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Releases: VMan-2002/FNF-VMan-Engine

1.2.0 we have Scripting now !!!!!!!!

01 Aug 04:20
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scripting????? hey aint that awesome!!!!!!!

still not all changes are here

Removed ThatAzazelFire
Improved unused animations for Girlfriend (Christmas variant)
Added improvements to Animation Debug, such as a save button
Compress some more image assets
Added "baseNoteType" var for note types
Added "Miss Animation" note type
Multiple charNums in note types now works
Unhardcode some characters that were hardcoded
Add Practice Tools
Disallow changing Practice Tools or Gameplay Changes when paused in Story Mode
Carry over usedBotplay flag between songs in Story Mode
Add HUD Customizer, allowing you to customize meters on the HUD (including new meters!) (probably buggy)
Some "Basic" but cool Scripting
More things (probably)
I'll (hopefully) start adding more technical changes to the changelog starting at 2.0.0
Hopefully update the JP translation soon... It was outdated in 1.1 because Regular Guitar Song and i was rushing.
I rushed again

Also, check More Mods to add a Bar to the Timer as an example of the new Scripting

1.1.4 antimash crash fix

19 Apr 02:51
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Botplay now visible in discord
Fixed an antimash crash fix (specifically, when you miss without an associated note)
Clarified something in the Guitar Mode option description

Hi jam judge, pls set ghost tapping to "no antimash" i know this fixes a crash but PLEas

1.1.3 modmenu fixes

15 Apr 00:11
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Fixed crashes related to modList.txt and mods menu
Also removed modList.txt from distributed build
and added the (optional) ability to antialias stuff in mod menu

Also a mod i released also updated (to 1.0.1)
edit: the above mod is now 1.0.2

1.1.2 another fix

14 Apr 08:50
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me when i hotfix twice

this time it fixes a bug with icons that caused basegame freeplay to crash

1.1.1 because i fixed something

14 Apr 06:40
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fixed some bugs related to charts i think. also in chart editor. uhhhhhhhhhh

JP translation still not up to date. this is a Hotfix.

1.1.0 because yeah

13 Apr 23:48
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A lot of changes are in this update but here's some highlights

Note hit judgements are now based on music time, which is more consistent
Input offset option is now implemented
Automatic update checker for engine
You can now press Reset key to clear a control, or to reset Input Offset value
You can now press and hold left/right to move the input offset ms faster instead of just pressing many times
Known issue: You can't hit notes in Offset Calibrate. Idk how to fix can we get a more knowledgeable programmer on this
Friday Night Funkin weeks now actually show up
Added documentation link to the Tools menu (which is accessable by pressing 7 in the main menu)
Also updated the documentation
Fixed meta txt files for music
Implemented more note type attributes (also added "No Animation" note type)
Additional stuff (check the documentation!)
Let me know if anything shown on the documentation doesn't work
also let me know if anything breaks

Also, JP translation is not up to date because i had to rush 😔

1.0.1 like immediately afterwards

20 Feb 12:42
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  • Custom Pause music and Game Over music
  • Fixed a typo mentioned in previous release notes, but also made it so it doesn't matter?

The Funny Day 0 Patch because I realized i forgor some Funkbox things
Speaking of Funkbox, it's releasing very soon 🤯 you should follow Neptendo on twitter and youtube so that you'll know when it releases It's out

VMan Engine 1.0.0 Initial Release :O

20 Feb 10:44
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the VMan Engine release is real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i will write documentation and stuff later 🙂

also, if you wanna be excited about an upcoming feature, let it be Automatic Update Checking or Scripting via Hscript (they aren't in yet but they will be when i figure them out which should be soon i will make them priority things to do)

If you want to contribute to the code go ahead!!!! Be sure to read the entire readme on this GitHub repo please 🙂

TIP: There is a typo in Readme for mod creators.txt that should say install_gb instead of gb_install, this typo will be fixed in an update

You may see "VMan Engine Auto-Download" links, what's that about?