#Predictive Models Challenge
On December 17, 2015, the Tech Tank Data Science Cohort met to kickoff their class. What is Tech Tank? The Tech Tank Data Science Program Playbook says it very well:
The Tech Tank is designed to rapidly build a pool of high-demand data scientists in an innovative and differentiated way. The Program will produce:
- A highly networked and visible cadre of high potential junior data science talent
- Emerging leaders whose functional expertise is complemented with consulting skills
- Professionals who can be deployed against clients’ most complex problems
This kickoff event included a Predictive Models Challenge. The cohort formed into teams of 4-5 people. Using a predefined challenge and data sets, each team was asked to plot the distributions of each possible outcome to create a predictive model and present results to their colleagues. The challenge had to objectives:
- Demonstrate ability to synthesize disparate data to develop a predictability model
- Demonstrate ability to collaborate successfully in a team to accomplish objectives in a timely manner
Teams were offered two different challenges to choose from. This repo contains the code for some of the solutions developed by the teams. Here is a description of both challanges:
##Titanic Challenge
- Create a simple model for predicting the survivability of passengers on the historic Titanic disaster
- Plot the distributions of each of the possible factors that could influence survival/non survival
- Identify thresholds in the distributions to build a model that predicts survival/non survival
Additional details and datasets - https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic
##Random Acts of Pizza
- Create a simple model for predicting whether or not a person will receive a free pizza based on the text of their pizza request on the raopredditmessage boards
- Plot the distributions of each of the possible factors that could influence the gift of pizza
- Identify thresholds in the distributions to build a model that predicts pizza or no pizza
Additional details and datasets - https://www.kaggle.com/c/random-acts-of-pizza