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Use plotly.js in React Native! (plotly.js basic v1.43.2)


$ npm install react-native-plotly


Under the hood, react-native-plotly is just a webview that has plotly.js injected into it. The plotly.js code is stored on the device, so it will work offline. react-native-plotly also provides methods for calling into the webview with updates to the chart data and layout.


  • The plotly.js code is loaded into the webview using postMessage. This adds some latency between when the component is initially rendered, and when you first see the chart (usually 1-3 seconds).
  • Right now, this libarary only supports the basic bundle of plotly.


import Plotly from 'react-native-plotly';

render() {
  const data = {
    x: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    y: [1, 2, 3, 4, 8],
    type: 'scatter',
  const layout = { title: 'My cool chart!' };

  return (


key value description
data plotly.js Data[] (required) Chart data
layout plotly.js Layout Chart layout
config? plotly.js Config Chart config
style? style Style to be applied to the WebView (default is { flex: 1 })
onLoad? fn() Called when the plot loads for the first time
enableFullPlotly? boolean Setting this to true will load the full plotly bundle instead of the basic bundle. May cause problems, particularly on versions of RN < 60
debug? boolean If true, if any errors occur in the webview, they will show up on the chart
update? fn() described below

By default, every time the Plotly component's props change, the data, layout, and config props are all diffed with their previous values, and if there is a difference restyle and/or relayout are called. If you want to override this behavior, you can pass a function as the update prop, and manually call the plotly update functions. The update function signature is:

function update(
  currentProps: UpdateProps,
  nextProps: UpdateProps,
  updateFns: UpdateFunctions

type UpdateProps = {
  data: Data[];
  layout: Layout | undefined;
  config: Config | undefined;

type UpdateFunctions = {
  react: (data: Data[], layout?: Layout, config?: Config) => void;
  relayout: (layout: Layout) => void;
  restyle: (data: Data, index: number) => void;

currentProps is the current data, layout, and config props

nextProps is the upcoming data, layout, and config props

updateFns is an object with three properties: react, relayout and restyle. You can call these functions to update the chart. Details about what these functions do can be found here


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