Make a clear list of features that work/dont work
✅ This feature works.
❓ This feature works partially.
☑️ This extra (beyond the things that the lab was supposed to do) feature works.
❌ This required feature does not work.
🪲 This is a bug that affects the game.
50 hp, 20 mana max, starts with half of manaMax
- Support move
- heals 20 hp and makes healed ally do 25% more damage
- Attack move
- 10 dmg to the target
- Special:
- consumes 10 mana and heals the target for 5-19 hp
- support:
- heals the healer themselves for 5-14 hp
50 hp, 30 mana max, starts with half of manaMax
- Wand
- Attack
- does 15 dmg
- Special
- consumes 10 mana and deals 20 damage
- support
- restores 5 special to the target
- or consumes 10 mana to restore 5 hp
120 hp Goblin King
- Attacks
- do 20 damage
- Supports
- loses 5 rage to heal the target for 15 hp
- Special
- does 20 damage