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This is a Yocto build layer(version:dunfell) that provides support for the RZ/G2 Group of 64bit Arm-based MPUs and RZ/Five 64bit RISC-V based MPU from Renesas Electronics. Currently the following boards and MPUs are supported:

  • Board: EK874 / MPU: R8A774C0 (RZ/G2E)
  • Board: HIHOPE-RZG2M / MPU: R8A774A1 (RZ/G2M v1.3) and R8A774A3 (RZ/G2M v3.0)
  • Board: HIHOPE-RZG2N / MPU: R8A774B1 (RZG2N)
  • Board: HIHOPE-RZG2H / MPU: R8A774E1 (RZG2H)
  • Board: RZG2L SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G044L (RZ/G2L)
  • Board: RZG2L Development Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G044L (RZ/G2L)
  • Board: RZG2LC SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G044C (RZ/G2LC)
  • Board: RZG2LC Development Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G044C (RZ/G2L)
  • Board: RZG2UL SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G043U (RZ/G2UL)
  • Board: RZG2UL Development Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G043U (RZ/G2UL)
  • Board: RZV2L SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G054L (RZ/V2L)
  • Board: RZV2L Development Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G054L (RZ/V2L)
  • Board: RZFive SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G043F (RZ/Five)
  • Board: RZFive SMARC Evaluation Kit / MPU: R9A07G043F (RZ/Five)


To contribute to this layer you should email patches to [email protected]. Please send .patch files as email attachments, not embedded in the email body.


This layer depends on:

URI: git://
layers: meta, meta-poky, meta-yocto-bsp
branch: dunfell
revision: aa0073041806c9f417a33b0b7f747d2a86289eda
(tag: dunfell-23.0.21)

URI: git://
layers: meta-oe, meta-python, meta-multimedia
branch: dunfell
revision: 7952135f650b4a754e2255f5aa03973a32344123

layers: meta-gplv2
branch: dunfell
revision: 60b251c25ba87e946a0ca4cdc8d17b1cb09292ac

(Optional: core-image-qt)
layers: meta-qt5
revision: c1b0c9f546289b1592d7a895640de103723a0305

(Optional: Docker)
layers: meta-virtualization
branch: dunfell
revision: a63a54df3170fed387f810f23cdc2f483ad587df

Build Instructions

Assume that $WORK is the current working directory. The following instructions require a Poky installation (or equivalent).

Below git configuration is required:

    $ git config --global "[email protected]"
    $ git config --global "Your Name"

Download proprietary graphics and multimedia drivers from Renesas. To download Multimedia and Graphics library and related Linux drivers, please use the following link:


Please choose correct packages that matches with your MPU. Graphic drivers are required for Wayland. Multimedia drivers are optional. After downloading the proprietary package, please decompress them then put meta-rz-features folder at $WORK.

Below is the combination of Codec/Graphics library with BSP released versions:

1. RZ/G2{H,M,N,E}:

BSP Version Codec Version Graphics Version
3.0.0 - 3.0.2 1.0 1.0
3.0.3 1.0.1 1.0.1

2. RZ/G2{L,LC,UL} and RZ/V2L:

BSP Version Codec Version Graphics Version
3.0.0 0.58 1.2
3.0.1 1.0 1.3
3.0.2 1.0.1 1.4
3.0.3 1.1.0 1.0.5(*1)

(*1) Please note that the naming rule of version is changed from the release. v1.0.5 is newer version of v1.4.

You can get all Yocto build environment from Renesas, or download all Yocto related public source to prepare the build environment as below.

    $ git clone
    $ cd poky
    $ git checkout dunfell-23.0.21
    $ cd ..
    $ git clone
    $ cd meta-openembedded
    $ git checkout 7952135f650b4a754e2255f5aa03973a32344123
    $ cd ..
    $ git clone
    $ cd meta-gplv2 
    $ git checkout 60b251c25ba87e946a0ca4cdc8d17b1cb09292ac
    $ cd ..
    $ git clone
    $ cd meta-renesas
    $ git checkout <tag>
    $ cd ..
    $ git clone
    $ cd meta-qt5
    $ git checkout -b tmp c1b0c9f546289b1592d7a895640de103723a0305
    $ cd ..
    $ git clone -b dunfell
    $ cd meta-virtualization
    $ git checkout a63a54df3170fed387f810f23cdc2f483ad587df
    $ cd ..

<tag> can be selected in any tags of meta-renesas. Now the latest version is BSP-3.0.x or BSP-3.0.x-updatey if any new updates are applied.

Currently, there are 2 types of build procedure supported in below description:

1. New build procedure (Recommended):

  • Initialize a build using the 'oe-init-build-env' script in Poky and point TEMPLATECONF to platform conf path. e.g.:
    $ TEMPLATECONF=$PWD/meta-renesas/meta-<platform>/docs/template/conf/ source poky/oe-init-build-env build
  • To build Docker (optional), Codec or Graphics, QT5, add necessary layers:
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-openembedded/meta-networking
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-virtualization
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rz-features/meta-rz-codecs
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rz-features/meta-rz-graphics
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rz-features/meta-qt5
  • Build the target file system image using bitbake:
    $ MACHINE=<board> bitbake core-image-<target>

<platform> and <board> can be selected in below table:

Renesas MPU platform board
RZ/G2H rzg2h hihope-rzg2h
RZ/G2M rzg2h hihope-rzg2m
RZ/G2N rzg2h hihope-rzg2n
RZ/G2E rzg2h ek874
RZ/G2L rzg2l smarc-rzg2l, rzg2l-dev
RZ/G2LC rzg2l smarc-rzg2lc, rzg2lc-dev
RZ/G2UL rzg2l smarc-rzg2ul, rzg2ul-dev
RZ/V2L rzv2l smarc-rzv2l, rzv2l-dev
RZ/Five rzfive smarc-rzfive, rzfive-dev

2. Build procedure for legacy users (common procedure):

  • Initialize a build using the 'oe-init-build-env' script in Poky. e.g.:
    $ source poky/oe-init-build-env
  • Prepare default configuration files. :
    $ cp $WORK/meta-renesas/docs/template/conf/<board>/*.conf ./conf/

<board>: can be selected in any platforms:

  • RZ/G2H: hihope-rzg2h
  • RZ/G2M: hihope-rzg2m
  • RZ/G2N: hihope-rzg2n
  • RZ/G2E: ek874
  • RZ/G2L: smarc-rzg2l, rzg2l-dev
  • RZ/G2LC: smarc-rzg2lc, rzg2lc-dev
  • RZ/G2UL: smarc-rzg2ul, rzg2ul-dev
  • RZ/V2L: smarc-rzv2l, rzv2l-dev
  • RZ/Five: smarc-rzfive, rzfive-dev
  • Build the target file system image using bitbake:
    $ bitbake core-image-<target>
  • To build Docker (optional): comment out a line in conf/local.conf:
    DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = " docker"

<target> for 2 built types:

  • RZ/Five: bsp
  • Others: bsp, weston, qt

After completing the images for the target machine will be available in the output directory 'tmp/deploy/images/<supported board name>'.

Images generated:

  • Image (generic Linux Kernel binary image file)
  • DTB for target machine
  • core-image-<target>-<machine name>.tar.bz2 (rootfs tar+bzip2)
  • core-image-<target>-<machine name>.ext4 (rootfs ext4 format)

Build Instructions for SDK

Use bitbake -c populate_sdk for generating the toolchain SDK: For 64-bit target SDK (aarch64):

    $ bitbake core-image-weston -c populate_sdk

The SDK can be found in the output directory 'tmp/deploy/sdk'

Usage of toolchain SDK: Install the SDK to the default: /opt/poky/x.x For 64-bit target SDK:

    $ sh

For 64-bit application use environment script in /opt/poky/x.x

    $ source /opt/poky/x.x/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux

Build configs

It is possible to change some build configs as below:

  • GPLv3: choose to not allow, or allow, GPLv3 packages
    • Non-GPLv3 (default): not allow GPLv3 license. All recipes that has GPLv3 license will be downgrade to older version that has alternative license (done by meta-gplv2). In this setting customer can ignore the risk of strict license GPLv3
    • Allow-GPLv3: allow GPLv3 license. If user is fine with strict copy-left license GPLv3, can use this setting to get newer software version.
  • CIP Core: choose the version of CIP Core to build with. CIP Core are software packages that are maintained for long term by CIP community. You can select by changing "CIP_MODE".
    • Buster (default): use as many packages from CIP Core Buster as possible.
    CIP_MODE = "Buster"
    • Bullseye: use as many packages from CIP Core Bullseye.
    CIP_MODE = "Bullseye"
    • None CIP Core: not use CIP Core at all, use all default version from Yocto 3.1 Dunfell
    CIP_MODE = "None" or unset CIP_MODE
  • QT Demo: choose QT5 Demonstration to build with core-image-qt. QT5 Demos are some applications to demonstrate QT5 framework.
    • Unset QT_DEMO (default): all QT5 Demos are not built with core-image-qt.
    #QT_DEMO = "1"
    • Allow QT_DEMO: all QT5 Demos are built and included in core-image-qt.
    QT_DEMO = "1"
  • Realtime Linux: choose realtime characteristic of Linux kernel to build with. You can enable this feature by setting the value "1" to IS_RT_BSP variable in local.conf:
    IS_RT_BSP = "1"


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