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Releases: Vaerys-Dawn/DiscordSailv2

2.10.4 (#40)

02 Apr 09:02
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+ added the ability to view modnotes of users that have left the server
but have a profile.
* Fixed a few potential npes
+ added 4 new tags ifRoleReplace ifNameReplace and ifChannelReplace,
+ added an error check to the Regex tag to prevent a error being thrown
with an invalid pattern
* hopefully made level up messages more consistant
* fixed some more npes
* SubCommand Indicator will no longer show up if you are missing
permissions or if the subCommand's Type Page isnt visible,
* Fix bug with Auto artpinning where it printed the userobject tostring instead of the user's name (#35)
* Fix text used in mention command exploits. (#31)
* fixed a bug that would allow users to see the Rulecode value in the
GetGuildInfo command output

2.10.3: fixed rulecode being visible

18 Mar 05:06
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* Remove ability for CCs to contain existing command names.
* Make the return message more informative.
* Fixes a vulnerability in some commands that would allow users to use
mentions they would not normally have access to.
* fixed a bug involving the commands command showing dm commands
regardless of what page you were on.
+ added page system to the listJoinMessages
* fixed vulnerability in the tag handler that would allow users to use
+ added ChannelSetting Profiles
* addprofile no longer adds profiles if the user already has one
+ added toggle SendJoinMessages
* renamed JoinServerMessages tp WelcomeMessages
fixed a bug that caused daily messages to crash
* stoped sail from logging pin messages
+ added Ban and kick logging
* Remove ability for CCs to contain existing command names.
* Make the return message more informative.
* Fixes a vulnerability in some commands that would allow users to use mentions they would not normally have access to.
+ Added subcommands to ModNote:
-> EditModNote
-> AddStrike/StrikeModNote
-> DeleteModNote/DelModnote
-> GetModNote
* fixed a bug that would allow users to see the Rulecode value in the
GetGuildInfo command output


16 Mar 00:02
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* fixed subcommands causing commands to show up in the list more than
+ added a way to show subcommands in the same type as the main command
* fixed the patreon API causing the bot to fail to update the list
- Removed First alias from Tags to make it just ListTags
+ added Tags subcommand to ListTags which just lists cc tags
* sped up the time it takes to send the special message when sail pins
+ new GuildSetting CheckNewUsers (disabled by default) checks to see if
a user's account is less than 5 hours old and sends a message if it is.
+ new module JoinMessages, allows the creation and use of custom join
+ new Channel setting Join_Channel
+ new commands: NewJoinMessage, EditJoinMessage, ListJoinMessages, DeleteJoinMessage and JoinMessage


09 Mar 22:21
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* Fixed a bug that caused the rulecode command to fail to respond or
update a user's roles.
* Fixed a bug that caused messages to work even if you didnt press space
after the command name leading to some command being impossible to run.
* Fixed serveral nullpointers within the modnote command. andi, what did
i say about testing your code?
* Fixed a bug in that the denyinvite catcher would throw an error on the
first message a user sent to a server.
+ Added a message thats sent when a muted user returns that is send to
the admin channel if set up.
* Fixed a bug that caused the char list to always show the author's list
rather than another user if specified.
* Fixed a bug where the rulecode role would automatically be handed out
to everyone if it existed rather than if the user had obtained the code
or not.
* NullPointer fixed in ModNote
truncateString also fixed, forgot to offset index again.
* Fix a bug that caused art pinning to be run twice with different user
info, causing the incorrect message to be displayed.
* Fix a bug causing TopUserForRole to return results backwards.
+ Also added the alias TopUser to the command.

2.10.0: Quality a plenty

08 Mar 06:34
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[New Commands]

+ AdminEcho - $$Echo. But with mentions! Ping @everyone with the bot!
+ CharAvatar - Shows the Character’s avatar in a bigger size.
+ Patreon - Self Promotion (#shameless)
+ Added subCommands to the EditXP command
   -> AddXP, RemoveXp and SetXp.
+ AddProfile - Generates a profile for a user that hasn’t spoken yet.
+ Modnote - Allows moderators to manage shared notes on individual users.
+ UpdateMutePerms - Spreads the cancer that is your muted role to all of your other channels.
+ SetRuleCodeReward - Allows you to set a Role that will be awarded when a user guesses the RuleCode
+ WhatsMyColour - Outputs the random colour that will be used when you send a dm to Sail.

[New Types]

+ ModTools - Lists all commands that are moderator tools.

[New Channel Settings]

+ CustomCommands - Channel for general use of the base CC commands.
+ Ccdenied - Allows for denying of cc use within the channel.
+ ManageCC - Channel for commands like NewCC and EditCC.
+ Characters - Channel for usage of Character module related commands.

[New User Setting]

+ Invite Denied - Anyone with this setting can no longer post instant invites unless they have the Manage Message perm.

[New Modules]

+ Logging - All of the logging sent to logging channels will be handled by this module now.

[New Tags]

+ <channel> - Replaces itself with the current channel.
+ <ifChannel> - Replaces the tag with the channel mention of the Id specified.
+ <searchTags> - Allows users to search for any of the values stored in the tag.
+ <server> - Replaces itself with the guild's name.

[Major Features]

+ Mod note system:
   -> Allows moderators and trusted members to create, read, and edit shared notes on guild members.
   -> Has Support for tagging a note a as a strike.
   -> When a user is muted with the Mute Command a modnote will automatically be added to that user’s profile.
   -> Certain automatic spam prevention features will also automatically add modnotes.

+ Rule Code system:
   -> Added a way to set a special code for users to guess. If you wanted a server password, we can do that too!
   -> Users that guess the code correctly will get the following:
      - A star on their profile.
      - 200 pixels if module enabled.
      - A special role if enabled.

[New Features]

Character System Quality of life Changes

+ Added an error if you attempt to update a character and you haven’t updated your cosmetic roles or nickname.
+ Added author name and character id to the bottom of the Charinfo command embed.
+ Added character limit per user that can increment using the pixels system.
+ Added character overdraw amount to editchar mode outputs. SAIL will tell you how much you went over the character limits.
+ Added donator perks to the char module +4 extra char slots and double field length. (#givemeallyourmoney)
+ Height and weight values to Characters.
* Swapped newchar and updatechar from alias to command name.

Moderation Additions

+ Added mute messages that are sent to the admin channel of the server when someone is muted.
+ added list mode to the Pixelroles Command

Quality of Life Additions

+ Added an error to the $Help command to let people know that $commands is how you get the commands list.
+ Extend description for roles and modifiers.
+ Have role and modifier give a special message if the list is empty.
+ Have sail autodelete its pin messages but also send a new message that gives more info about the pin system.
+ You can now SEO your CCs: You can add and remove tags that are stored as part of your CC for better searchability, using $editcc modes “addsearch” and “removesearch”.

Other New Features

+ Added a separate guild log to store functionality data.
+ Added logging for level ups.
+ Added the ability to remove search tags
+ CreatorID is now grabbed from "bot owner" to initialize config.
+ Reward calculation can now handle less than 4 pixel roles. So now if you don't have 4 reward roles you still can get the max level of rewards via level up.
+ Added a special message that is sent to the people that send invites to sail's dms.
+ Updated the Patreon implementation so that the creator access token gets automatically regenerated if it becomes invalid. YAY I DON'T HAVE TO MANUALLY UPDATE IT MYSELF :D
+ Users who like to evade mutes will get pwned by SAIL when they come back.
+ Owners of pinned art can now add a ❌ reaction to their artwork to unpin it.


* Lots of backend changes to improve performance. BETTER. FASTER. STRONGER
* Changed trusted roles to a single inviteAllowed role.
* Made interfaces for the Role, modifier and charlist commands consistent with the rest of the bot.
* Rework mute command to be simpler. We all know how much you hated the old one.
* Reworked DualType into SubCommand


* Added a hard 1000 level limit to the pixels commands. Apparently people like it when computers melt.
* Added aliases to delcc. Deleting CCs has never been faster.
* Added system statistics to logger.
* Buffed donator cc gains from 20 slots to 50.
* Change date formatting of edited modnote timestamp greater than 7 days.
* Change the level up gif to an embedded gif rather than a file.
* changed how dms are shown to the bot owner.
* Create a patch to move channel settings to channeldata.
* CreatorID must now be an actual person in an actual guild. Instead of a pretend person. No more imaginary friends. RIP
* Finish reworking the requestHandler class.
* Fix typo in SetMutedRole.
* Format $channel like $toggle.
* Formatted the channels, modules and settings commands so that they are consistent with other commands.
* Formatted the settings and modules commands to show which modules are enabled and which are disabled.
* Found Utility.formatTimeDifference, and using it instead for last edit timestamp.
* Have newchar explain what it does in more detail.
* Minor changes to mute and modnote for readability/ease of use.
* Move some logging stuff to LoggingHandler.
* Patch to convert any ⚠️ found in existing mod notes to notes flagged as strikes.
* Rate limiter now only sends one message every 10 secs if someone is being rate limited. SAIL was ratelimiting itself ratelimiting other people. We’re not Shaq up in here.
* Refomat toggles and modules in guild info to use the format for the $toggle command.
* Reimplemented the typing status for commands. It broke, and then unbroke, then broke again… Now we are pretty sure it’s working.
* Reverted the starting position of the args array in <args!> to 1 instead of 0 as that change (while probably better) broke some commands.
* Standardized exit codes.
* TopUserForRole now shows total users with that role. It also does other things, but this is pretty important too.
* Updated usersettings to default to list mode.

[Bug Fixes]

* Extended error created when role hierarchy stops sail from updating roles.
* Fixed a bug with config resetToDefault. Now you can reset your settings, not that you wanted to
* Taught SAIL how to stop typing when it finished sending a command.
* Fixed a bug that would cause admins or the server owner from being able to manage a user's pixels.
* Fixed a bug that would cause transferlevels to ignore users without a profile created.
* Fixed a bug that would caused the editing of ccs when using an image as a argument to ignore any mode arguments causing it to default to replace and also adding said text to the command.
* Fixed a bug where certain custom commands would cause a stack overflow.
* Fixed an issue where the bot would get rate limited when attempting to purge the pin list.
* Fixed bug where entering the full role name would sometimes not work because another role has part of the name in it.
* Fixed creator commands being hidden when running the Commands command and Help command.
* Fixed issues with animated Emojis by updating the lib. We bugged Discord4J for this for weeks after Discord rolled out animated emoji.
* Made SAIL less senile about reminders. It should remember to send you reminders now.
* Fixed a bug that caused the DM list to be missing from the Commands Command.
* Fixed a bug that caused the regex tag to break all future cc runs. list.clear()
* Fixed a bug that prevented event messages from appearing properly.
* SAIL is no longer capable of melting your CPU. Commands could stall the bot for a long time, and we got rid of that.
* Fixed a bug that would cause spam walls to trigger improperly.
* Fixed a bug where would no longer work because of sail being a grammar nazi casing.
* Fixed potential issue that caused the rate limiter to fail spectacularly.

2.9.0 - Lets learn about S.A.I.L

20 Nov 03:48
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New Commands

> /PaintMe
> HelpTag
> Tags
> EventSetup (Creator Only)
> HelpChannel
> Info (DM version)
> HelpSetting
> HelpModule
> BotHelp

Removed Commands

> HelpTags

Renamed Commands

> Help -> Commands
> Info -> Help
> Botinfo -> Info
> Toggle -> Setting

New Tags

> <replaceRandom>{Replace;;Rand1;;Rand2;;Rand3...}
> <ifArgsEmptyReplace>{Replace;;True;;False}
> <empty>

New Features

> added commandObject to command desc. meaning more complex command descriptions
> dual command indicator now only shows up if you have the permissions to activate the dual settings.
> if decay is on rank is hidden for those that haven't spoken for 2 weeks or longer.
> added the option to use an image to create/edit a cc
> added the option to upload an image to use for a character's avatar,
> tag now looks at the user's username too
> patreon integration, 20 extra cc slots and double the amount of data allowed to be stored in a user's profile. halved decay rate and double reminders.
> added debugmode setting to allow guilds to disable the bot dev's overrides
> added completely modifiable event system
> embeds are now logged on messageDeleteEvent
> attachments are now logged on messageDeleteEvent
> added a message that is sent only once to announce sail's presence on a server.


> Overhauled GetGuildInfo command to use Embeds
> removed mention restrictions from cc creation/editing (does not include everyone mentions) to allow users to use user mentions as arguments
> move all tags over to a new tag system that uses objects,
> helptags -> helptag, command is now the help command to give information about specific tags.
> increased the number of reminders available to 5 (10 for patrons)
> reworked daily message system to be better
> mention command are now handled by the command system.
> Overhauled the Pixelhelp command to show more information.
> Reminders now has better time support
> Role select commands now allow for partial role names.

Bug Fixes

> fixed errors relating to the patch system.
> fixed ifRole tag
> fixed DailyMessageRequests failing
> fixed shitpost commands not being able to be run in actual channels,
> fixed global and admin logging
> fixed dual commands causing the admin list to be visible.
> fixed an issue where the rate limit feature would stall the bot,
> fixed NPE if the creator of a cc has left the server and someone tried to get the info of the command.
> fixed Role mentions being able to be mentioned via sail using a custom command.
> fixed a bug that would cause ccs to explode if a random value had a regex tag in it

2.8.4 - Wow that's a lot of stuff.

19 Sep 08:07
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+ Ability to move dailyMessage to a different day
+ RequestDailyMessage has a "Working..." response
+ Permissions for getCompEntries
+ DMs sent to SAIL now send a confirmation response
+ Message in Pixels command that shows if you've decayed to the level floor
+ System in place to detect missing event timers
+ Message response if embedded URL can't be retrieved because of invalid SSL certificates
+ Voting can now return a weighted tally
+ New dontDecay user setting.
+ Role and Modifier will show the list of options if no arguments are provided
+ RoleID is now an acceptable argument for adding/removing cosmetic roles/modifiers
+ EditPixels command (thanks, AndrielChaoti!)
+ LikeArt toggle
‍ ‍ ‍ > Allows users to grant others XP via a ❤️ reaction that is added to pinned art messages
+ Timeout "S.A.I.L has pinned a message [...]" after 2 minutes


* now using discord gateway v6
* Fixed an NPE in userObject class
* Fixed an issue where the toggle list wouldn't update properly
* Fixed a bug that would cause the bot to get rate-limited when attempting to rate-limit a user
* Fixed a bug that caused an NPE when a server listing owner could no longer be found (i.e. left the server)
* Fixed some NPEs caused by trying to get a user's profile when they didn't have one
* Commands updated to use a user's displayName instead of the text "User"
* Fixed an NPE caused by reports sent with no reason
* Major internal file structure changes
* Log file format and location changed
* Fixed a slowdown caused by the dailyMessage system
* Fixed an error where giving a user denyAutoRole would respond incorrectly
* Patched some stuff that broke
* Updated queue handler


- SetPixels command (Replaced with EditPixels)
- Users can no longer pin their own art

2.8.3 - Stability and Optimisations part 2

22 Aug 04:48
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+ added a search for channel setting mode to channelstats
+ you can now list the user's settings with the usersettings command.
* PixelSettings now allows for multiple args to be used allowing for multiple settings to be toggled at the same time.
* added some aliases to the modes within pixelhelp
* Major backend changes that include many optimisations and fixes to old code.
+ new Custom Command Tag , replaces itself with a random custom emoji from the current server.
* getCCdata will now show username#descrim instead of display when run
* pixelsettings is now profilesettings and has been moved from the pixel type to the general type.
+ added getUser to all commands that had a user mention or userID as an argument
‍ ‍ ‍ > allows for non mention calls to get a user

[New Commands]

+ Purgebanneddata
- FixLevelErrors
+ LastDailyMessage
+ randomCC

2.8.2 - Major Optimizations and fixes

01 Aug 07:14
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+ PruneUserProfiles
+ GetGlobalStats
+ FixLevelErrors
+ setlevelUpReaction
+ dailymsg
+ denyxpprefix


* Some major and minor optimisations
* updated the format for storing roleIDs
* some changes to the role commands
* put a cap on the xp and level calculations.
+ you can now stop xp gain for the use of certain commands.

[New User Settings]

+ DenyMakeCC
+ DenyUseCCs
+ AutoShitpost

[New Toggles]

+ UserInfoShowsDate
+ SelfDestructLevelUps
+ reactOnLevelUp

[New Channel Setting]

+ DontLog (Finally omg)

2.8.1 - Yay More pixel stuff

24 Jul 02:13
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[New Commands]

+ Ping
+ CheckPixelRoles
+ RequestDailyMessage
+ BotInfo
+ Rank
+ TopTen

[Bug Fixes]

* A couple spelling mistakes.
* Fixed Top Ten Role allocation
* Fixed pixels being granted while xpgain was false.
* Probably fixed the pinned art issue
* Deny Invites no longer says that the user was attempting to put an invite in a custom command.
* Fixed a bug where you were shown to have a rank higher than what you were supposed to have.
* Fixed a bug where the sudo command wasn't able to sudo custom commands properly.


* updated the Pixels command to have a visual display of your progress to the next level
* formatted pixel numbers to use commas
* changed it so that if you don't have any xp it wont show your level or rank.
* the embed image tag will now only attempt to upload a file if the user has the EmbedLinks Permission.
* moved bot info from help command to its own command.
+ added a typing status when sending a command response