- ✨ The space between design and development is where I thrive!
- ❤️ Love building UI that is sleek and beautiful
- 🌍 Based in India
- 🚀 Currently building "PrettyLandings" (a freelancing platform for web developers)
- 🌱 Learning NextJs | NuxtJs | GatsBy
- 🤝 Open to collaborating on Frontend and Web development projects (do reach out)
- 🙂 Fun fact: Started reading books in 2022 and I am already at 19th one (dramatic hair flip)
- 🙃 Not so fun fact: Haven't watched Harry Potter (Plz don't hate me for this I'm trying to cover up | update- watched 3 parts)
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected] OR [email protected]