aka: flask)
vue-stack-2.0 ★139 by @cklmercer - Vue 2.0 project boilerplate with routing, global store, global events, and more.
vuejs-firebase Vue.js / Firebase boilerplate with authentication.
by @petervmeijgaard - Vue 2.0 boilerplate for developing medium to large single page applications.
vuets/webpack2-simple-vue1 by @dyu - typescript 2.0 template using vuets + vue/vue-router 1.0.
vuets/webpack2-simple-vue2 by @dyu - typescript 2.0 template using vuets + vue/vue-router 2.0.
vue-rollup-boilerplate by @dangvanthanh - A simple rollup + vue-loader setup for quick prototyping
Vue Starter - https://github.com/BosNaufal/vue-starter by BosNaufal
vue-cluster Official Vue2 Socketcluster server-less framework with examples.
vue-boilerplate Vue 2.0 boilerplate,based on webpack and es6,includes vuex,vue-router,vue-resource, vue-auth
bourgeon ★9 Vue 2.0 template for vue-cli based on webpack including stylus (jeet, rupture, typus), vuex, I18n, routing and SVG sprites.
vue-ssr-hmr-template ★42 Vue2 + Webpack2 + HMR + Server Side Render + Express template by @Awe
[Vuejs Starter Kit 2 ★12] (https://github.com/MetinSeylan/VuejsStarterKit) Vue 2.0 modern application structure MetinSeylan
vue-cli-template - A simple server-side rendering CLI template for Vue.js. by @xpepermint
vue-adonis - AdonisJS + Vue.js with server-side rendering by @Atinux
A simple template for Vue.js plugin
by @znck - Uses rollup to pack.
vuejs-2.0-boilerplate by @the6thm0nth - A Vue.js 2.0 Boilerplate with vue-router, vue-resource, vuex
yeoman for Vue.js and loopback.js ★32 by @qxl1231 yeoman generator of loopback+vue
Single Page Application Starter Kit ★158 - A highly opinionated Single Page Application starter kit built on top of Vue.js and Laravel. Includes: Laravel 5.3, Authentication with JWT, Vue.js 2, Vuex, Vue-router, Bootstrap SASS, Sweetalert. by @codecasts
Vue fullstack - A vue fullstack template to generate a reactivity, realtime, user-friendly backend system. Includes: Vue.js 2, ElementUI, express-jwt, mongodb, etc.
Vue SSR Boilerplate by @fenivana - Vue.js Server Side Rendering Boilerplate without Polluting Vuex
: A Vue.js(2.x+) project boilerplate
Vue all-in Typescript example by @Jack85 - All in bootstrap 4 frontend corporate vue typescript example with webpack, vuex, localstorage, datepicker, multiselect...
vue-mix ★5 by @cklmercer - Vue 2.0 SPA boilerplate with routing, global store, global events, and more. Uses laravel-mix.
Vue-Element-Starter by @Metnew - Robust simple Vue.js starter built with Element-UI, Webpack and Vuex.
- vue-cli ★1,115: official CLI for scaffolding Vue.js projects.
- loopback-vue ★32: for scaffolding loopback+Vue.js projects..
- Vue generator ★77: a simple yeoman generator for Vue by @BirdEggegg
- VENM stack yeoman generator ★39 by @jfelsinger
- Grail Yeoman Generator ★11: a advanced yeoman generator for a modern modular one page web app, extendable with Vue.js alongside other nice tools
- VuePack ★210: A modern starter for Vue and Webpack by @egoist
- VueWebgulp ★56: A skeleton app using Vuejs, Gulp, and Webpack by @rodzzlessa24
- Vuetober ★26: SPA scaffolding for October CMS
- Brunch with Vue ★20 - A skeleton application utilizing vue, vuex, vue-resource and vue-router.
- vuex-horizon-scaffold ★12 - A scaffold with vuex and horizon.io, hooked up to the vue-cli webpack build.
- vue-settler A Vue 2.0 SPA starter for vue cli based on the official vue webpack template. It comes with vue-router, vuex, Stylus, axios and LostGrid already configured and ready to go.
- vue-multiple-pages A Vue2 multiple pages starter with ElementUI and Webpack2.
- Vue for Meteor ★90 by @zhouzhuojie
- ScalaJS bindings for Vue.js ★24 by @fancellu
- Socketize Backend ★6: Sync your model data to Socketize backend automatically. By @Socketize
- Vue-Meteor-Data ★17 Two-way-reactivity mixin for Vue and Meteor by @JakobRosenberg
- Vue-Typed ★7: The vue-class-component in typescript favor by @budiadiono
- Vue as a Meteor UI layer ★60: Packages to integrate vue in your meteor project as first-class citizen (with single-file components & apollo support) by @Akryum
- Vue-Typescript ★68: Typescript class decorators that allow for complete intellisense and type-checking support when developing Vue components in ts. By @itsFrank
- Vue-Framework7 ★48: Framework7 components built with Vue.js by @lmk123
- Vue-Deepstream-Connector ★5: A connector for bidirectional data-sync between Deepstream.io and Vue.js by @ric0
- vuets: Vue components using typescript 2.0 with compatibility layer between version 1 and 2 of vue and vue-router. By @dyu
- Vue-Feathers A seamless integration with Feathers for Vue 1.x and 2.x by @sunabozu
- vue-apollo Use Apollo and GraphQL in your Vue (1.x and 2.x) components by @Akryum
- av-ts
Awesome Vue for TypeScript. A type-safe and concise Vue binding for TypeScript. Having used a lot of techniques, tricks and hacks to achieve idiomatic API.
- Neutronium
library to create .NET desktop applications using HTML, CSS and javascript. Like Electron for .NET with a powerfull integration with Vue.js.
- vue-threejs
Vue bindings for Three.js
- Framework7-Vue ★113: Build full featured iOS & Android apps using Framework7 & Vue (http://framework7.io) [@nolimits4web]
- vue-element ★82: Register real custom elements with Vue.
- vue-touch ★355: Hammer.js wrapper directives for touch gestures. (Updated for 1.0!)
- vue-animated-list ★186: A Vue.js plugin for easily animating
rendered lists. - Vue placeholder directives ★51 by @lithiumjake
- Vue in viewport detection directive ★33 by @holic
- Vue once directive ★10 by @kewah
- Vue Modified Directive ★10 by @KyleRoss
- Maintain scroll position on page changes ★22 by @mark-hahn
- vue-titlecase ★11: A plugin providing a global filter and an instance method used to titlecase (different from capitalize) strings. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-format ★11: A plugin providing a global filter and an instance method used to format messages with arguments. By @Haixing-Hu
- vue-clickaway ★51: Assign a method to be called whenever user clicks away from the element. By @simplesmiler
- vue-focus ★37: Manage input focus in the MVVM-friendly way. By @simplesmiler
- vue-transfer-dom ★30: Transfer DOM to another location. by @rhyzx
- vue-lazyload ★355: lazyloading images. by @hilongjw Vue.js 1.x & 2.0
- v-touch ★5: The easiest way to use Hammer.js with Vue.js and use touch gestures. by @didierfranc Vue.js 1.x
- vue-mixins ★16 A collection of mixins aimed to replace some jQuery functionality
- vue-filters ★3 A collection of filters
- vue-round-filter ★0 filter for rounding with whichever decimal accuracy
- vue-paginate ★65 A simple plugin to use pagination in vue.js. by @TahaSh
- vue-super ★7 A simple plugin to call methods on parent components.
- vue-deepstream ★9 Plugin to simplify event subscription and event trigger when using deepstream.io
- vue-plain ★1 Plugin to get plain object from vue getter/setter object.
- vue-calc-input ★3 Vue directive to make a calculator input behavior by @BosNaufal
- vue-move-dom ★1 Vue Directive to move the DOM without losing all the VM data, event, etc. by @BosNaufal
- vue-animate ★39: Use Animate.css with Vue.js transitions. By @haydenbbickerton
- vue2-animate ★18: A fork of vue-animate to support Vue.js 2.0. By @asika32764
- vue-sortable ★76: A lightweight directive for reorderable drag-and-drop lists using RubaXa/Sortable. By @sagalbot
- vue-loading ★35: Vue directive, show loading block in any element. By @coffcer
- vue-gesture ★19:touch events plugin for Vue.js.You can v-gesture directive,and directive auguments can use a tap, swipe, etc.
- vue-lazyload-img ★49 another image lazyload plugin for Vue, especially optimized for mobile browser. By @JALBAA
- vue-socket.io ★276 : socket.io-client plugin for Vuejs and Vuex. manage socket.io event in Vue vm. By @MetinSeylan
- vue-clipboard ★32
- vue-dragula ★35: Vue wrapper for dragula
- vue-infinite-scroll ★167: infinite scroll directive for Vuejs @ElemeFE
- vue-toast-mobile ★28: mobile toast plugin for Vuejs @ElemeFE
- [vue-indicator ★9](https://github.com/mint- /mint-indicator): mobile loading indicator plugin for Vuejs @ElemeFE
- vue-msgbox ★46: message box (like Sweet Alert) plugin for Vuejs @ElemeFE
- vue-scroll ★12: add scroll up function and optimize the origin algorithm. Reference to ElemeFE/vue-infinite-scroll. @suguangwen
- vue-click-outside ★2: ClickOutside directive for Vue. @fundon
- vue-medium-editor: MediumEditor directive / plugin for Vue 1 and 2. @franzskuffka
- vue-medium.js ★7: Medium.js directive for Vue. @franzskuffka
- vue-electron ★46: The vue plugin that attaches electron APIs to the Vue object, making them accessable to all components.
- vue-router-transition ★16: A page transition plugin for vue-router.
- vue-input-autosize ★1: A simple Vue.js directive to autosize text input fields.
- vue-sticky-scroll: keep an element always scrolled to the bottom.
- vue-events ★40 by @cklmercer - A Vue plugin that simplifies event handling.
- vue-truncate-filter by @imcvampire - A Vue filter that simplifies how to truncate string.
- vur-tag-list by @imcvampire - A Vue filter that simplifies how to print a list of tag from array.
- vue-cordova ★3: Vue plugin to bind Cordova events and access Cordova plugins' data
- vue-drag-and-drop-list: Vue directives for modifying lists with the HTML5 drag & drop API.
- vue-popup-mixin a vue mixin for easy create popup vue components
- vue-localstorage a localStorage plugin with types support
- vue-lazy-component: Vue directive for lazy load components or elements.
- v-media-query: Plugin adds methods for work with media query
- v-text-mask: Vue Directive for masking input of phones, email, etc
- [v-pagination] (https://github.com/matfish2/vue-pagination) Simple, generic and non-intrusive pagination component for Vue.js. Presentation is based on bootstrap.
- vue-pagination-2 Vue 2.0 version of the
plugin - vue-socketcluster Integration from socketcluster to vue.
- vue-lazyloadimg lazy load image.
- vue-dropload drop down,refresh page data,and scroll to bottom load next datas.
- vue-reactivestorage ★15 Reactive layer for interacting with localStorage from Vue. Plugin for Vue 2.
- vue-froala ★1: Vuejs bindings/wrapper directive for Froala WYSIWYG Text Editor.
- vue-echo: Vue integration for the Laravel Echo library.
- vue-types ★2: Prop type definitions for Vue.js. by @dwightjack 1.x & 2.x
- vue-ios-alertview iOS7+ UIAlertView style alertview service for Vue. @Treri
- lazy-vue A small lazy image loader for Vue. @gocanto
- vue-websocket Websocket (socket.io) plugin for Vue.js by @icebob
- vue-dragging ★8: A sortable list directive with Vue.js by @hilongjw 1.x & 2.x
- vue-finger: AlloyFinger wrapper for Vue2. @shhdgit
- vue-momment-jalaali Jalaali Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project. @saman
- vue2-filters ★2 A collection of standard filters Vue 1.* adapted for use in Vue 2.*
- vue-collision: fires a @collided[-groupName] event on collision with viewport or any other bounding box, WayPoints-like
- vue-scrollfire Fire an event on a specific scroll position
- [vue-lazy-background-images
](https://github.com/darrynten/vue-lazy-background-images): Simple lazy background images (only background images) for Vue.JS 2+
- @skyrpex/now Mixin that adds a reactive variable that is the current time (uses moment.js).
- vue-localstorage: Wrapper for work with the Storage interface of the Web Storage API.
- @kashio/vue-tooltip Vue.js tooltip directive.Vue.js tooltip directive.
- Vue.ImagesLoaded: Vue.js(2.x) directive to detect image loading on children element. Based on ImagesLoaded.
- Vue.resize: Vue.js(2.x) directive to detect resize events with deboucing and throttling capacity. Based on css-element-queries.
- Content Builder Agile and scalable content builder for Vue.js 2.x
- Turkish Deasciifier Corrects spelling errors of Turkish.
- scroll progress for vue.js Plugin to display a progress bar of how much content is scrolled through
- vue-dom-portal An escape hatch for DOM Nodes, e.g. append to
. - vue-count a plugin of count for Vue.js
- vuexer A Vue 1.0 plugin that simplifies vuex handling. It's useful when your components are used in different vue projects. By @lancercomet
- vue-default-value A Vue.js Directive to set a default value for editable elements with no affect to the model state.
- vue-scrollTo A Vue.js directive that can scroll to elements on the page (with offest and easing, no jQuery required)
- vue-factory - A simple factory/provider extension for Vue.js, like services in Angular.
- vue-chat-scroll: keep element scrolled to the bottom (for Vuejs 2)
- vue-responsive: Vue.js(2.x) directive to hide/show given elements with the Bootstrap 4 / 3 or self defined breakpoints.
- awesome-mask ★24: The awesome-mask runs with Vue.js and uses the vanilla-masker to make your form awesome with masks: Examples
- storyblok-vue: Make any element editable with the Vue Storyblok directive. Just add
to a html element. - vue-qart : The directive of Vue 2.0 for qart.js which can generate pretty qrcode by img.
- Vue-Interval: Vue.js(2.x) mixin to create components with countdown or clock, define methods that will be called in a specified interval, to dynamically start, suspend, resume and delete intervals that can have a livespan and callback.
- vue-head ★97 - Manager the meta information of the head tag, a simple and easy way
- vue-helmet ★17 : Like react-helmet, a HTML head manager for Vue, edit the page title easily. By @miaolz123
- vue-meta
: Manage page meta info in components. SSR supported. 2.x
- vue-property-decorator ★11: Property Decorators for Vue.js by @kaorun343
- vue-typescript-component
: TypeScript classes as Vue.js 2 components
- vue-typescript-import-dts
: Support
files in TypeScript sources - vue-typescript-jest
: Test Vue.js components and TypeScript sources using Jest
- vue-jest-utils
: Simple snapshot testing of Vue.js components (JavaScript and TypeScript) using Jest and html2jade
- vue-typescript-component-example
: Example TypeScript/Tsify/Vue.js/Vueify/Pug setup supporting Hot Module Replacement and unit/snapshot testing with Jest
- Testing Vuex with Typescript and WallabyJs - Boilerplate showing how to test the reactvity of Vue components to Vuex model changes. Vue 1.x, Vue-typescript, Typescript 2.x. Test runner: WallabyJs.
- PageKit [Source]
- p5.js editor [Source]
- Python China [Source]
- npmcharts.com [Source]
- Todolist ★16 by @jiyinyiyong
- Dashboard framework ★54 by @thelinuxlich
- a simple notepad ★47
- FilterBlend ★151: CSS blend modes and filters playground by @ilyashubin
- Koel [Source] : Music streaming server
- Selection Translator [Source] A Chrome Extension let browse any language websites has never been easier.
- SwitchHosts [Source] Switch hosts quickly.
- RSS Reader ★193 Simple RSS Reader made using atom electron and vue.js.
- Gokotta ★182: A simple music player built by electron and vue.
- Coffeebreak ★53 Tool for live editing CSS components
- BaiduHui: Push Notification - 百度惠:实时推送优惠[Source] A Chrome Extension allows user use Baidu-Hui services and recieves the push notification about the latest discount infos.
- CoPilot - An admin portal based on AdminLTE with vue.js integration. [Source]
- Retrospectify[Source] A simple tool for doing collaborative retrospectives in agile teams.
- jade-press[Source] cms based on mongodb, nodejs, koa, vue and more.
- astralapp[source] Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease.
- liqi.newtab - 利器 · 灵感生成器 New Tab[Source] A New Tab Chrome Extension gives you a moment to read the good quotations with their recommanded tools which were excerpted from the interviews made by liqi.com, you can always find your favorites.
- Dhammapada website ★2: Dhammapada website, an experience with Vuejs and golang
- Vue + LeanCloud 单页博客 ★46 a spa blog using LeanCloud, Vue.js, Vue-Router, Vuex and Vue-resource by @jiangjiu
- EME - Elegant Markdown Editor[Source] An Elegant Markdown Editor.
- Github-explorer by @SidKwok A spa which can help you check your github in a better way.
- Hotel ★4106 start your dev servers from your browser and get local domains in seconds!
- Surfbird ★32 A Twitter client written with modern web technologies
- Approach0 A math-aware search engine
- kov-blog 博客平台
A blog and its managemant platform, based on vue, koa, mongoose and more.
- Flox ★100+ Self Hosted Movie, Series and Anime Watch List
- ابیات ناب پارسی [Source]
- JavaScript Guessing Game A game for identifying JavaScript tools and libraries.
- vue-ghpages-blog A blog based on GitHub pages by Vue.js 2 + Webpack 2.
- Vuedo
: Vuedo is a blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js. Website using Vuedo in production : https://vuejsfeed.com/
- vue-music163 A Vue.js project for music
- Tomato5
Tomato5 is a real-time collaboration tool, it combines Pomodoro Technique with a team status share board. We build Tomato5 as the 'Serverless' architecture, powered by Vue.js and Google Firebase.
- Demo of Bureaufast workflow egine: An enterprise work flow engine capable of integrating SAP, Oracle, etc. e.g., Purchase Order release just by config although futher development supported. source
- Rubik Cube [Source]: 魔方
- Peek-a-tab, Tabs Manager for Google Chrome™[Source] A Chrome Extension for tabs management, Search, preview, jump across, and close tabs quickly.
- Web Learn [Source]: A service which provides simple access to thousands of video tutorials on web developing and programming.
- ExcelJSON [Source]: A tool to convert CSV, TSV to/from JSON.
- Materialize-blog - A material blog built with Laravel5.3 and Vue2.x.
- leetcode-viewer
A single page application to show your leetcode solutions,backend-free.
- VueCompomnentGenerator Generate vue single file component on browser
- SDR News [Source] - News for web designers and developers aggregated from multiple sources (Reddit, Hacker News and Prominent Blogs)
- PJ Blog
: PJ Blog is an open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js by Jiajian Chan
- Wijmo: A collection of UI controls with VueJS support.
- FlexGrid for VueJS - A high-performance datagrid that is small and extensible with VueJS support.
- FlexChart for VueJS - A full-featured chart control with VueJS support.
- Input Controls for VueJS - A set of form input controls (AutoComplete, InputDate, InputNumber, InputMask, etc) with VueJS support.
- Gauges for VueJS - Linear and radial gauges and a bullet graph with VueJS support.
- Wijmo: A collection of UI controls with VueJS support.
- Laravel Spark
- Vice Video
- Formlets
- Laracasts
- Sainsbury's Entertainment onboarding platform (closed)
- esa.io
- N1.ru
- 稀土掘金
- Prague Airport
- Expressionery
- BUYIT by @Workswell Australia
- Portfolio Site by Corentin Bac
- Compare Prices by Currys & PCWorld
- Grammarly mistake-free writing service
- Laravist
- Atiiv An app aimed for personal trainers and their clients.
- Statamic
- Embalses! A tool to report water dam level using the U.S. Geological Survey database.
- TravelMap A simple way for travellers to create a blog based on a Map
- movienote.org A app which help users maintaining a list about what movie they have watched.
- Proper Cloth Shirt Builder Custom shirt builder
- CheckIt ★0
- Reddit News ★34 A browser extension which show notifications and news from reddit
- Powerpuff Yourself by Cartoon Networks
- 小桃酱
- 金哲博客
- cloudradioo ★45+ Web app that plays randomly all top 50 songs from the soundcloud charts
- Zova
- 风投侠
- COPA 2016
- vNotes Simple and beautiful notepad to Markdown with Vue.js and Local Storage API - repository
- Subordination A desktop app for translating and editing subtitles
- SPA Blog Personal blog and portfolio site see repository
- WP ERP An Open Source HR, CRM & Accounting Solution for WordPress powered by Vue.js
- Open Function Computers
- Dermail A webmail client written in Vue.js for Dermail, a mail systemn written in node.js
- octimine A patent search engine
- Draxed A web based MySQL and PostgreSQL data browser and dashboard manager
- 蜜蜂聚财 A P2P web app for car loans, by @pciapcib
- Leapspotleap A simple way to look up wikipedia articles near you. Or simply navigate to a place and find interesting wikipedia information. Responsive web app.
- Bayo A simple and powerful website for Vietnamese travelers. We revolutionize travel planning and booking in a personalized, fun and productive way.
- X-SONGTAO★11 A Personal blog. FE and CMS are in same vue SPA.
- Cinemateka Film & events schedule SPA made with Vue & Laravel 5. Russian. [Source]
- Jobinja A Job Board and career platform operating in Iran.
- 滚蛋吧!莆田系 Show all Putian hostiptal information
- Jobi : Recruiting Platform
- Citymoods Track the pusle of your city. See the moods of its tweets
- Approach0 A math-aware search engine for math.stackexchange.com
- The Spice House Ecommerce website for high quality spices. Checkout, cart, the product detail page, and search are built using Vue. Checkout is a single page app written with Vue & Vuex.
- 豆瓣 ★198
- Livestorm Webinar / Live events app
- Framework7-VueJS ★25 Personal account for customers VSCT SPA and app on Framework7 and Vue.js1.x (Use for auth: demo/demo) by @tyllo
- Metric Loop A technology services and solutions website
- Holden
- Global-Exam Online Training for Language Proficiency Tests
- SlugSurvival A webapp that helps student better plan their courses (hobby project, not in affiliation with UCSC). Short Introduction
- LIHKG討論區 Unofficial Web client for LIHKG forum
- FreePoll.Online - A group decision making tool built using Vue.js, vue-sortable, Semantic UI and Zappa.
- GitRelease, Track github project's new release on mac menubar using vue.js with electron.
- 12BAY.VN - Applications online flight bookings. Ứng dụng săn vé may bay siêu rẻ.
- PLAYCODE.IO - Playground for Rapid Frontend Experiments
- Vue.js Cinema - A movie session times app built with Vue.js
- Vue.js Calendar - A calendar app built with Vue.js, Vuex and server-side rendering
- The Void Radio - Underground House Music Online Radio
- Shorten Urls with bitly API - Shorten URLs with VueJS & Bitly API
- Storyblok - API Based/Decoupled CMS using VueJS for it's frontend.
- WizzAir
- Moving to HTTPS - Guide to moving different platform/hosting sites to HTTPS, also open source.
- Jean-Pierre Morin | 1700 LAPOSTE - by Écorce & KFFEIN
- Facebook NewsFeed
- YouTube AdBlitz 2016
- Blood, Sweat and Tools - by Jam3, led by @cheapsteak
- Omnisense Experience - Awwwards & FWA SOTD, FWA Cutting Edge. Awwwards SOTM nominee.
- Being the Bear - by Anonymous Awwwards & FWA SOTD, FWA Cutting Edge, Awwwards SOTM nominee.
- Heineken Star Experience - by Anonymous FWA SOTD.
- Louis Ansa Website (portfolio) - Awwwards SOTD, FWA nominee.
- Djeco.com
- Tolks.io - a new way to put stories online.
- Meet Graham - by Clemenger BBDO - Credits - FWA SOTD, CssDesignAwards WOTD, Awwwards SOTD and Developer Award.
- NOIZE original - by KFFEIN
- Jason Bourne : Remember Everything — by Stinkdigital Awwwards SOTD, FWA FOTD.
- Alibaba
- Baidu
- Sina Weibo
- Xiaomi
- Ele.me
- Optimizely
- Expedia
- UCWeb
- Line
- Nintendo
- Celtra
- Sainsbury's
- octimine GmbH
- Hunliji
- GitLab
- Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
- ZenMate
- Codeship