A collection of LeetCode problem solutions implemented in Rust, with a focus on clean code and detailed explanations.
- Total Solved: 169 problems
- Easy: 27 (16.0%) π’
- Medium: 115 (68.0%) π‘
- Hard: 27 (16.0%) π΄
Here are some noteworthy solutions with interesting approaches:
Regular Expression Matching (Hard)
- Uses dynamic programming
- Complex pattern matching implementation
- 98th percentile runtime performance
Sliding Window Maximum (Hard)
- Implements a monotonic queue
- O(n) time complexity solution
- Detailed explanation of the algorithm
Two Sum (Easy)
- Classic hash table approach
- Optimal space-time trade-off
- Perfect for beginners
βββ problems/
β βββ id_*/ (Solution directories)
β βββ src/
β β βββ main.rs (Solution implementation)
β βββ Cargo.toml
βββ leetcode_cli/ (Project creation tool)
βββ update_readme/ (README update script)
A command-line tool for quickly creating new solution projects:
new_leetcode 1234 --difficulty Medium --tags "array,dp" --title "Problem Title"
This repository uses a pre-commit hook to automatically update the README.md file whenever changes are committed. The system includes:
update_readme - A Rust script that:
- Scans the problems directory
- Extracts solution metadata
- Updates statistics
- Generates the solutions table
- Updates the README.md file
Pre-commit Hook Setup
- Add the following script to
#!/usr/bin/env bash # run the `./update_readme/target/release/update_readme` binary to update the README.md # when files in `./problems/id_*` are changed. # get the list of files that have been changed # since the last commit files=$(git diff --cached --name-only) # check if any of the files are in the `./problems/id_*` directory if [[ $files == *"problems/id_"* ]]; then # if so, run the `update_readme` binary ./update_readme/target/release/update_readme # add the changes to the commit git add README.md fi # continue with the commit exit 0
Make sure to give the script execution permissions:
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
- Add the following script to
The script will run automatically before each commit, ensuring the README is always up to date with:
- Current solution count and statistics
- Complete solutions table
- Difficulty distribution
Each solution includes this header format for easy navigation and reference (and for the readme generator to parse):
/// # Problem Title (Difficulty) [Tag1, Tag2]
/// LeetCode Problem {id}
ID | Title | Difficulty | Tags |
1 | Two sums | Easy | Array , Hash Table |
7 | Reverse Integer | Medium | Math |
9 | Palindrome Number | Easy | Math |
10 | Regular Expression Matching | Hard | String , Dynamic Programming , Recursion |
12 | Integer to Roman | Medium | Hash Table , Math , String |
20 | Valid Parentheses | Easy | String , Stack |
22 | Generate Parentheses | Medium | String , Dynamic Programming , Backtracking |
29 | Divide Two Integers | Medium | Math , Bit Manipulation |
37 | Sudoku Solver | Hard | Array , Hash Table , Backtracking , Matrix |
239 | Sliding Window Maximum | Hard | Array , Queue , Sliding Window , Heap (Priority Queue) , Monotonic Queue |
273 | Integer to English Words | Hard | Math , String , Recursion |
407 | Trapping Rain Water II | Hard | Array , Breadth First Search , Heap (priority Queue) , Matrix |
494 | Target Sum | Medium | Array , Dynamic Programming , Backtracking |
515 | Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row | Medium | Tree , Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Binary Tree |
567 | Permutation in String | Medium | Hash Table , Two Pointers , String , Sliding Window |
670 | Maximum Swap | Medium | Math , Greedy |
684 | Redundant Connection | Medium | Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Union Find , Graph |
689 | Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays | Hard | Array , Dynamic Programming |
729 | My Calendar I | Medium | Array , Binary Search , Design , Segment Tree , Ordered Set |
769 | Max Chunks To Make Sorted | Medium | Array , Stack , Greedy , Sorting , Monotonic Stack |
773 | Sliding Puzzle | Hard | Array , Breadth First Search , Matrix |
796 | Rotate String | Easy | String , String Matching |
802 | Find Eventual Safe States | Medium | Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Graph , Topological Sort |
827 | Making A Large Island | Hard | Array , Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Union Find , Matrix |
862 | Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K | Hard | Array , Binary Search , Queue , Sliding Window , Heap (Priority Queue) , Prefix Sum , Monotonic Queue |
873 | Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Dynamic Programming |
889 | Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Divide And Conquer , Tree , Binary Tree |
916 | Word Subsets | Medium | Array , Hash Table , String |
921 | Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid | Medium | String , Stack , Greedy |
951 | Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid | Medium | String , Stack , Greedy |
962 | Maximum Width Ramp | Medium | Array , Stack , Monotonic Stack |
983 | Minimum Cost For Tickets | Medium | Array , Dynamic Programming |
1014 | Best Sightseeing Pair | Medium | Array , Dynamic Programming |
1028 | Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal | Hard | String , Tree , Depth First Search , Binary Tree |
1072 | Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Matrix |
1079 | Letter Tile Possibilities | Medium | Hash Table , String , Backtracking , Counting |
1092 | Shortest Common Supersequence | Hard | String , Dynamic Programming |
1106 | Parsing A Boolean Expression | Hard | String , Stack , Recursion |
1233 | Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem | Medium | Array , String , Depth-First Search , Trie |
1261 | Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree | Medium | Hash Table , Tree , Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Design , Binary Tree |
1267 | Count Servers that Communicate | Medium | Array , Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Union Find , Matrix , Counting |
1277 | Count Square Submatrices with All Ones | Medium | Array , Dynamic Programming , Matrix |
1331 | Rank Transform of an Array | Easy | Array , Hash Table , Sorting |
1346 | Check If N and Its Double Exist | Easy | Array , Hash Table , Two Pointers , Binary Search , Sorting |
1352 | Product of the Last K Numbers | Medium | Array , Math , Design , Data Stream , Prefix Sum |
1368 | Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid | Hard | Array , Breadth First Search , Graph , Heap (priority Queue) , Matrix , Shortest Path |
1400 | Construct K Palindrome Strings | Medium | Hash Table , String , Greedy , Counting |
1405 | Longest Happy String | Medium | String , Greedy , Heap (Priority Queue) |
1408 | String Matching in an Array | Easy | Array , String , String Matching |
1415 | The k-th Lexicographical String of All Happy Strings of Length n | Medium | String , Backtracking |
1422 | Maximum Score After Splitting a String | Easy | String , Prefix Sum |
1455 | Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence | Easy | Two Pointers , String , String Matching |
1462 | Course Schedule IV | Medium | Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Graph , Topological Sort |
1475 | Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop | Easy | Array , Stack , Monotonic Stack |
1497 | Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Counting |
1524 | Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum | Medium | Array , Math , Dynamic Programming , Prefix Sum |
1545 | Find Kth Bit in Nth Binary String | Medium | String , Recursion , Simulation |
1574 | Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted | Medium | Array , Two Pointers , Binary Search , Stack , Monotonic Stack |
1590 | Make Sum Divisible by P | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Prefix Sum |
1593 | Split a String Into the Max Number of Unique Substrings | Medium | Hash Table , String , Backtracking |
1639 | Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary | Hard | Array , String , Dynamic Programming |
1652 | Defuse the Bomb | Easy | Array , Sliding Window |
1671 | Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array | Hard | Array , Binary Search , Dynamic Programming , Greedy |
1718 | Construct the Lexicographically Largest Valid Sequence | Medium | Array , Backtracking |
1726 | Tuple with Same Product | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Counting |
1749 | Maximum Absolute Sum of Any Subarray | Medium | Array , Dynamic Programming |
1752 | Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated | Easy | Array |
1760 | Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag | Medium | Array , Binary Search |
1765 | Map of Highest Peak | Medium | Array , Breadth First Search , Matrix |
1769 | Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box | Medium | Array , String , Prefix Sum |
1780 | Check if Number is a Sum of Powers of Three | Medium | Math |
1790 | Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal | Easy | Hash Table , String , Counting |
1792 | Maximum Average Pass Ratio | Medium | Array , Greedy , Heap (Priority Queue) |
1800 | Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum | Easy | Array |
1813 | Sentence Similarity III | Medium | Array , Two Pointers , String |
1829 | Maximum XOR for Each Query | Medium | Array , Bit Manipulation , Prefix Sum |
1861 | Rotating the Box | Medium | Array , Two Pointers , Matrix |
1910 | Remove All Occurrences of a Substring | Medium | String , Stack , Simulation |
1930 | Unique Length-3 Palindromic Subsequences | Medium | Hash Table , String , Bit Manipulation , Prefix Sum |
1942 | The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied Chair | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Heap (Priority Queue) |
1957 | Delete Characters to Make Fancy String | Easy | String |
1963 | Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced | Medium | Two Pointers , String , Stack , Greedy |
1975 | Maximum Matrix Sum | Medium | Array , Greedy , Matrix |
1980 | Find Unique Binary String | Medium | Array , Hash Table , String , Backtracking |
2017 | Grid Game | Medium | Array , Matrix , Prefix Sum |
2044 | Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR Subsets | Medium | Array , Backtracking , Bit Manipulation , Enumeration |
2054 | Two Best Non-Overlapping Events | Medium | Array , Binary Search , Dynamic Programming , Sorting , Heap (priority Queue) |
2064 | Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any Store | Medium | Array , Binary Search |
2070 | Most Beautiful Item for Each Query | Medium | Array , Binary Search , Sorting |
2097 | Valid Arrangement of Pairs | Hard | Depth First Search , Graph , Eulerian Circuit |
2109 | Adding Spaces to a String | Medium | Array , Two Pointers , String , Simulation |
2116 | Check if a Parentheses String Can Be Valid | Medium | String , Stack , Greedy |
2127 | Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a Meeting | Hard | Depth First Search , Graph , Topological Sort |
2161 | Partition Array According to Given Pivot | Medium | Array , Two Pointers , Simulation |
2182 | Construct String With Repeat Limit | Medium | Hash Table , String , Greedy , Heap (priority Queue) , Counting |
2185 | Counting Words With a Given Prefix | Easy | Array , String , String Matching |
2222 | Number of Ways to Select Buildings | Medium | String , Dynamic Programming , Prefix Sum |
2257 | Count Unguarded Cells in the Grid | Medium | Array , Matrix , Simulation |
2270 | Number of Ways to Split Array | Medium | Array , Prefix Sum |
2275 | Largest Combination With Bitwise AND Greater Than Zero | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Bit Manipulation , Counting |
2290 | Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner | Hard | Array , Breadth-First Search , Graph , Heap (Priority Queue) , Matrix , Shortest Path |
2335 | Moving Pieces to Obtain a String | Medium | String , Two Pointers |
2342 | Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Sorting , Heap (priority Queue) |
2349 | Design a Number Container System | Medium | Hash Table , Design , Heap (priority Queue) , Ordered Set |
2364 | Count Number of Bad Pairs | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Math , Counting |
2375 | Construct Smallest Number From DI String | Medium | String , Backtracking , Stack , Greedy |
2381 | Shifting Letters II | Medium | Array , String , Prefix Sum |
2415 | Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree | Medium | Tree , Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Binary Tree |
2416 | Sum of Prefix Scores of Strings | Hard | Array , String , Trie , Counting |
2423 | Remove Letter To Equalize Frequency | Easy | Hash Table , String , Counting |
2425 | Bitwise XOR of All Pairings | Medium | Array , Bit Manipulation , Brainteaser |
2429 | Minimize XOR | Medium | Greedy , Bit Manipulation |
2458 | Height of Binary Tree After Subtree Removal Queries | Hard | Array , Tree , Depth-First Search , Breadth-First Search , Binary Tree |
2460 | Apply Operations to an Array | Easy | Array , Two Pointers , Simulation |
2461 | Maximum Sum of Distinct Subarrays With Length K | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Sliding Window |
2463 | Minimum Total Distance Traveled | Hard | Array , Dynamic Programming , Sorting |
2466 | Count Ways To Build Good Strings | Medium | Dynamic Programming |
2467 | Most Profitable Path in a Tree | Medium | Array , Tree , Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Graph |
2471 | Minimum Number of Operations to Sort a Binary Tree by Level | Medium | Tree , Breadth First Search , Binary Tree |
2490 | Circular Sentence | Easy | String |
2493 | Divide Nodes Into the Maximum Number of Groups | Hard | Breadth First Search , Union Find , Graph |
2501 | Longest Square Streak in an Array | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Binary Search , Dynamic Programming , Sorting |
2516 | Take K of Each Character From Left and Right | Medium | Hash Table , String , Sliding Window |
2554 | Maximum Number of Integers to Choose From a Range I | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Binary Search , Greedy , Sorting |
2558 | Take Gifts From the Richest Pile | Easy | Array , Heap (priority Queue) , Simulation |
2559 | Count Vowel Strings in Ranges | Medium | Array , String , Prefix Sum |
2563 | Count the Number of Fair Pairs | Medium | Array , Two Pointers , Binary Search , Sorting |
2570 | Merge Two 2D Arrays by Summing Values | Easy | Array , Hash Table , Two Pointers |
2577 | Minimum Time to Visit a Cell In a Grid | Hard | Array , Breadth First Search , Graph , Heap (priority Queue) , Matrix , Shortest Path |
2579 | Count Total Number of Colored Cells | Medium | Math |
2583 | Kth Largest Sum in a Binary Tree | Medium | Tree , Breadth-First Search , Sorting , Binary Tree |
2593 | Find Score of an Array After Marking All Elements | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Sorting , Heap (priority Queue) , Simulation |
2601 | Prime Subtraction Operation | Medium | Array , Math , Binary Search , Greedy , Number Theory |
2641 | Cousins in Binary Tree II | Medium | Hash Table , Tree , Depth-First Search , Breadth-First Search , Binary Tree |
2657 | Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Bit Manipulation |
2658 | Maximum Number of Fish in a Grid | Medium | Array , Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Union Find , Matrix |
2661 | First Completely Painted Row or Column | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Matrix |
2683 | Neighboring Bitwise XOR | Medium | Array , Bit Manipulation |
2684 | Maximum Number of Moves in a Grid | Medium | Array , Dynamic Programming , Matrix |
2696 | Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings | Easy | String , Stack , Simulation |
2698 | Find the Punishment Number of an Integer | Medium | Math , Backtracking |
2762 | Continuous Subarrays | Medium | Array , Queue , Sliding Window , Heap (priority Queue) , Ordered Set , Monotonic Queue |
2779 | Maximum Beauty of an Array After Applying Operation | Medium | Array , Binary Search , Sliding Window , Sorting |
2825 | Make String a Subsequence Using Cyclic Increments | Medium | Two Pointers , String |
2872 | Maximum Number of K-Divisible Components | Hard | Tree , Depth First Search |
2914 | Minimum Changes to Make Binary String Beautiful | Medium | String |
2924 | Find Champion II | Medium | Graph |
2938 | Separate Black and White Balls | Medium | Two Pointers , String , Greedy |
2940 | Find Building Where Alice and Bob Can Meet | Hard | Array , Binary Search , Stack , Monotonic Stack |
2948 | Make Lexicographically Smallest Array by Swapping Elements | Medium | Array , Union Find , Sorting |
2981 | Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice I | Medium | Hash Table , String , Binary Search , Sliding Window , Counting |
3011 | Find if Array Can Be Sorted | Medium | Array , Bit Manipulation , Sorting |
3017 | Count the Number of Houses at a Certain Distance II | Hard | Graph , Prefix Sum |
3042 | Count Prefix and Suffix Pairs I | Easy | Array , String , Trie , Rolling Hash , String Matching , Hash Function |
3043 | Find the Length of the Longest Common Prefix | Medium | Array , Hash Table , String , Trie |
3066 | Minimum Operations to Exceed Threshold Value II | Medium | Array , Heap (priority Queue) , Simulation |
3090 | Shortest Subarray With OR at Least K II | Medium | Array , Bit Manipulation , Sliding Window |
3105 | Longest Strictly Increasing or Strictly Decreasing Subarray | Easy | Array |
3133 | Minimum Array End | Medium | Bit Manipulation |
3151 | Special Array I | Easy | Array |
3152 | Special Array II | Medium | Array , Binary Search , Prefix Sum |
3160 | Find the Number of Distinct Colors Among the Balls | Medium | Array , Hash Table , Simulation |
3163 | String Compression III | Medium | String |
3174 | Clear Digits | Easy | String , Stack , Simulation |
3203 | Find Minimum Diameter After Merging Two Trees | Hard | Tree , Depth First Search , Breadth First Search , Graph |
3223 | Minimum Length of String After Operations | Medium | Hash Table , String , Counting |
3243 | Shortest Distance After Road Addition Queries I | Medium | Array , Breadth First Search , Graph |
3254 | Find the Power of K-Size Subarrays I | Medium | Array , Sliding Window |
3264 | Final Array State After K Multiplication Operations I | Easy | Array , Math , Heap (priority Queue) , Simulation |
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/tomPlanche/leetcode.git
- Navigate to a solution:
cd problems/id_<problem_number>
- Run the solution:
cargo run
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Tom Planche
- GitHub: @tomPlanche
- LinkedIn: Tom Planche