Gruvbox Plus is the icon pack for Linux, based on and inspired by:
- Suru++
- OneDark
- Gruvbox icon pack
- GruvboxMateria
- Papirus
- and original Breeze Dark from KDE.
Gruvbox Plus is using color scheme from Gruvbox.
You can download Icon pack from different sources:
Go to the releases page and choose the zip file from the latest version.
Download the icon pack from Your system's icon manager settings. For example in KDE, open System Settings -> Colours & Themes -> Icons and click "Get New..." where You can search for Gruvbox Plus.
If You want the latest icons You have to clone the whole repository:
git clone https://github.com/SylEleuth/gruvbox-plus-icon-pack.git
If You downloaded the zip file from releases page.
Unpack it and copy content of the folder to Your home/.local/share/icons/ directory.
cp -rv Gruvbox-Plus-Dark ~/.local/share/icons
or soft link git repository:
ln -s path/to/repository/Gruvbox-Plus-Dark ~/.local/share/icons/Gruvbox-Plus-Dark
You could then just use
git pull
to download files added since the latest pull.
There are two available variants:
- Gruvbox Dark - light symbolic icons for dark themes
- Gruvbox Light - dark symbolic icons for light themes
If You are KDE Plasma user You can safely use Gruvbox Dark
variant. Monochrome (symbolic) icons
will change automatically depending on the color scheme.
There are 24 colors that You can choose from:
Plasma is a a special variant for KDE Plasma users. You can change color straight from System Settings: Colours & Themes -> Colours.
If You are using different Desktop Environment You can easily change the folder's color with special script
(thanks to akarzim). Script is located in the scripts
of the repository. It does not come with the release package so You would have to download it separately.
Change script's permission:
chmod +x folders-color-chooser.sh
then run it (it will work from any location, it doesn't have to be placed in icons directory):
./folders-color-chooser -c <color>
More details:
folders-color-chooser [-c | --color=<color>] [-C | --reset-color]
folders-color-chooser [-h | --help]
folders-color-chooser [-l | --list]
-c, --color=<color> set the new folders color
-C, --reset-color reset folder color to plasma
-h, --help show this help
-l, --list list available colors
If You don't want to use the script, there is a folder called folders
where You will find
all color sets grouped separately. Just replace places/scalable
directory with any chosen
If You'll find a missing icon please open a new issue and give as much information as You can:
- If it's a program, please provide name and link to the website or repository page.
- If You can, find a link to the original svg icon.
- Link to .desktop file (located in .local/share/applications or /usr/share/applications folder) and output of the xprop.
If You want to create new icons Yourself or modify existing ones please read how to do that HERE.
If You have any questions, suggestions or propositions please use Discussions page.
Icon pack lacks of linux repositories maintainers. Any repository. So if You are willing to step up to the task Your service will be much appreciated.
If You downloaded the icon pack or if You just liked it please star the repository for visibility and as appreciation gesture.
- GPL3 © 2021-2024 Gruvbox Plus by Sylwia Ptasinska.
- CC BY-SA/GPL3 © 2018-2019 Suru Icons by Sam Hewitt.
- GPL3 © 2018-2019 Suru++ Ubuntu by Andrea Bonanni and Gustavo Costa.
- GPL3 © 2018-2019 Suru++ 25 by Gustavo Costa.
- GPL3 © Tela by Vince Liuice
- GPL3 © Papirus by Alexey Varfolomeev.
- GPL3 © Numix by Numix Team.
- GPL3/MIT © 2015-2019 La Capitaine by Keefer Rourke.
- GPL3 © One Dark by Adhe