Before you begin, make sure you've Laravel Framework installed on your local machine.
Package used: Laravel ui for authentication
Use below steps to run this project locally:
First clone this project on your local machine:
> git clone
Jump into the project directory:
> cd laravel_email_notify
Copy existing
file as.env
and setup environment variables
> cp .env.example .env
Make sure you enter correct credential in your new
file for connecting with the local database.
Install all the required dependencies using
> composer install
Use Artisan's
command to generate APP key
> php artisan key:generate
Create a database -
Use Artisan's
command to run all outstanding migrations
> php artisan migrate
$composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui vue --auth (vue for frontend template)
Use Artisan's
command to run seeders(optional)
> php artisan db:seed
Use Artisan's
command to run the app
> php artisan serve
Now you are ready to use the app.
For email notification testing, you can use any smtp of your like
mailtrap, gmail smtp, mailgun