It is a python Telegram Bot that parses expressions with antlr4 in order to build Skylines. It supports saving and loading Skylines, even after the bot goes offline. Detailed explanation here
First send /start via to the Telegram bot, Use /help to see all commands and description on operations To run the bot you need a token and previously compile the grammar Skyline.g with compile.bat (you need to have the antlr4 executable in the path or in the same folder)
matplotlib==3.1.1 python-telegram-bot==12. antlr4-python3-runtime==4.8 which you can download from this link: antlr4 The rest of the libraries are standard for Python 3, my exact version was Python 3.7.2
- Vicente Coves Beneyto - VCoves
This project is licensed under the MIT License