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Update test_variant_calling module tests
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pd3 committed Oct 4, 2020
1 parent 8ae1385 commit ba15258
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Showing 2 changed files with 336 additions and 23 deletions.
332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions tests/test_variant_calling.log
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+ cd /home/manager/course_data/variant_calling/data
+ samtools --help

Program: samtools (Tools for alignments in the SAM format)
Version: 1.10 (using htslib 1.10.2)

Usage: samtools <command> [options]

-- Indexing
dict create a sequence dictionary file
faidx index/extract FASTA
fqidx index/extract FASTQ
index index alignment

-- Editing
calmd recalculate MD/NM tags and '=' bases
fixmate fix mate information
reheader replace BAM header
targetcut cut fosmid regions (for fosmid pool only)
addreplacerg adds or replaces RG tags
markdup mark duplicates

-- File operations
collate shuffle and group alignments by name
cat concatenate BAMs
merge merge sorted alignments
mpileup multi-way pileup
sort sort alignment file
split splits a file by read group
quickcheck quickly check if SAM/BAM/CRAM file appears intact
fastq converts a BAM to a FASTQ
fasta converts a BAM to a FASTA

-- Statistics
bedcov read depth per BED region
coverage alignment depth and percent coverage
depth compute the depth
flagstat simple stats
idxstats BAM index stats
phase phase heterozygotes
stats generate stats (former bamcheck)

-- Viewing
flags explain BAM flags
tview text alignment viewer
view SAM<->BAM<->CRAM conversion
depad convert padded BAM to unpadded BAM

+ bcftools --help

Program: bcftools (Tools for variant calling and manipulating VCFs and BCFs)
License: GNU GPLv3+, due to use of the GNU Scientific Library
Version: 1.10.2 (using htslib 1.10.2)

Usage: bcftools [--version|--version-only] [--help] <command> <argument>


-- Indexing
index index VCF/BCF files

-- VCF/BCF manipulation
annotate annotate and edit VCF/BCF files
concat concatenate VCF/BCF files from the same set of samples
convert convert VCF/BCF files to different formats and back
isec intersections of VCF/BCF files
merge merge VCF/BCF files files from non-overlapping sample sets
norm left-align and normalize indels
plugin user-defined plugins
query transform VCF/BCF into user-defined formats
reheader modify VCF/BCF header, change sample names
sort sort VCF/BCF file
view VCF/BCF conversion, view, subset and filter VCF/BCF files

-- VCF/BCF analysis
call SNP/indel calling
consensus create consensus sequence by applying VCF variants
cnv HMM CNV calling
csq call variation consequences
filter filter VCF/BCF files using fixed thresholds
gtcheck check sample concordance, detect sample swaps and contamination
mpileup multi-way pileup producing genotype likelihoods
polysomy detect number of chromosomal copies
roh identify runs of autozygosity (HMM)
stats produce VCF/BCF stats

Most commands accept VCF, bgzipped VCF, and BCF with the file type detected
automatically even when streaming from a pipe. Indexed VCF and BCF will work
in all situations. Un-indexed VCF and BCF and streams will work in most but
not all situations.

+ samtools stats -r GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam
+ samtools stats -r GRCm38_68.19.fa NZO.bam
+ plot-bamstats -s GRCm38_68.19.fa
+ plot-bamstats -r GRCm38_68.19.fa.gc -p A_J.graphs/ A_J.stats
+ plot-bamstats -r GRCm38_68.19.fa.gc -p NZO.graphs/ NZO.stats
+ head
+ samtools mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
19 9999902 G 1 ^], D
19 9999903 T 1 , B
19 9999904 G 0 * *
19 9999905 C 2 ,^], =@
19 9999906 T 2 ,, 5H
19 9999907 G 3 ,,^], EG@
19 9999908 C 3 ,,, DGB
19 9999909 C 3 ,,, CAE
19 9999910 T 4 ,,,^], @DE6
19 9999911 G 4 ,,,, FDGE
+ head
+ bcftools mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##bcftoolsCommand=mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam
[mpileup] maximum number of reads per input file set to -d 250
+ head
+ bcftools call -m
+ bcftools mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam
Note: none of --samples-file, --ploidy or --ploidy-file given, assuming all sites are diploid
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##bcftoolsCommand=mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam
[mpileup] maximum number of reads per input file set to -d 250
+ bcftools call -mv -o out.vcf
+ bcftools mpileup -a AD -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam -Ou
Note: none of --samples-file, --ploidy or --ploidy-file given, assuming all sites are diploid
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
[mpileup] maximum number of reads per input file set to -d 250
+ tail out.vcf
19 10995336 . T C 225 . DP=48;VDB=0.232734;SGB=-0.693147;MQSB=0.939086;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,26,20;MQ=59 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,138,0:0,46
19 10995346 . C A 225 . DP=50;VDB=0.278885;SGB=-0.693147;MQSB=0.867582;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,25,22;MQ=59 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,141,0:0,47
19 10995463 . A C 225 . DP=57;VDB=0.531446;SGB=-0.693147;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,27,28;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,166,0:0,55
19 10995508 . T C 225 . DP=51;VDB=0.110544;SGB=-0.693147;MQSB=0.971871;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,24,21;MQ=59 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,135,0:0,45
19 10995587 . T C 225 . DP=36;VDB=0.572009;SGB=-0.693139;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,13,23;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,108,0:0,36
19 10995605 . A AGCAG 178 . INDEL;IDV=23;IMF=0.741935;DP=31;VDB=0.363991;SGB=-0.691153;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;ICB=1;HOB=0.5;AC=1;AN=2;DP4=6,7,6,12;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 0/1:211,0,56:13,18
19 10995938 . C T 225 . DP=55;VDB=0.800278;SGB=-0.693147;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,31,21;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,157,0:0,52
19 10996876 . C T 225 . DP=55;VDB=0.27595;SGB=-0.693147;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,31,23;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,163,0:0,54
19 10999808 . C A 225 . DP=58;VDB=0.350828;SGB=-0.693147;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,31,25;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,169,0:0,56
19 10999916 . T G 225 . DP=71;VDB=0.969235;SGB=-0.693147;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;AC=2;AN=2;DP4=0,0,35,35;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,211,0:0,70
+ head
+ bcftools query --format 'POS=%POS\n' out.vcf
+ head
+ bcftools query '-f%POS %REF,%ALT\n' out.vcf
10000105 T,G
10000139 T,A
10000141 T,A
10000143 T,A
10001946 A,G
10001994 A,G
10002249 C,T
10002676 C,T
+ head
+ bcftools query '-f%POS %QUAL [%GT %AD] %REF %ALT\n' out.vcf
10000105 104 1/1 0,14 T G
10000139 3.7766 1/1 0,2 T A
10000141 4.38466 1/1 0,2 T A
10000143 6.51248 1/1 0,2 T A
10001946 225 1/1 0,71 A G
10001994 225 1/1 0,66 A G
10002249 225 1/1 0,72 C T
10002676 225 1/1 0,34 C T
+ head
+ bcftools query '-f%POS %QUAL [%GT %AD] %REF %ALT\n' '-iQUAL>=30' out.vcf
10000105 104 1/1 0,14 T G
10001946 225 1/1 0,71 A G
10001994 225 1/1 0,66 A G
10002249 225 1/1 0,72 C T
10002676 225 1/1 0,34 C T
10002682 225 1/1 0,28 C T
+ head
+ bcftools query '-f%POS %QUAL [%GT %AD] %REF %ALT\n' '-iQUAL>=30 && type="snp"' out.vcf
10000105 104 1/1 0,14 T G
10001946 225 1/1 0,71 A G
10001994 225 1/1 0,66 A G
10002249 225 1/1 0,72 C T
10002676 225 1/1 0,34 C T
10002682 225 1/1 0,28 C T
10003232 225 1/1 0,50 G A
10003248 225 1/1 0,56 T C
10003440 225 1/1 0,45 A C
10003441 225 1/1 0,44 G A
+ head
+ bcftools stats out.vcf
# This file was produced by bcftools stats (1.10.2+htslib-1.10.2) and can be plotted using plot-vcfstats.
# The command line was: bcftools stats out.vcf
# Definition of sets:
# ID [2]id [3]tab-separated file names
ID 0 out.vcf
# SN, Summary numbers:
# number of records .. number of data rows in the VCF
# number of no-ALTs .. reference-only sites, ALT is either "." or identical to REF
# number of SNPs .. number of rows with a SNP
+ grep TSTV
+ bcftools stats out.vcf
# TSTV, transitions/transversions:
# TSTV [2]id [3]ts [4]tv [5]ts/tv [6]ts (1st ALT) [7]tv (1st ALT) [8]ts/tv (1st ALT)
TSTV 0 1583 667 2.37 1583 667 2.37
+ cut -f5
+ grep TSTV
+ bcftools stats out.vcf
# TSTV, transitions/transversions:
+ bcftools filter -s LowQual '-iQUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' -g8 -G10 out.vcf -o out.flt.vcf
+ ls A_J.bam NZO.bam
+ bcftools call -mv -Ob -o multi.bcf
+ bcftools mpileup -a AD -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam NZO.bam -Ou
Note: none of --samples-file, --ploidy or --ploidy-file given, assuming all sites are diploid
[mpileup] 2 samples in 2 input files
[mpileup] maximum number of reads per input file set to -d 250
+ bcftools index multi.bcf
+ bcftools filter -s LowQual '-iQUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' -g8 -G10 multi.bcf -Ob -o multi.filt.bcf
+ bcftools index multi.filt.bcf
+ bcftools view -H -r 19:10001946 multi.filt.bcf
19 10001946 . A G 216 PASS DP=144;VDB=0.0854312;SGB=47.6573;RPB=0.820043;MQB=1;MQSB=1;BQB=0.650746;MQ0F=0;ICB=0.5;HOB=0.5;AC=2;AN=4;DP4=33,35,37,34;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,214,0:0,71 0/0:0,205,255:68,0
+ bcftools view -H -r 19:10072443 multi.filt.bcf
19 10072430 . ATAAATCTAAATCTAAA ATAAATCTAAA 52 LowQual INDEL;IDV=12;IMF=0.461538;DP=77;VDB=0.90634;SGB=4.00342;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;ICB=0.3;HOB=0.125;AC=1;AN=4;DP4=36,33,2,6;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 0/1:86,0,208:18,8 0/0:0,154,255:51,0
19 10072443 . T A 46.1636 LowQual;SnpGap DP=80;VDB=0.000527421;SGB=2.63044;RPB=0.00100984;MQB=1;MQSB=1;BQB=0.00120386;MQ0F=0;ICB=0.3;HOB=0.125;AC=1;AN=4;DP4=34,22,2,4;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 0/1:80,0,124:6,6 0/0:0,151,255:50,0
+ bcftools csq -p m -f GRCm38_68.19.fa -g Mus_musculus.part.gff3.gz -Ob -o multi.filt.annot.bcf
+ bcftools view -i 'FILTER="PASS"' multi.filt.bcf
Parsing Mus_musculus.part.gff3.gz ...
Indexed 98 transcripts, 734 exons, 527 CDSs, 183 UTRs
+ bcftools index multi.filt.annot.bcf
+ bcftools query -f %BCSQ -r 19:10088937 multi.filt.annot.bcf
missense|Fads2|ENSMUST00000025567|protein_coding|-|163V>163I|10088937C>T+ head
+ bcftools call -mv
+ bcftools mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
Note: none of --samples-file, --ploidy or --ploidy-file given, assuming all sites are diploid
##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
##bcftoolsCommand=mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam
[mpileup] maximum number of reads per input file set to -d 250
+ head
+ bcftools query '-f%POS %QUAL [%GT %AD] %REF %ALT\n' '-iQUAL>=30 && type="snp" && AD[*:1]>=25' out.vcf
10001946 225 1/1 0,71 A G
10001994 225 1/1 0,66 A G
10002249 225 1/1 0,72 C T
10002676 225 1/1 0,34 C T
10002682 225 1/1 0,28 C T
10003232 225 1/1 0,50 G A
10003248 225 1/1 0,56 T C
10003440 225 1/1 0,45 A C
10003441 225 1/1 0,44 G A
10003529 225 1/1 0,58 T C
+ cut -f5
+ grep TSTV
+ bcftools stats '-iQUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' out.vcf
# TSTV, transitions/transversions:
+ cut -f5
+ grep TSTV
+ bcftools stats '-eQUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' out.vcf
# TSTV, transitions/transversions:
+ cut -f5
+ grep TSTV
+ bcftools stats -i 'GT="het"' out.vcf
# TSTV, transitions/transversions:
+ bcftools norm -f GRCm38_68.19.fa out.flt.vcf -o out.flt.norm.vcf
Lines total/split/realigned/skipped: 2907/0/577/0
+ bcftools call -mv -Ob -o multi.bcf
+ bcftools mpileup -a AD -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam NZO.bam -Ou
Note: none of --samples-file, --ploidy or --ploidy-file given, assuming all sites are diploid
[mpileup] 2 samples in 2 input files
[mpileup] maximum number of reads per input file set to -d 250
+ bcftools index multi.bcf
+ bcftools filter -s LowQual '-iQUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' -g8 -G10 multi.bcf -Ob -o multi.filt.bcf
+ bcftools index multi.filt.bcf
+ cut -f5
+ grep TSTV
+ bcftools stats -e 'FILTER="PASS"' multi.filt.bcf
# TSTV, transitions/transversions:
+ bcftools view -H -r 19:10001946 multi.filt.bcf
19 10001946 . A G 216 PASS DP=144;VDB=0.0854312;SGB=47.6573;RPB=0.820043;MQB=1;MQSB=1;BQB=0.650746;MQ0F=0;ICB=0.5;HOB=0.5;AC=2;AN=4;DP4=33,35,37,34;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 1/1:255,214,0:0,71 0/0:0,205,255:68,0
+ bcftools view -H -r 19:10072443 multi.filt.bcf
19 10072430 . ATAAATCTAAATCTAAA ATAAATCTAAA 52 LowQual INDEL;IDV=12;IMF=0.461538;DP=77;VDB=0.90634;SGB=4.00342;MQSB=1;MQ0F=0;ICB=0.3;HOB=0.125;AC=1;AN=4;DP4=36,33,2,6;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 0/1:86,0,208:18,8 0/0:0,154,255:51,0
19 10072443 . T A 46.1636 LowQual;SnpGap DP=80;VDB=0.000527421;SGB=2.63044;RPB=0.00100984;MQB=1;MQSB=1;BQB=0.00120386;MQ0F=0;ICB=0.3;HOB=0.125;AC=1;AN=4;DP4=34,22,2,4;MQ=60 GT:PL:AD 0/1:80,0,124:6,6 0/0:0,151,255:50,0
+ bcftools query -f %BCSQ -r 19:10088937 multi.filt.annot.bcf
27 changes: 4 additions & 23 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,38 +3,22 @@ set -e
set -x

# ../../variant_calling/practical/Notebooks/index.ipynb
cd ~/course_data/variant_calling
cd ~/course_data/variant_calling/data
samtools --help
bcftools --help

# ../../variant_calling/practical/Notebooks/answers.ipynb
bcftools mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam | bcftools call -mv | head
bcftools query -f'%POS %QUAL [%GT %AD] %REF %ALT\n' -i'QUAL>=30 && type="snp" && AD[*:1]>=25' out.vcf | head
bcftools stats -i'QUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' out.vcf | grep TSTV | cut -f5
bcftools stats -e'QUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' out.vcf | grep TSTV | cut -f5
bcftools stats -i 'GT="het"' out.vcf | grep TSTV | cut -f5
bcftools norm -f GRCm38_68.19.fa out.flt.vcf -o out.flt.norm.vcf
bcftools mpileup -a AD -f GRCm38_68.19.fa *.bam -Ou | bcftools call -mv -Ob -o multi.bcf
bcftools index multi.bcf
bcftools filter -s LowQual -i'QUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' -g8 -G10 multi.bcf -Ob -o multi.filt.bcf
bcftools index multi.filt.bcf
bcftools stats -e 'FILTER="PASS"' multi.filt.bcf | grep TSTV | cut -f5
bcftools view -H -r 19:10001946 multi.filt.bcf
bcftools view -H -r 19:10072443 multi.filt.bcf
bcftools query -f '%BCSQ' -r 19:10088937 multi.filt.annot.bcf

# ../../variant_calling/practical/Notebooks/variant-calling.ipynb
samtools stats -r GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam > A_J.stats
samtools stats -r GRCm38_68.19.fa NZO.bam > NZO.stats
plot-bamstats -s GRCm38_68.19.fa > GRCm38_68.19.fa.gc
plot-bamstats -r GRCm38_68.19.fa.gc -p A_J.graphs/ A_J.stats
plot-bamstats -r GRCm38_68.19.fa.gc -p NZO.graphs/ NZO.stats
samtools mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam | head
bcftools mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam | head
bcftools mpileup -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam | bcftools call -m | head
bcftools mpileup -a ?
#bcftools mpileup -a ?
bcftools mpileup -a AD -f GRCm38_68.19.fa A_J.bam -Ou | bcftools call -mv -o out.vcf
tail out.vcf

Expand All @@ -57,10 +41,6 @@ bcftools mpileup -a AD -f GRCm38_68.19.fa *.bam -Ou | bcftools call -mv -Ob -o m
bcftools index multi.bcf
bcftools filter -s LowQual -i'QUAL>=30 && AD[*:1]>=25' -g8 -G10 multi.bcf -Ob -o multi.filt.bcf
bcftools index multi.filt.bcf
bcftools stats multi.filt.bcf | grep TSTV | cut -f5 (raw calls)
bcftools stats -i 'FILTER="PASS"' multi.filt.bcf | grep TSTV | cut -f5 (only filtered set)
bcftools stats -e 'FILTER="PASS"' multi.filt.bcf | grep TSTV | cut -f5

# ../../variant_calling/practical/Notebooks/visualisation.ipynb
bcftools view -H -r 19:10001946 multi.filt.bcf
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,3 +69,4 @@ bcftools view -H -r 19:10001946 multi.filt.bcf
bcftools view -H -r 19:10072443 multi.filt.bcf
bcftools query -f '%BCSQ' -r 19:10088937 multi.filt.annot.bcf

0 comments on commit ba15258

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