An easy to use hotel management system with minimal yet all essential fields of data required for managing members, rooms, bills data.
- Windows 10 and above
- Application has not been tested on other platforms
- python 3.5.x or above
- MySQL 5 or above
- mysql.connector
- tkinter
- Tabulate 0.8.9
Install python 3.x.x from and add it to path.
Clone the repository from the GitHub repo by entering git clone in command prompt (Windows)
Install the required libraries, by the following way: Install a specific library (for example tabulate), by entering the following in command prompt (Windows)
pip install tabulate
Install all the packages using the requirements.txt file by entering the following in command prompt (Windows), replacing with the actual path to the folder
pip install -r <path>\requirements.txt
Finally, execute by either double-clicking on it or by entering the following in command prompt (Windows), replacing with the actual path to the folder
python <path>\Chamberlain\
- Add member
- Search member based on various criteria
- Update member details
- See all the room details
- Search room by number or occupany status
- Check in / check from a room
- Generate bill
- Search bill(s) by bill number or membership ID