A feature add-on to get progress of running ffmpeg command.
$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/StillKonfuzed/cordova-plugin-ffmpeg-with-progress.git
$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/StillKonfuzed/cordova-plugin-ffmpeg-with-progress.git#android-only
ffmpeg.exec("-i file:///emulated/0/Downloads/meinput.mp4 -vn -c:a copy file:///emulated/0/Downloads/out.mp3", (success) => alert(success), (failure) => alert(failure));
//then ...
//pass "string" or "json" as response type
ffmpeg.progress("json", (progressDetails) => {
//if "json" =>
// {
// "frames": <number>,
// "fps": <number>,
// "size": <number>,
// "bitrate": <number>,
// "speed": <number>,
// "duration": <number>
// }
//if "string" => "Frames : 1234, Time: 100 sec, New Size: 700 MB, Speed: 1.5 x"
},(error) => {
console.log(error); // cannot get progress
Detailed instructions on main repo : MaximBelov