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🌱 A flexible, themable and paginated React component for visualising Git commit history and metadata.


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🌱 React Git Log

A flexible and interactive React component for visualising Git commit history. Displays a branching graph alongside commit, branch and tag metadata, with support for customised theming.



  • 🌱 Responsive commit history graph
  • πŸ“ Table with commit message and date
  • πŸ”– Branch and tagging information
  • 🎨 Custom theming API
  • 🌘 Dark and light modes


Page a page size and number to render a window of the log. See the paging properties for more details.


Grid System

The implementation of the graph was designed with testing in mind. The traditional way to draw such an image would with a HTML canvas element. Which, while efficient (and probably easier to implement), is hard to programmatically assert its correctness.

This graph uses a grid system. Each row has N number of columns rendered in it, where N is equal to the maximum number of concurrent active branches in the given git log entry data. This means that each column is aware of its state and what needs to be drawn (A commit node, vertical line, curved merge line etc.).

Each column is responsive as its row is stretched vertically or horizontally.


Using the component

  1. Install the package using your preferred package manager.

    Using npm

    npm install @tomplum/react-git-log

    Using yarn

    yarn add @tomplum/react-git-log

    Using pnpm

    pnpm add @tomplum/react-git-log
  2. Make sure that react and react-dom are installed in your project, as they are peer dependencies.

    npm install react react-dom
  3. Render the component in your application.

    Below is an example YourConsumer.tsx component that is using GitLog. See the required component props to get started and the optional props for further configuration and theming.

    import { GitLog } from "@tomplum/react-git-log"
    const YourConsumer = () => {
      const { entries, currentBranch } = useYourDataSource()
      return (
          entries={entries} // <-- Pass the git log entry data in
          currentBranch={currentBranch} // <-- Tell it the branch that is checked out

Git Log Data

The array of GitLogEntry objects is the source of data used by the GitLog component. It has the following properties:

Property Type Description
hash string The unique hash identifier of the commit.
branch string The name of the branch this commit belongs to.
parents string[] An array of parent commit hashes. If this is a merge commit, it will have multiple parents. If it's an initial commit, it will have none.
message string The commit message describing the changes made in this commit.
author CommitAuthor? Details of the user who authored the commit.
committerDate string The date and time when the commit was applied by the committer. Typically the timestamp when the commit was finalized.
authorDate string? (Optional) The date and time when the commit was originally authored. May differ from committerDate if the commit was rebased or amended.


Usually you'd be sourcing this data from a backend service like a web-api, but you can extract it from the command line with the following command.

git log --all --pretty=format:'hash:%h,parents:%p,branch:%S,msg:%s,cdate:%cd,adate:%ad,author:%an,email:%ae' --date=iso >> git-log.txt

This will write git-log.txt in the directory where you ran the command. It can be passed to the parseGitLog.ts function from the library to produce an array of GitLogEntry.

Component Props


Prop Type Description
entries GitLogEntry[] The git log entries to visualize on the graph.
currentBranch string The name of the branch that is currently checked out.


Prop Type Description
theme ThemeMode The variant of the default color theme to apply to the log.
colours ThemeColours | string[] An array of colors used to color the log elements such as the graph. If not enough colors are provided, they will loop back from the start.
nodeTheme NodeTheme The theme to apply the commit node elements in the graph.
showBranchesTags boolean Whether to show labels for nodes that are the tips of branches or tags in the graph.
showTable boolean Whether to show a table of commit metadata on the right-hand side of the graph.
showCommitNodeHashes boolean Whether to show the commit hash next to the node in the graph.
showCommitNodeTooltips boolean Whether to show tooltips when hovering over a commit node in the graph.
showTableHeaders boolean Whether to show the names of the elements at the top of the component (e.g., "Graph", "Commit message").
enableExperimentalAnimation boolean Enables Framer Motion animation for simple fading transitions. Experimental feature.
enableResize boolean Enables the graph's horizontal width to be resized. (Default: false)
rowSpacing number The spacing between the rows of the log, affecting all elements across branches, graph, and table. (Default: 0)
githubRepositoryUrl string A link to the GitHub repository from which the log entries came. Enables links for commits, tags, and PRs.
defaultGraphContainerWidth number The default width of the graph in pixels. (Default: 300)
timestampFormat string A timestamp format string passed to DayJS to format commit timestamps. (Default: ISO-8601)
onSelectCommit (commit?: Commit) => void A callback function invoked when a commit is selected or unselected.
classes GitLogStylingProps CSS classes for various underlying elements for custom styling.
paging GitLogPaging Optional paging information to show a window of the given size from the set of git log entries.


Prop Type Description
containerClass string A class name for the wrapping container around the log.
containerStyles CSSProperties A React CSS styling object for the wrapping container.
logTableClass string A class name for the table element in the git log.
logTableStyles { table?: CSSProperties; thead?: CSSProperties; tr?: CSSProperties; td?: CSSProperties; } A React CSS styling object for the git log table.


Prop Type Description
size number The number of rows to show per page.
page number The page number to display (first page is 0).


Prop Type Description
default string The default theme where nodes change their style based on their type.
plain string All nodes look the same, except for their colours.


  • Many thanks to Pierre Vigier for his fantastic blog on Git algorithms and his Electron-based Git client gitamine for help and inspiration.
  • This blog by Mark Lodato was useful for graph theory reference.
  • And Iain Ballard for his experimental GUI SnivellingGit


  • Show code in stories
  • Expose custom theme object off the Theme type
  • Performance testing on large repos
  • Can Zustand help us here to reduce re-renders with GitContext Provider?
  • Add error boundary
  • Expose component override props for things like CommitNode, CommitMessage etc.
  • Straight line prop to turn curves into right angles?
  • Node size parameter to make the graph even more compact as it will reduce the minimum column width
  • Line curve radius prop?
  • Should we split the component in 3 sub-components with a wrapper, like GitLog and GitLog.Graph etc.?
  • Fix React docgen in Storybook controls as its not showing the JSDoc from the interface props
  • Extract ThemeContext
  • Mobile responsiveness for the demo site