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Pdiddy973 committed Dec 9, 2021
1 parent 52adf23 commit 1dc4a98
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Showing 15 changed files with 517 additions and 516 deletions.
516 changes: 0 additions & 516 deletions

This file was deleted.

74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
### Release 1.8.0

This version is assuming people will start a new world.

### Mod Removals:
* Chiseled
* More Red
* Transport
* Rats
* Chisels and Bits
* ReAuth

### Mod Additions:
* Chisel
* Project Red
* Draconic Evolution
* Create Additions
* Terraforged
* More Minecarts
* LazyDFU
* YUNG's Better Strongholds
* Framed Compacting Drawers
* Pylons
* Scorge
* Iceberg
### Other Changes:


* Pneumaticcraft Creative Compressed Iron
* Create Creative Blaze Cake
* SilentGear Tier 4 and 5 graders
* Water Strainers Super Worm
* Bees: Draconium, Awakened, Chaotic
* Botania Creative Mana Tablet to Creative Mana Pool recipe
* New Metal: Uru Metal
* Botania Mjollnir has been buffed and changed recipe to use the new Uru Metal
* Various tooltips on items


* Apotheosis Mining Arrows
* Forbidden and Arcanus Corruption
* Cyclic Advanced Crafting Stick
* Immersive Engineering Arc Recycling recipes
* Pneumaticcraft Oil Lakes from the Mining Dimension
* Ensorcellation Pilfering enchant
* Duplicate JEI recipes


* Forbidden Arcanus Spawner Drops
* Some items have increased stack sizes
* Soul Lava bee aggression
* Changed ATM Star recipe to include Draconic Evolution
* BYG Embur Bog should now spawn in the nether
* Papa Beemeritus now drops Essence of Undead
* Advanced Chimneys now only creates smoke when there's a chimney over the source
* FTB Quest typos
* Bees are now blacklisted from Capturing Enchant and from being inserted in Spawners
* Increased RS Controller energy capacity from 32k to 256k
* Industrial Foregoing Ore Laser now drops the correct ATO ores
* ZYCraft now uses ATO Aluminium
* Removed Mana and Artifice from the ATM Star requirement
* Lowered the spawn rate of Guardian Bee
* Digiminer now needs Allthemodium ingot instead of Unobtainium
* Tinkers' Construct alloys are now giving Thermal nuggets, ingots and blocks
* Mekanism Crusher now turns Thermal Sulfur into dust
* Forge version is 36.2.4

**Full Changelog**:

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
### Release 1.8.1
### Other Changes:
This hotfix will fix a major worldgen bug.
There are two options to fix this bug:

Reset the world and start a new one
Use an NBT editor on your world's "level.dat" file as such:
level.dat > Data > WorldGenSettings > dimensions > minecraft:the_end > generator > biome_source > type - change this value to "byg:bygend"
level.dat > Data > WorldGenSettings > dimensions > minecraft:the_nether > generator > biome_source > type - change this value to "byg:bygnether"

* Fixed Quark ability to insert items into Shulker Boxes, Seed Pouches and other such items
* Removed default Resourceful Bees bee generation
* Made the Salt and Aquamarine bee spawn in lake biomes
* Removed unintentional Botany Pots recipes

92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
### Release 1.8.10
### Mod Additions
* Universal Grid
### Other Changes
* Fixed Crushing Hammer Durability Usage
* Fixed YellowCake Block Recipe
* Fixed DE Seeds in Cloche and Thermal Insolator
* fixed MA Copper Esseance Giving Wrong Copper
* Fixed MA Saltpeter Esseance Crafing Conflict
* Fixed Morgan And Caliburn Tooltips
* Adds I&F Lilly Recipes
* Adds Creative Universl Grid Recipe
### Mod Updates
* Adchimneys-1.16.5-
* Advancedperipherals-1.16.5-
* Allthemodium-1.5.18-1.16.5-36.1.23.jar
* Appliedenergistics2-8.4.4.jar
* Ars_nouveau-1.16.5-1.24.1.jar
* Botania-1.16.5-420.jar
* Botanypots-1.16.5-7.1.28.jar
* Cabletiers-1.16.5-0.541.jar
* Caelus-forge-1.16.5-
* Cbmultipart-1.16.5-
* Cloth-config-4.12.41-forge.jar
* Codechickenlib-1.16.5-
* Collective-1.16.5-2.65.jar
* Configurableextramobdrops_1.16.5-1.8.jar
* Creativewirelesstransmitter-1.16x-1.12.jar
* Curiouselytra-forge-1.16.5-
* Cyclic-1.16.5-1.5.11.jar
* Cyclopscore-1.16.5-1.12.1.jar
* Dungeoncrawl-1.16.5-2.3.3.jar
* Engineersdecor-1.16.5-1.1.15.jar
* Engineerstools-1.16.5-1.1.6.jar
* Entangled-1.3.9-mc1.16.jar
* Envirocore-1.16.5-
* Extrastorage-1.16.5-1.5.1.jar
* Ftb-chunks-forge-1605.3.2-build.81.jar
* Ftb-library-forge-1605.3.4-build.87.jar
* Ftb-ranks-forge-1605.1.5-build.16.jar
* Ftb-ultimine-forge-1605.3.1-build.45.jar
* Geckolib-forge-1.16.5-3.0.56.jar
* Hammerlib-1.16.5-16.3.26.jar
* Iceberg-1.16.5-1.0.24.jar
* Industrial-foregoing-1.16.5-
* Integratedcrafting-1.16.5-1.0.20.jar
* Integrateddynamics-1.16.5-1.10.5.jar
* Integratedterminals-1.16.5-1.2.10.jar
* Integratedtunnels-1.16.5-1.8.8.jar
* Kotlinforforge-1.16.0-obf.jar
* Kubejs-forge-1605.3.19-build.176.jar
* Legendarytooltips-1.16.5-1.1.4.jar
* Lightingwand-1.16.4-1.8.1.jar
* Mahoutsukai-1.16.5-v1.33.2.jar
* Mcw-bridges-2.0.0-mc1.16.5.jar
* Mekanism-1.16.5-
* Mekanismadditions-1.16.5-
* Mekanismgenerators-1.16.5-
* Mekanismtools-1.16.5-
* Moreminecarts-1.3.12.jar
* Mysticalagradditions-1.16.5-4.2.3.jar
* Mysticalagriculture-1.16.5-4.2.5.jar
* Mysticalcustomization-1.16.5-2.1.6.jar
* Mythicbotany-1.16.5-1.4.17.jar
* Pipez-1.16.5-1.2.13.jar
* Pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.14.5-272.jar
* Polymorph-forge-1.16.5-0.32.jar
* Portality-1.16.5-3.2.5.jar
* Refinedstorage-1.9.16.jar
* Refinedstorageaddons-0.7.4.jar
* Repurposed_structures_forge-3.4.4+1.16.5.jar
* Rhino-forge-1605.1.5-build.75.jar
* Rsgauges-1.16.5-1.2.12.jar
* Rsinfinitybooster-1.16.5-1.1+3.jar
* Selene-1.16.5-1.9.0.jar
* Shrink-1.16.5-1.1.6.jar
* Simplylight-1.16.5-1.3.1-build.15.jar
* Sophisticatedbackpacks-1.16.5-
* Supermartijn642corelib-1.0.14a-mc1.16.5.jar
* Supplementaries-1.16.5-0.17.10.jar
* Tconstruct-1.16.5-
* Tinyredstone-1.16.5-1.11.2.jar
* Titanium-1.16.5-
* Tombstone-6.6.0-1.16.5.jar
* Upgrade_aquatic-1.16.5-3.1.1.jar
* Valkyrielib-1.16.5-
* Waystones_1.16.5-7.6.4.jar
* Windowlogging-mc1.16.5_v0.0.5.jar

**Full Changelog**:

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@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
### Release 1.8.11
### Mod Additions:
* EnderStorage-1.16.5-
### Mod Updates:
* AdditionalEnchantedMiner-1.16.5-16.1.10.jar
* advancedperipherals-1.16.5-0.7.5r.jar
* Apotheosis-1.16.5-4.8.3.jar
* architectury-1.25.36-forge.jar
* ars_nouveau-1.16.5-1.24.6.jar
* BiomesOPlenty-1.16.5-
* BloodMagic-1.16.4-3.1.6-26.jar
* cc-tweaked-1.16.5-1.99.0.jar
* collective-1.16.5-3.8.jar
* Controlling-
* CosmeticArmorReworked-1.16.5-v4a.jar
* create-mc1.16.5_v0.3.2g.jar
* createaddition-1.16.5-20211202a.jar
* Draconic-Evolution-1.16.5-
* DungeonCrawl-1.16.5-2.3.4.jar
* entangled-1.3.10-mc1.16.jar
* FastWorkbench-1.16.5-4.6.0.jar
* flywheel-1.16-0.2.5.jar
* forbidden_arcanus-16.2.2.jar
* ForgeEndertech-1.16.5-
* ftb-chunks-forge-1605.3.2-build.83.jar
* ftb-teams-forge-1605.2.3-build.40.jar
* HammerLib-1.16.5-16.3.27.jar
* Iceberg-1.16.5-1.0.27.jar
* ImmersivePetroleum-1.16.5-3.3.0-8.jar
* IntegratedDynamics-1.16.5-1.10.6.jar
* IntegratedTerminals-1.16.5-1.2.11.jar
* ironchest-1.16.5-11.2.21.jar
* IronJetpacks-1.16.5-4.2.3.jar
* kubejs-forge-1605.3.19-build.194.jar
* LegendaryTooltips-1.16.5-1.1.5.jar
* lootr-1.16.5-
* mahoutsukai-1.16.5-v1.33.4.jar
* mana-and-artifice-
* mcjtylib-1.16-5.1.0.jar
* minecolonies-1.0.205-BETA-universal.jar
* pipez-1.16.5-1.2.14.jar
* Placebo-1.16.5-4.6.1.jar
* pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.16.5-2.14.6-277.jar
* polymorph-forge-1.16.5-0.33.jar
* ponderjs-1.16.5-1.0.3d.jar
* ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.11.0-beta-6-core.jar
* ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.11.0-beta-6-exploration.jar
* ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.11.0-beta-6-illumination.jar
* ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.11.0-beta-6-integration.jar
* ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.11.0-beta-6-transmission.jar
* Quark-r2.4-321.jar
* repurposed_structures_forge-3.4.6+1.16.5.jar
* restrictions-1.16-3.0.4.jar
* rftoolsbase-1.16-2.1.0.jar
* rftoolsbuilder-1.16-3.1.3.jar
* rftoolscontrol-1.16-4.0.12.jar
* rftoolsdim-1.16-7.0.16-beta.jar
* rftoolspower-1.16-3.0.10.jar
* rftoolsstorage-1.16-2.0.14.jar
* rftoolsutility-1.16-3.1.4.jar
* sophisticatedbackpacks-1.16.5-
* starterkit_1.16.5-3.1.jar
* supermartijn642corelib-1.0.15-mc1.16.5.jar
* supplementaries-1.16.5-0.17.12b.jar
* tinyredstone-1.16.5-1.12.0.jar
* tombstone-6.6.1-1.16.5.jar
* valhelsia_core-16.0.13a.jar
* WitherSkeletonTweaks-1.16.5-5.4.1.jar
* xnet-1.16-3.0.14.jar
* XNetGases-1.16.5-2.3.8.jar
* ZYCraft-1.16.5-3.1.29.jar
### Other Changes:
* Updated Forge to 36.2.19.
* Potion charms are no longer repairable.
* Removed creative mana tablet recipe.
* Disable Polymorph integration with RS and AE2.
* Unify Zycraft aluminium block.
* Add I&F dragon drops to Woot.
* Add bees + I&F mobs to Stabilized Spawner blacklist.
* Remove Botania functional flowers from void miner.
* Fixed recipe conflict between Mekanism and Pneumaticraft plastic blocks

**Full Changelog**:

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
### Release 1.8.12
### Mod Downgrades:
* polymorph-forge-1.16.5-0.25.jar

**Full Changelog**:

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### Release 1.8.13
### Other Changes:
* Removed Enderchests and Ender Tank Recipes to Convert to EnderStorage

**Full Changelog**:

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
### Release 1.8.2
### Other Changes:
* Miscellaneous fixes for the Draconic and Awakened bees
* Fixed Creative quest
* Removed Explosive Arrow
* Added Ender Dragon to Woot loot table

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
### Release 1.8.3
### Other Changes:
* Mythic Botany errors with world/dimension creation
* Salt/Aquamarine bee spawns
* Bees now spawn in groups of 1-2 bees instead of 1-3
* Salt and Aquamarine bees now spawn in a lot more biomes and have twice the spawn chances to make it easier to find
* Menril Logs and Enriched Menril Logs will now count as the same block when using FTB Ultimine
* Correctly added the Ghastly bee
* Correctly added the Woot farms for Ender Dragon and Gaia bosses
* Fixed Powah energizing orb requiring 1 FE
* Downgraded Lighting Wand to fix an unknown issue causing the light blocks to not emit light anymore after a certain number have already been placed

For the Ultimine changes, you will have to add `/defaultconfigs/ftbultimine-server.snbt` to your `/saves/world/serverconfig/` folder. You might have to do the same with the Refined Storage file, if you haven't, to get the buffed Controller capacity.

25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
### Release 1.8.4
### Mod Additions:
* Crafting Station
* FindMe
### Other Changes:
* Re-made all the tooltips to look better and added more tooltips
* Re-made many quests, with new additions
* Removed Star Metal and Rock Crystal from Void Miner loot table
* Removed ATM Star and Alloy Dust form catalyst, it is now replaced by AllTheCatalystium
* Added Thermal Insulator compatibility for missing MA seeds
* Added recipe for Crushed Platinum to be washed into nuggets
* Changed some recipes to use the ATM Star Shard instead of the ATM Star
* Changed Void Miner loot table to ATO ores
* Changed Asphalt recipe to give more
* Changed Framed Blocks recipes entirely
* Changed Storage Drawers recipe to use any stone
* Changed the Tinkers Crafting Station to reflect the addition of standalone station
* Fixed recipe for Blaze Rod using Enrichment Chamber
* Unified Rubies to ProjectRed Ruby
* Obsidian Bee got a new Obsidian texture
* Buffed Awakened and Chaotic Bees

**Full Changelog**:

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
### Release 1.8.5
### Mod Additions:
* Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals
* PonderJS
* Legendary Tooltips
* Advancement Plaques
### Other Changes:
* Fixed SOL-Carrot giving 10 hearts
* Fixed Forge Stone issues
* Added PonderJS scenes for Creative Energy Cube and ATM Star Shard
* Added textures to Uru Metals
* Added Cotton Candy bee (Transbee)
* Added tooltips to Pipez pipes and upgrades
* Unified Sawdust, Sulfur and Plastic
* Removed old Pipez recipe

**Full Changelog**:

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions changelog/
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
### Release 1.8.6
### Mod Additions:
* Translocators 1.8+
* Hammer Lib
### Mod Removals:
* AE2 Wireless Terminals
* Curious Elytra
* Perpetual Durability
### Other Changes:
* Removed original Cotton Candy Bee per original authors request, replaced with new version
* Added Ancient Debris processing to Create
* Added packing/unpacking of Dimensional Blank Block
* Updated ToolTips
* Unified Diamond Dusts
* Unified Coal Coke
* Revert Megatorch recipe
* Revert some recipes changed that used ATM Star Shard
* Revert several "expert creep" recipes added see #2577
* Changed Ding to Ding on world load
* Changed Compact Machines to use Miniaturization instead of 3x3 crafts
* Changed CM walls to use Allthemodium
* Changed some of the Pams Juices to use more items due to them having high food/saturation
* Fixed Dense Bees Traits

**Full Changelog**:


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