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Table of contents
The syntax is fairly flexible and permissive; whitespaces are mostly ignored.
The #
characters begin comments to the end of line, blank lines are ignored.
The file consists of sections and variables. A section begins with the name of the section in square brackets and continues until the next section begins. Each variable must belong to some section, which means that there must be a section header before the first setting of a variable.
All the other lines (and the remainder of the line after the section header) are recognized as setting variables, in the form name = value
If a value
contains the #
character it should be escaped using \
Values of many variables are treated as a simple string, but there are variables that take values of specific types and there are rules as to how to spell them.
When a variable is said to take a boolean value, true
or false
The value for numbers.
The value for floating point numbers.
The value for a variable that takes a color is a tuple of four floating point numbers (between 0 and 1) in RGBA format.
The value represents a key combo, also called chord. A key combo is a key sequence in which the keys are pressed at the same time.
Keys are space-separated and can be:
- Modifier
- Key
- Button
See Keys for a complete reference of key and button names.
The document is based on input-event-codes.h
from the Linux kernel.
The value represents a touchscreen gesture, as follows:
pinch [in|out] <finger-count>
swipe [up|down|left|right] <finger-count>
edge-swipe [up|down|left|right] <finger-count>
Note: e.g. edge-swipe right means swiping from left to right.
Defined in:
Set input.gesture_sensitivity to change the sensitivity of the built-in gesture detection. Higher values mean that less finger movement is required to trigger the gesture. Default 1.0, min 0.1, max 5.0. Changing requires restart. Defined in:
It is also possible to activate items by a "hot corner"
Example: hotspot top-left 100x10 1000
where 100x10 is the width x height of the corner
and the 1000 being the time the input (mouse or touch) needs to be inside that area.
The value represents a group of bindings which can all be used for the same action.
The bindings can be key
s, button
s and gesture
s, hotspot
s, separated by a |
<super> KEY_E | <ctrl> <alt> BTN_EXTRA | pinch in 4
The value represents command criteria to affect certain windows, as follows:
title [is|contains] "<string>"
app_id [is|contains] "<string>"
type is ["toplevel"|"x-or"|"unmanaged"|"background"|"panel"|"overlay"|"unknown"]
focusable is [true|false]
fullscreen is [true|false]
activated is [true|false]
minimized is [true|false]
maximized is [true|false]
floating is [true|false]
tiled-left is [true|false]
tiled-right is [true|false]
tiled-top is [true|false]
tiled-bottom is [true|false]
These basic criteria can be combined arbitrarily with parenthesis (...)
and logical operators !
, &
, |
Note that to chain three criteria together with a logical and, you need parenthesis because there is no order of the operators (so it will be ((critA & critB) & critC)
In addition, there are the special values all
and none
, which are always evaluated to true
and false
Defined in:
A plugin to draw on the output.
Defined in:
Clear workspace.
Type: activator
The default is <super> <alt> KEY_C.
Begin drawing on workspace.
Type: button
The default is <super> <alt> BTN_LEFT.
Draw shapes from center of drag point.
Type: bool
The default is true.
Line width used for drawing.
Type: double
The default is 3.0.
Method used for drawing.
The default is draw
Possible values: draw, line, rectangle, circle.
Color used for drawing.
Type: color
The default is 1 0 0 1.
A plugin to autorotate the current output.
Defined in:
Lock rotation.
Type: bool
The default is 0.
Rotate down.
Type: activator
The default is <ctrl> <super> KEY_DOWN.
Rotate left.
Type: activator
The default is <ctrl> <super> KEY_LEFT.
Rotate right.
Type: activator
The default is <ctrl> <super> KEY_RIGHT.
Rotate up.
Type: activator
The default is <ctrl> <super> KEY_UP.
Deprecated: Replaced by pin-view plugin to allow multiple views on different workspaces and other options.
Discard any input that would normally be forwarded to the background layer.
Type: bool
The default is true.
A plugin to display FPS on each output.
Defined in:
How many frames to average to get the FPS value.
Type: int
The default is 25.
Position of rendering.
Type: string
The default is top_center.
Possible values: top_left, top_center, top_right, center_left, center, center_right, center_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right.
A plugin to render fullscreen mouse crosshair.
Defined in:
Color used for rendering crosshair.
Type: color
The default is 1 0 0 1.
Line width of crosshair.
Type: int
The default is 2.
A plugin that implements additional wayfire animations. This plugin requires animate plugin to be enabled.
Defined in:
Animation types and options:
Sets the duration for the blinds animation in milliseconds.
Height of each blinds strip in pixels.
Sets the duration for the helix animation in milliseconds.
Number of rotations for the helix animation.
Height of each helix strip in pixels.
Sets the duration for the shatter animation in milliseconds.
Sets the duration for the vortex animation in milliseconds.
A plug to prevent focus stealing.
Defined in:
Cancel focus stealing prevention when any of these keys are pressed. The string consists of keycode names delimited by | character.
Type: string
The default is KEY_ENTER.
Deny focus to views matching this criteria. If a view matches when mapped, focus is reset to the last view with focus.
Type: string
The default is none.
Example: deny_focus_views = app_id is "view-app-id"
A timer will be reset to the timeout (in ms) on every keystroke. If the timer is active when another window would normally gain focus, the focus is reset to the window that is accepting input.
Type: int
The default is 1000.
A plugin to give focus to the view under the pointer.
Defined in:
When the mouse pointer is moved, the output focus changes to the output that the pointer is currently on.
Type: bool
The default is true.
When the mouse pointer is moved, the view focus changes to the view under the pointer.
Type: bool
The default is true.
The delay in ms before the plugin will trigger a focus change after the movement finished.</_long>
Type: int
The default is 50.
If disabled the focused view will only get keyboard focus, but will not be raised to the top.
Type: bool
The default is true.
The distance (x+y) the cursor should be moved at least before the plugin gets activated.
Type: int
The default is 10.
A plugin to force a view to be fullscreen.
Defined in:
If constrain_pointer
is enabled, constrain to this area.
Type: string
The default is view.
Possible values: view, output.
Whether to constrain the pointer.
Type: bool
The default is false.
The key to toggle fullscreen.
Type: key
The default is <super> <alt> KEY_F.
Whether to preserve aspect ratio.
Type: bool
The default is true.
When enabled, this option will make the desktop visible through semi-transparent views; otherwise, the plugin will render black behind semi-transparent views, not showing the desktop.
Type: bool
The default is true.
Skew view width by multiplying by this factor.
Type: double
The default is 0.0.
Skew view height by multiplying by this factor.
Type: double
The default is 0.0.
A plugin to make windows click-through to what is beneath.
Defined in:
Automatically sets the matched windows to be ghosted.
Type: string
The default is nil.
Toggles ghost on the active window so clicks fall through to what is below.
Type: activator
The default is nil.
A plugin to toggle hiding of the mouse cursor.
Defined in:
The delay in ms before the plugin will hide the cursor. The cursor is shown again when cursor motion happens.
Type: int
The default is 2000.
Toggles hide mouse cursor.
Type: activator
The default is <super> <ctrl> KEY_H.
A plugin to demonstrate rendering each window with a different shader. Currently, it affects all windows the same, but this can be changed in the code (or the code can be the basis for a new plugin).
Defined in:
Key color: the color of the pixels in the window to be replaced with alpha.
Type: color
The default is 0 0 0 1.
How much alpha to use.
Type: double
The default is 0.25.
How close a color must be to the key color for alpha to be applied.
Possible values: 0 to 1, where 0 means an exact pixel color match is required, and 1 means any color will match.
Type: double
The default is 0.5.
A plugin to provide magnification.
Defined in:
Default view height.
Type: int
The default is 500.
Toggle plugin.
Type: activator
The default is <super> <alt> KEY_M.
Zoom level.
Type: int
The default is 75.
A plugin to change the opacity, brightness and saturation of windows using ipc scripts.
Defined in:
There are no options for the opacity, brightness and saturation plugin. Instead, this plugin can be controlled by other plugins or via ipc script.
The obs plugin applies a shader on views using values provided to it. The API is such that the caller can specify the opacity, brightness or saturation value, and a transition animation duration, for a specific view id. This allows writing scripts to achieve custom functionality. Enable the ipc, ipc-rules and obs plugins to use the scripts. ipc should be the first plugin in the config file core plugin list.
Defined in:
Install pywayfire with pip.
Usage: ./set-obs-effect.py <app-id> <effect> <value> <duration>
Example: cd ipc-scripts; ./set-obs-effect.py foot opacity 0.75 1000
The example sets opacity for any views matching foot app-id to 0.75 with an animation duration of 1 second.
Usage: ./trailfocus.py
Example: cd ipc-scripts; ./trailfocus.py
A plugin to modify a view's layer and workspace.
Defined in:
There are no options for the pin-view plugin. Instead, this plugin can be controlled via ipc scripts.
The pin-view plugin has two functions, pin-view(view-id: int, layer: string, resize: bool[, ws_x: int[, ws_y: int]]) and unpin-view(view-id: int).
The view-id argument can be found with wf-info or with a script selecting app-id to find view-id(s).
The layer argument can be one of the following:
if layer is not found, view will be placed on top layer.
The resize argument tells the pin-view plugin to resize the view to the output size ("true") or do not resize at all ("false").
The ws_x and ws_y arguments are optional. If supplied, moves the view to the workspace x,y. Otherwise, the view is shown on all workspaces.
Defined in:
Install pywayfire with pip.
Usage: ./ipc-scripts/pin-view.py <view-id> <layer> <resize> [ws_x [ws_y]]
./ipc-scripts/pin-view.py 15 "background" true
./ipc-scripts/pin-view.py 15 "background" true 1 0
./ipc-scripts/pin-view.py 15 "background" false
./ipc-scripts/unpin-view.py 15
A plugin to show repainted areas on the screen.
Defined in:
Reduce flicker by copying the client damage region from the last frame to the current frame. This means that only the the damage region for all surfaces of the frame are painted and the rest of the output is painted with the contents of the last frame.
Type: bool
The default is true.
Toggles the plugin state.
Type: activator
The default is <super> <alt> KEY_S.
A plugin to captures the cursor focus view.
Defined in:
Type: activator
The default is <super> <alt> BTN_MIDDLE.
Runs the command after the capturing. %f is replaced with the file name.
Type: string
The default is notify-send "The view under cursor was captured to %f".
C date format specifiers are repleaced by the time/date/etc. For example, %Y is replaced by the current year.
Type: string
The default is /tmp/snapshot-%F-%T.png.
A plugin to provide a water effect.
Defined in:
Activates water effect.
Type: button
The default is <ctrl> <super> BTN_LEFT.
A plugin to zoom windows.
Defined in:
Decrement X.
Type: activator
The default is <ctrl> <super> KEY_LEFT.
Decrement Y.
Type: activator
The default is <ctrl> <super> KEY_UP.
Increment X.
Type: activator
The default is <ctrl> <super> KEY_RIGHT.
Increment Y.
Type: activator
The default is <ctrl> <super> KEY_DOWN.
Use GL_NEAREST instead of GL_LINEAR.
Type: bool
The default is false.
When the modifier key is held down, you can scroll down and up to adjust the zoom of the window.
Type: key
The default is <ctrl> <super>.
Preserve the aspect ratio of the view.
Type: bool
The default is true.
Sets the zoom increment per binding action.
Type: double
The default is 0.1.
A plugin to name workspaces.
Defined in:
Background color for text.
Type: color
The default is 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7.
Radius for the corners of the background.
Type: double
The default is 30.
How long the name is displayed.
Type: int
The default is 500.
Font used for text rendering.
Type: string
The default is sans-serif.
Distance from edge of screen to indicator.
Type: int
The default is 0.
Position of rendering.
Type: string
The default is center.
Possible values: top_left, top_center, top_right, center_left, center, center_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right
Display option names on screen for convenience.
Type: bool
The default is false.
Text color.
Type: color
The default is 1 1 1 1.