Let your players have their own island with this GriefPreventionPlus extension.
- Automated island creation, regeneration, disposal
- All GriefPreventionPlus features are available, such as the /trust command
- Players can teleport to other players island (if allowed by the island owner)
- Players can set a biome for each block, chunk, or the entire island
- Configurable island radius (up to 255 blocks)
- Compatible with ForgeRestrictor and GriefPreventionPlus-Cities
- /is help - shows the ingame help
- /is reset - resets your island
- /is spawn (PlayerName) - teleports to your island or the specified player's island
- /is setspawn - sets your island's spawn at your current location
- /is setbiome (island|chunk|block) (biome) - sets the biome of your island
- /is biomelist - list allowed biomes that can be used with setbiome
- /is setradius (radius) (island) - sets the radius of the specified island
- EverNifeCore plugin (not public, sorry T.T)
- Bukkit 1.7.10 or higher (works with kCauldron!)
- GriefPreventionPlus 12.18 or higher
- WorldEdit v6.0 or higher