I am a piano looking guy, tall in complexion, Chocolate in height, who loves playing handsome ...
Also a self proclaimed security researcher, builder, tinkerer, an avid lover of Free Open Source Software (FOSS), Security Enthusiast, passionate about SECURITY across ALL PLATFORMS, yes, am that crazy, a strong believer of giving back to the community, into all things privyTECH, FinTECH, and an advocate of TECH for SECURITY ...
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help 😃:
- 📬 How to reach me: Let's get in touch!
- 🌱 Currently learning Rust, Flutter, and Desktop App development with Tauri
- 🔭 FrontEnd Development with AstrO, ReactJS, RemixJS, NextJS, Tauri.
- 🔭 Backend Engineer (Golang, NodeJs[Express], Python).
- 🤔 I mostly dabble in blockchain related stuff.
- 🔭 Expert in Chrome and Browser APIs for buiding Chrome, Safari, Edge, firefox, and other Browser Extensions.
- 🔭 Web Scraping and Data Wrangling/Cleaning with Python (and it's extensive libraries), Sql, Selenium.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Web3, Web2, Mobile and Desktop development.
- 📫 Connect with me on : Twitter, LinkedIn, and good ol mail
- Local Table Tennis (ping pong) champ.
- Local Pool(Snookers) champ.
- I love breaking things(WebApps) ... Please tell me it was built with laravel
☺️ . - I feel you're missing out if you don't like classical music 😀
- Lover of all things mandiant 😀.
- Build Bots for fun and profit.
- Mavin Gaye is awesome
- CTF player.
- Top 20 CyberTalent Leaderboard National level. (don't ask for my global rank, lol)
- Backend Developer, Frontend Developer, Software Developer, Junior Engineer ... who knows 🤷
Thanks for checking out my profile.