This application analysis the results of a race by a log file containing each driver lap status. The application is a command-line application built-in Golang and all the data is persisted on the memory of the runtime.
When the application statrts is going to be promped to inform a few information needed to perform the race log analysis:
- Path of the file: Here you must inform where on your OS is stored the file that this application must analyze.
The file must be with the following format:
Local Time Racer Lap Lap Time Average Speed on the lap
23:49:08.277 038 – F.MASSA 1 1:02 852 44,275
23:49:10.858 033 – R.BARRICHELLO 1 1:04.352 43,243
23:49:11.075 002 – K.RAIKKONEN 1 1:04.108 43,408
23:49:12.667 023 – M.WEBBER 1 1:04.414 43,202
23:49:30.976 015 – F.ALONSO 1 1:18.456 35,47
23:50:11.447 038 – F.MASSA 2 1:03.170 44,053
23:50:14.860 033 – R.BARRICHELLO 2 1:04.002 43,48
23:50:15.057 002 – K.RAIKKONEN 2 1:03.982 43,493
23:50:17.472 023 – M.WEBBER 2 1:04.805 42,941
23:50:37.987 015 – F.ALONSO 2 1:07.011 41,528
23:51:14.216 038 – F.MASSA 3 1:02.769 44,334
23:51:18.576 033 – R.BARRICHELLO 3 1:03.716 43,675
23:51:19.044 002 – K.RAIKKONEN 3 1:03.987 43,49
23:51:21.759 023 – M.WEBBER 3 1:04.287 43,287
23:51:46.691 015 – F.ALONSO 3 1:08.704 40,504
23:52:01.796 011 – S.VETTEL 1 3:31.315 13,169
23:52:17.003 038 – F.MASS 4 1:02.787 44,321
23:52:22.586 033 – R.BARRICHELLO 4 1:04.010 43,474
23:52:22.120 002 – K.RAIKKONEN 4 1:03.076 44,118
23:52:25.975 023 – M.WEBBER 4 1:04.216 43,335
23:53:06.741 015 – F.ALONSO 4 1:20.050 34,763
23:53:39.660 011 – S.VETTEL 2 1:37.864 28,435
23:54:57.757 011 – S.VETTEL 3 1:18.097 35,633
Note: In the file you must remove the header line.
- Total number of laps on the race: This is used to know if a racer ended or not the race.
After the execution, is going to be printing something like this on the console:
To run this application you can run it by Docker or with golang (you must have it installed on your machine).
The commands to run by golang are:
go mod download
go install
go build
Or by Docker:
docker build -t f1-race-analysis:latest .
docker run -it f1-race-analysis:latest