- It's a web utility which allows you to add your daily expenses, commodity along with their price, and keep track of them.
- It also provides you the functionality to set the category e.g. Education, Food, Shoping, Healthcare, etc for you expense.
- You can add as much commodities you want and even on refreshing your commoditie's data won't loose.
The Web Application is created using following technologies and features.
|_ React.Js - FrontEnd Library
|_ Redux - State Management Tool
|_ React Routers - Routing Library
|_ React Toastify, React Modals
|_ Javascript
|_ CSS
• The image at the center shows, no commodity has been added yet.
• There is a search bar to search the commodity and an Add Button which takes you to another page where you can add commodity.
• Here You can add your commodities along with their price and category.
• Enter commoditi's name, price and select the category.
• To add you expense-commodity click on Add button.
• After clicking on Add button, a modal will appear showing that "your expense added successfully".
• Home button on Modal lets you move to the landing page consisting list of expense-commodities added by you.
• This is the same landing page, image component gets exchanged by expense list component.
• The page shows you the commodities that were added at "Add Expense Page".
• It also shows the timeperiod when the commodity had been added.
• The commodity can be deleted on clicking delete button.
• The Routing Process doesn't work on GitHub-Pages, thus gh-pages deployed version would not be able to preview,