v7.0.6-alpha for Minecraft 1.21.1
Ender IO 7.0.6-alpha
This build is also compatible with Minecraft 1.21.
Note Mekanism on 1.21 is not compatible with Ender IO. To use these together you must update to 1.21.1.
- Re-add IO Config show/hide neighbour button
Bug Fixes
- Soul vial deleted when capturing using the first slot of a dispenser.
- Ensure isSmelting is synced for alloy smelter recipes.
- Do not show smelting recipes for the primitive alloy smelter in JEI.
- Recipe input filtering is now based on alloy smelter mode.
- Smelting recipes not inherited when KubeJS is in use.
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Ensure all modules have a valid jar manifest.