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disables the block damage from the matter cannon as well as from tiny tnt
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micrwvae committed Aug 17, 2024
1 parent b3599a6 commit 91d83bb
Showing 1 changed file with 171 additions and 0 deletions.
171 changes: 171 additions & 0 deletions config/ae2-common.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
unsupportedDeveloperTools = false
#Enables the ability of the Matter Cannon to break blocks.
matterCannonBlockDamage = false
#Enables the ability of Tiny TNT to break blocks.
tinyTntBlockDamage = false
#Changes the channel capacity that cables provide in AE2.
#Allowed Values: INFINITE, DEFAULT, X2, X3, X4
channels = "DEFAULT"
#The number of pathfinding steps that are taken per tick and per grid that is booting. Lower numbers will mean booting takes longer, but less work is done per tick.
#Range: 1 ~ 1024
pathfindingStepsPerTick = 4
#Whether Spatial Anchors should force random chunk ticks and entity spawning.
spatialAnchorEnableRandomTicks = true

#Range: > -2147483648
formationPlaneEntityLimit = 128

#Unsupported: Allows whitelisting block entities as facades. Could work, have render issues, or corrupt your world. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
allowBlockEntities = false

#Range: > -2147483648
craftingCalculationTimePerTick = 5

#Enable shift-clicking with the crafting units in hand to disassemble them.
disassemblyCrafting = true
#Number of ticks between two crystal growth accelerator ticks
#Range: 1 ~ 100
growthAccelerator = 10
#If enabled, an annihilation placed face up at the maximum world height will generate sky stone passively.
annihilationPlaneSkyDustGeneration = true

#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
spatialPowerMultiplier = 1250.0
#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
spatialPowerExponent = 1.35

blockUpdateLog = false
craftingLog = false
debugLog = false
gridLog = false
#Enable stack trace logging for the chunk loading debug command
chunkLoggerTrace = false

#The chargers charging rate factor, which is applied to the charged items charge rate. 2 means it charges everything twice as fast. 0.5 half as fast.
#Range: 0.1 ~ 10.0
chargerChargeRate = 1.0
#Range: > -2147483648
wirelessTerminal = 1600000
#Range: > -2147483648
chargedStaff = 8000
#Range: > -2147483648
entropyManipulator = 200000
#Range: > -2147483648
portableCell = 20000
#Range: > -2147483648
colorApplicator = 20000
#Range: > -2147483648
matterCannon = 200000

spawnPressesInMeteorites = true
spawnFlawlessOnly = false

#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
wirelessBaseCost = 8.0
#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
wirelessCostMultiplier = 1.0
#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
wirelessBaseRange = 16.0
#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier = 1.0
#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
wirelessBoosterExp = 1.5
#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
wirelessHighWirelessCount = 64.0
#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier = 1.0

#Allow disassembly of portable cells into the recipe ingredients using shift+right-click
allowDisassembly = true

#Range: 4.9E-324 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
forgeEnergy = 0.5
#Range: 0.01 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
usageMultiplier = 1.0
#How much energy can the internal grid buffer storage per node attached to the grid.
#Range: 1.0 ~ 1000000.0
gridEnergyStoragePerNode = 25.0
#How much energy a crystal resonance generator generates per tick.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0
crystalResonanceGeneratorRate = 20.0

#Range: > -2147483648
matterBalls = 256
#Range: > -2147483648
singularity = 256000

# Min / Max Tickrates for dynamic ticking, most of these components also use sleeping, to prevent constant ticking, adjust with care, non standard rates are not supported or tested.
#Range: > -2147483648
InterfaceMin = 5
#Range: > -2147483648
InterfaceMax = 120
#Range: > -2147483648
ImportBusMin = 5
#Range: > -2147483648
ImportBusMax = 40
#Range: > -2147483648
ExportBusMin = 5
#Range: > -2147483648
ExportBusMax = 60
#Range: > -2147483648
AnnihilationPlaneMin = 2
#Range: > -2147483648
AnnihilationPlaneMax = 120
#Range: > -2147483648
METunnelMin = 5
#Range: > -2147483648
METunnelMax = 20
#Range: > -2147483648
InscriberMin = 1
#Range: > -2147483648
InscriberMax = 20
#Range: > -2147483648
ChargerMin = 10
#Range: > -2147483648
ChargerMax = 10
#Range: > -2147483648
IOPortMin = 1
#Range: > -2147483648
IOPortMax = 5
#Range: > -2147483648
VibrationChamberMin = 10
#Range: > -2147483648
VibrationChamberMax = 40
#Range: > -2147483648
StorageBusMin = 5
#Range: > -2147483648
StorageBusMax = 60
#Range: > -2147483648
ItemTunnelMin = 5
#Range: > -2147483648
ItemTunnelMax = 60
#Range: > -2147483648
LightTunnelMin = 5
#Range: > -2147483648
LightTunnelMax = 60

#Settings for the Vibration Chamber
#AE energy produced per fuel burn tick (reminder: coal = 1600, block of coal = 16000, lava bucket = 20000 burn ticks)
#Range: 0.1 ~ 1000.0
baseEnergyPerFuelTick = 5.0
#Minimum amount of AE/t the vibration chamber can slow down to when energy is being wasted.
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
minEnergyPerGameTick = 4
#Maximum amount of AE/t the vibration chamber can speed up to when generated energy is being fully consumed.
#Range: 1 ~ 1000
baseMaxEnergyPerGameTick = 40

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