This repository contains the code for the server-side part of the system. The server can be accessed at [email protected] -p 2323
. If you need an SSH key, or to add your SSH key, message Eden.
A VPN used to connect the raspberry pi to the server. This is done so that ROS nodes can communicate nicely. The same VPN connection can also be used to SSH into and debug the pi. To connect to the raspberry pi, you need to connect to the same VPN network that it is connected to (yes, even on this server (annoying I know)). A wireguard configuration to do this is provided, message Eden for it (mower_conf.conf
), alternatively you can use the docker image which connects to the VPN for you (see Debugging the raspberry pi)
Originally the plan was to have a docker container for the VPN server, but instead the VPN server runs on my pfsense router. The docker image wireguard
connects to this VPN, so therefore by sharing this docker containers network, you can connect containers to the VPN. This is what the ROS container, and the debugging container do.
The raspberry pi's IP address on the VPN network is
A docker image is provided to reverse the connection from the wireguard tunnel and SSH into the pi. To (re)build it if you need to:
sudo docker build -t mower/ssh-debug ./ssh-debug
To SSH into the pi:
sudo docker run -it --rm --network container:server-dockerfiles_wireguard_1 -v "$(pwd)/../mower.pem:/mower.pem:ro" mower/ssh-debug [email protected] -i mower.pem
To say, try to ping the pi:
sudo docker run -it --rm --network container:server-dockerfiles_wireguard_1 -v "$(pwd)/../mower.pem:/mower.pem:ro" --entrypoint ping mower/ssh-debug
Where the pi's wireguard IP is and you are in the same directory as the docker-compose.
Getting the latest robot location:
SELECT recv_at, x, y, z FROM telemetry INNER JOIN coords ON coords.coord_id = telemetry.coord ORDER BY recv_at DESC LIMIT 1;