Wrote this a while back. Micro$uck never responded to my email, consider this repsonsible.
Can disable any antivirus at boot. Works with any system protected process but is most applicable to AVs.
A race condition allows us to start an anti-malware service and replace it's access token with one corresponding to a supremely deprivileged security context.
Creates WMI filter/consumer to start on boot before svchost.exe
: https://github.com/pulpocaminante/PPL-0day/blob/main/AntiAV.hpp
This results in our payload being executed as the SYSTEM user, which then has full privileges to modify the security context of a paused protected child process.
PoC for starting the process paused, replacing the token and resuming it: https://github.com/pulpocaminante/PPL-0day/blob/main/PPL_Start.hpp
The rest of the files are just dependencies.
Requires phnt headers: https://github.com/winsiderss/phnt
For more info on PPLs: