This is a simple script that will stop and start Droplet instances if it fails to GET a particular URL. This is useful for maintaining Droplet instances that are not behind a load balancer.
graph TD
A[Start] --> B[Initialize variables]
B --> C[Enter while loop]
C --> D{URL reachable for T amount?}
D -->|Yes| C
D -->|No| E[Restart the EC2 server<br>handle unreachable URL]
E --> C
Since whole point is to maintain Droplet instnace. this is made to be hosted on a different machine. that have no connection to the Droplet instance you are monitoring.
You can get digitalocean_token from Application & API page.
"i-03cdcee6a9ea8be78": {
"location": {
"url": "",
"headers": {},
"response_code" : 200,
"timeout" : 10
"digitalocean_token": "",
"interval": 60,
"tolerance" : 10,
"discord": ""
pip install -r requirements.txt
@reboot cd /root/droplet_maitainer && nohup python3 &