A bar chart is used to display a distribution of data points or compare metric values across different subgroups of your data.
We can customize the color, border, and width of the bar chart using the Palette,Interior, Stroke, and StrokeThickness properties respectively.
We can add any view to the plot area using Watermark support, which is useful for adding any relevant data.
SfChart supports annotations, which allow you to mark specific areas of interest in the chart. You can add shapes, text, and images using annotations.
This article demonstrates how to create a WPF multiple bar chart to compare and visualize the superpower status of the U.S. and China. Discover which country leads in various metrics and gain insights into their global influence.

If you encounter a path too long exception when building this example project, close Visual Studio and rename the repository to a shorter name before building the project.
For a step-by-step procedure, refer to the Which Country is the World’s #1 Superpower? blog.