Filippos (solo)
Poker simulator People can join anytime, and play with whatever money they have in their balance. will start with a simpler guessing game, that will have shared board memory, and records of each player's win/losses.
simply do "make start_server", in one terminal tab that starts the server running. next, in a player tab, run "make"
you will be prompted to log in or sign in. (on mac it was working, but on the lab computers it seems that the pipe behavior is different) If you sign up without having signed up before, you username and password will be added to the database, and successfully signed in. If you login in with the correct username and password, you will be successfully logged in. If you log in without having signed up, or signed up with an account with the same name, you will be re-prompted.
You can type "close" and enter to shut down the server, in the server tab.
team number: 30