Notebooks to train and reproduce results in "Normalizing Flows for Random Fields in Cosmology"
train_rnvp_Gaussian.ipynb for the Gaussian fields, train_rnvp_nonGaussian.ipynb for the non-Gaussian fields, and train_rnvp_nbody.ipynb for the N-body fields
The hyperparameters easily adjustable for each notebook are n_layers (the number of flow transformations), hidden_sizes (the depth of the CNNs), kernel_size, batch_size, and base_lr.
priormode = "whitenoise" is uncorrelated Gaussian prior. priormode = "correlated" is a correlated Gaussian prior.
The loss (and validation for N-body notebook) is printed after every N_epoch number of training steps.
Requirements for all notebooks: NumPy, pickle, PyTorch 1.5 or greater, PyLab, SciPy, quicklens (provided is an updated version of quicklens for Python 3)
Additional requirement for N-body notebook: 2D Quijote density fields; instructions at
The data is read in the N-body notebook with, line 166. Quijote patches should be saved in data/patches, or change fname_train and fname_validation depending on how Quijote data is saved.