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AdminCC Tag Examples

Vaerys-Dawn edited this page Apr 29, 2018 · 2 revisions

Choose Your own adventure

<path:Start>{Welcome to the dungeon, 3 paths stand before you what will you choose:  
**A** = Dark and slimy  
**B** = Brightly lit  
**C** = Windy  
Choose your path by running `$!Dungeon [PathID]`<!break>  
<path:A>{You find some treasure. <addPixels:20>.<clearAllPaths>}<!break>  
<path:B>{You fall down a pit and die. <removePixels:20>.<clearAllPaths>}<!break>  
<path:C>{This Path just leads to the exit go back and try a different path?}<!break>  
<noPath>{Invalid Choice.}

Slot Machine

{Slot Machine}


<replaceRandom>{<question>;;Which fictional city is the home of Batman?<grantPath:Gotham City.>;;In the film Babe, what type of animal was Babe?<grantPath:A Pig>;;What's the total number of dots on a pair of dice?<grantPath:42>}<!break>
<path:Start>{Q. <question>
To answer Simply run `$!Trivia [Answer]`}<!break>
<path:Gotham City>{Correct.}<!break>
<path:A Pig>{Correct.}<!break>