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First version:


Python 3.7+

Installation & Usage

pip install

pip install laevitas-sdk

Then import the package:

from laevitas import sdk 

Getting Started

Please follow the procedure and then run the following:

from laevitas import sdk

# create an instance of the API class
resp = sdk.api()

# Configure your api key

response = resp.historical.move.total_oi(currency="btc", start="2022-06-07", end="2022-06-14", limit="10", page="2")

Documentation for available API Endpoints

Class Sub-class Method Description
realtime options get_atm(market, currency) At the money Implied Volatility Term Structure
realtime options gex_date_all(market, currency) Gamma Exposure All Expirations
realtime options maturities(market, currency) Active Expirations
realtime options oi_expiry(market, currency) Open Interest By Expiration
realtime options oi_strike_all(market, currency) Open Interest By Strike All Expirations
realtime options oi_type(market, currency) Open Interest By Type
realtime options top_traded_option(market, currency) Top Traded Instrument
realtime options v_expiry(market, currency,) Volume By Expiry
realtime options v_strike_all(market, currency,) Volume By Strike All Expirations
realtime options volume_buy_sell_all(market, currency,) Buy/Sell Volume Last 24h All Expirations
realtime options iv_strike(market, currency,strike) IV Term Structure By Strike
realtime options oi_strike(market, currency,maturity) Open Interest By Strike
realtime options oi_net_change_all(market, currency,hours) Open Interest Change All Expirations
realtime options top_instrument_oi_change(market, currency,hours) Top Instrument OI Change
realtime options volume_buy_sell(market, currency,maturity) Buy/Sell Volume Last 24h
realtime options v_strike(market, currency,maturity) Volume By Strike
realtime options summary_trades(market, currency,hours) Summary trades
realtime options v_strike(market, currency,maturity) Volume By Strike
realtime options oi_net_change_all(market, currency,hours) Open Interest Change All Expirations
realtime options gex_date(market, currency, maturity) Gamma Exposure by Expiration
realtime options greeks(market, currency, maturity, optiontype) Greeks
realtime options iv_all(market, currency, maturity, type) Implied Volatility Skew
realtime options iv_table(market, currency) Implied volatility table
realtime options oi_net_change(market, currency, maturity, hour) Open Interest Change By Expiration
realtime options snapshot(market, currency) Snapshot
realtime options oi_breakdown() Open Interest breakdown
realtime options volume_breakdown() Volume breakdown
realtime options oi_breakdown_by_currency() Open Interest breakdown by currency
realtime options volume_breakdown_by_currency() Volume breakdown by currency
realtime futures instruments() available futures instruments
realtime futures alt_currency () available futures currency
realtime futures perpetual_funding(currency) Perpetual Funding
realtime futures futures_yield(currency) Futures Yield
realtime futures futures_basis(currency) Futures Basis
realtime futures volume_breakdown(currency) Volume Breakdown
realtime futures oi_breakdown(currency) Open Interest Breakdown
realtime futures futures_curve(currency, market(opt)) futures term structure
realtime futures markets_oi_gainers_and_losers(currency, option, hour) Futures Open interest Change
realtime futures snapshot(market) snapshot
realtime move oi_group() Open Interest group
realtime move oi_expiry() Open Interest expiry
realtime move volume_expiry() Volume expiry
realtime move volume_group() Volume group
realtime move volume_expiry_buy_sell() Volume expiry buy sell
realtime move volume_contract_buy_sell() Volume contract buy sell
realtime move volume_top_contract() volume top contract
realtime move volume_type_buy_sell () volume type buy/sell
realtime move oi_top_contract() Open Interest top contract
realtime move big_trades() Big trades
realtime move contract_name() Contract names
realtime move expirations() Expirations
realtime move ftx_vs_deribit() Ftx vs deribit
realtime move live() Live
realtime defi dovs() dovs
realtime defi ribbon() ribbon
realtime defi friktion() friktion
realtime defi squeeth() squeeth
realtime defi thetanuts() thetanuts
realtime derivs futures(market, currency, maturity) futures
realtime derivs perpetuals(market, currency) perpetuals
realtime derivs summary(currency) summary
realtime derivs oi_gainers(market, oitype, period) oi gainers
realtime derivs price_gainers(market, oitype, period) price gainers
realtime derivs top_funding(market ) top_funding
realtime derivs top_gainers_losers(change, type) top gainers losers
historical options option(market, instrument, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) options
historical options iv(market, instrument, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Instrument Historical Implied Volatility
historical options price(market, instrument, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Instrument Historical Price
historical options oi_volume(market, instrument, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Instrument Historical Open Interest & Volume
historical options underlying_price(market, instrument, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Instrument Historical Underlying Price
historical options oi_strike(market,currency, maturity ,date) Historical Open Interest By Strike
historical options volume_strike(market,currency, maturity ,date) Historical Volume By Strike
historical options oi_by_market(market) Open interest by exchange
historical options volume_by_market(market) volume by exchange
historical options oi_by_currency(market,currency, maturity ,date) Open interest by currency
historical options volume_by_currency(market,currency, maturity ,date) volume by currency
historical options iv_rv(market,currency) Implied Volatility Vs Realised Volatility
historical options volume_pc_ratio(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Volume Put/Call Ratio
historical options gex_index(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Gamma Exposure Index
historical options max_pain(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Max Pain Monthly Expiration
historical options atm_iv(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) At the money Implied Volatility (Rolling Maturity)
historical options volume_total(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Volume total
historical options oi_pc_ratio(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Open Interest Put/Call Ratio
historical options oi_total(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Total Open Interest
historical options vix(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Vol Index
historical options dvol(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Deribit Volatility Index (DVOL)
historical options atm_iv_model(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) At the money Implied Volatility model
historical options butterfly(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Butterfly
historical options butterfly_model(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Butterfly model
historical options realized_vol(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) realized vol
historical options skew(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Skew
historical options skew_model(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Skew model
historical options risk_reversal(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Risk Reversal
historical options risk_reversal_model(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Risk Reversal model
historical options gamma_bands(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Gamma Bands
historical options total_oi(market, currency, maturiy, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Total open interest
historical options iv_bid_ask(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) iv bid/ask
historical options total_volume(market, currency, maturity, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) total volume
historical options volumeOiByExchange(currency, maturity, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Volume open interest exchange
historical futures oi_weighted_funding(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Open interest weighted funding
historical futures oi_weighted_volume_funding(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Open interest weighted volume
historical futures oi_weighted_basis(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Open interest weighted basis
historical futures total_oi(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Total open interest
historical futures total_oi_by_margin(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Total open interest by margin
historical futures total_volume(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Total volume
historical futures total_volume_by_margin(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Total volume by margin
historical futures realized_volatility(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Realized volatility
historical futures alt_summary(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Alt summary
historical futures alt_markets(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Alt markets
historical futures market_index(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Market index
historical futures indices_price(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Indices price
historical futures futures_annualized_basis(currency, option, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Futures annualized basis
historical futures perpetual_funding_exchange(currency,option, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Perpetual funding exchange
historical futures total_oi_by_exchange(currency, option, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Total oi by exchange
historical futures total_volume_by_exchange(currency, option, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Total volume by exchange
historical futures perpetual_yield(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Perpetual yield
historical futures perpetual_funding(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) Perpetual funding
historical move total_oi(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) total open interests
historical move volume_buy_sell(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) volume buy sell
historical move iv_type(market, currency, type, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) iv type
historical move iv_historical_open_future(market, currency, is_open, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) iv historical open future
historical move total_volume(market, currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) total volume
historical move historical_iv(contract_name, market, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) historical iv
historical move historical_oi(contract_name, market, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) historical oi
historical move historical_price(contract_name, market, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) historical price
historical move historical_volume(contract_name, market, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) historical volume
historical move open_future(contract_type) open future
historical defi dovs_auctions(protocol, start(opt), end(opt), currency(opt), limit(opt), page(opt)) dov auctions
historical derivs perpetuals(market, symbol, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) ) perpetuals
historical derivs futures(market, symbol, date) futures
historical derivs summary(currency, start(opt), end(opt), limit(opt), page(opt) ) summary


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