A scouting application for Team 1280.
After cloning, create a config file. The config file should include:
"data": "location to store scouted data",
"headers": [
// Any headers that should be shown on default when viewing data
"averages": [
// Any columns in the data that should also have corresponding team- and alliance-wide averages during team lookup and predictions.
"weights": {
// Dictionary of weights in ScoutingPASS for all averaged data when calculating win probabilities
"stages": [
// List of stages in the game
// eg. "premature", "auton", "teleop", "endgame"
"PASS": {
// ScoutingPASS config
"PASSConfigPath": "Path to where ScoutingPASS config should be written/overwritten",
"keys": {
// Dictionary of keys in ScoutingPASS data and their corresponding display names
After, run yarn build PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE
, and yarn start PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE HOST
. For example:
> yarn build ./config.json
> yarn start ./config.json localhost # if no host is specified, defaults to localhost
Server running at http://localhost:3000/
Scouting P.A.S.S. Server running at http://localhost:8000/